Getting ready for the Halloween Party!

Barry sat with baby Dawn in the bedroom. She was changed into the little Supergirl costume they got a couple of days ago. Kara shouted from the bathroom "babe, can you help, I need your help zipping this up". Barry chuckled and put Dawn in her cot and headed into the bathroom to see Kara in the custom made flash suit. Barry smiled from ear to ear and said "you are so hot in my suit". Kara blushed and smiled at Barry as she played with a strand of hair. She said "thanks babe, I'm definitely keeping this, maybe I can wear it to save people in sometimes as an alternate suit, just so people know that I'm yours". Barry smiled and said "ok, turn around so I can zip it up". Kara smirked and asked "do you want to stare at my butt Mr Allen, you should just ask that". Barry chuckled and said "babe, just turn around so I can zip it up". Kara smiled and said "sure Bar, stare all you want though". Barry laughed as she turned around. He zipped up the back of the suit and then wrapped his arms around her waist. Kara smiled and rested against Barry. She sighed in content and said "I love you so much". Barry smiled and said "I love you too Kara, and Dawn, she looks really good in her mummy's costume, she might even look better than you in it". Kara pouted and said "but..... But it's my suit". Barry smiled and said "yeah and this is my suit". He then whispered in her ear "and it looks great on you". Kara blushed and looked down. Barry chuckled and said "you look far better than I do in it". Kara smiled and turned around in Barry's arms to look at him. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pecked him on the lips. She said "well, maybe later, we can come home, and you can take it off me, and you can judge whether I look better in it or out it, then we can maybe have some fun". Barry smirked and said "oh definitely without it, without a doubt". Kara blushed more and smiled at Barry. She said "we can ask Joe if he can look after Dawn for tonight while we have our fun". Barry chuckled and said "sounds like a plan". Kara smiled and said "ok, now you have to get changed too, we need to get in and help set things up". Barry said "relax, we don't have to be in for another half an hour, I can speed change remember, we can just relax and maybe take a few photos of Dawn to embarrass her in the future". Kara giggled and said "we need a family photo". Barry chuckled and said "ok we will, I'm gonna change now ok, can you get the camera, it's downstairs in the..." . Kara said "yeah I remember". She pecked him On the lips again and said "he quick Bar". Barry smiled and shook his head.

Barry smiled and sped into his Halloween costume as Kara went downstairs for the camera. He smiled more and lifted Dawn up from her cot and headed downstairs. Kara smiled from ear to ear when she saw the two. She said "aww she is so cute, she is so adorable, we definitely made a beautiful baby girl". Barry smiled at Kara and said "yeah we did". Kara smiled more and said "are you dressed up as robin hood". Barry chuckled and said "no, Cisco made me this, it's my friend Oliver's suit, you know the Green Arrow that I told you about, you'll meet him later, he's coming through with his girlfriend Felicity, and one of his friends, John Diggle". Kara smiled and said "awesome, Alex, Winn, Eliza and J'onn should be here soon, it's nice that We're all getting together". Barry smiled and said "yes it is babe". Kara smiled more and said "also it's um, Thanksgiving soon, what are we gonna do for Thanksgiving". Barry smiled and said "um, well I usually celebrate with Joe". Kara nodded and said "you still can Bar, if you want, I'll come too, after all you are my family now". Barry chuckled and said "babe, that's my point exactly, we can have it here, we can invite Joe and Wally, and we can invite Eliza and Alex, both of our families here". Kara smiled more and said "oh my Rao you are amazing, we can ask them if they want to come tonight then". Barry nodded and said "yeah we can, it'll be nice". Kara smiled and nodded. She asked "are we doing the family photo now". Barry smiled and nodded. He said "one with the glasses, one without". Kara nodded and said "ok, I'm fine with that". Barry smiled and handed Dawn over to Kara. Kara asked "how are you gonna set it up, we don't have anything to stand it on so that we could do it with a timer". Barry smiled and rolled his eyes. He asked "are you forgetting that your boyfriend who you have known for half a year, been married too for ten months in an alternate timeline , and have been dating for four months is a speedster". Kara smiled and said "of course I haven't babe, it's just, how are you gonna time it right". Barry smiled and said "just stand here, smile that beautiful smile of yours and you'll see". Kara giggled and smiled as Barry set up the camera. He chuckled and said "say cheese". Kara smiled more. Barry smiled and set the timer and pushed the button. He then let go of the camera and sped beside Kara and wrapped his arm around her waist. He smiled at the camera and once the picture was taken, he sped back over and caught the camera before it even started to fall. He chuckled and said "wow that is a great picture". Kara smiled and said "let me see, let me see". Barry smiled and showed Kara the picture. Kara said "we so need to put that in the photo album and also have it hung up on the wall". Barry smiled and said "yeah we do, we'll do one more then we can get over to Star Labs ok". Kara nodded and stood back in the spot she was. Barry smiled and got ready to take another picture. He asked "ready". Kara nodded and said "yep".