Halloween Party!

Barry and Kara had arrived early in Star Labs with baby Dawn to help set everything up for the party. Cisco, Caitlin, Thawne, Jay, Nora, Joe and Wally were already here. The Legends had arrived and started joining in conversations with Team Flash. Sara smiled and said "hey Barry, thanks for inviting us, it's nice to get away from saving time for a change". Barry smiled and said "oh it's no problem". Sara asked "who is the hot blond". Kara beamed and said "I'm Barry's girlfriend, Kara, Kara Danvers". Sara smiled and said "go you Barry, I'm Sara Lance, so how'd you two meet". Kara said "oh well I was blasted out a window by one of my villains on my earth, Barry arrived on my earth and saved me". Sara asked "so you're a hero too". Kara nodded and said "yep". Sara asked "and the baby". Barry said "um, it's mine and Kara's". Sara asked "and how long have you two been together". Kara said "a couple of months". Barry said "before you ask, I, well I wasn't in the right place and I know I shouldn't have done it but, I..." . Sara said "you changed the timeline". Barry nodded and looked down a little. Sara said "hey it's fine, I know why you would do something like that, I'd do the same for my sister, Oliver tells me that because of Flashpoint, my sister is alive, so thanks Barry". Barry smiled slightly and nodded. Sara asked "what else changed". Barry said "not much, luckily, I mean Iris is with Eddie and she is pregnant, Wally grew up with us, and Thawne is a good guy now". Sara said "so it mostly worked out". Barry nodded and said "yeah". Sara smiled and said "well you guys have a cute baby, oh and don't tell Oliver but you look better in his suit". Barry chuckled and said "thanks, I won't tell him". Sara said "and your girlfriend looks better in your suit than you do". Barry said "oh I already know". Kara giggled and said "it was one of the first things he told me when I had it on". Barry said "well it's true". Kara smiled as she looked down with a red face. Sara said "you two are just so adorable, well I'll leave you guys alone, and congrats on the baby". Barry said "thanks Sara, and don't let Cisco rope into his idea of a game, he wants to do some Halloween heist, which is a horrible idea for us". Sara said "oh I won't unless it sounds like fun".

Kara and Barry smiled from ear to ear when J'onn, Alex, Eliza and Winn arrived. They walked over to talk to the group. Kara smiled and said "welcome to earth one". Winn smiled and said "you guys never told me how awesome it was to go through a breach". Barry chuckled and said "it can be quite trippy". Eliza said "it's so fascinating, I still can't believe that there are multiple earths". Alex smiled and said "oh my God, look at how big she is getting, she is so cute in your suit by the way". Kara giggled and said "it was Barry's idea". J'onn said "thanks for inviting us". Kara smiled and said "well we're happy to have everyone here, we weren't sure you were going to make it". J'onn said "things have been quiet, plus we don't see you much anymore". Kara smiled and said "that'll change once we merge our earths, it shouldn't be too hard, we just need to wait for the right moment". J'onn nodded and asked "are you getting faster Barry". Barry nodded and said "yeah, I've improved I can run at Mach 13 now, so I'm slowly getting there, and hopefully Savitar will be slower now, he had a boost in speed from his time in the speedforce, we haven't seen him in a couple of months now". Kara said "but we'll beat him, we always do, and Barry is getting faster, that's what matters, so is Thawne and Jay". Alex said "that's good to hear". Barry asked "have you guys found anything on Jeremiah yet". J'onn shook his head and said "nothing, whenever we find a new Cadmus base, it's been cleared out". Barry nodded and said "maybe we can come and help". Alex said "we really appreciate it Barry but you guys have your own problem here". Barry smiled and said "it's not a problem for us Alex and he is your father, and Kara's, it makes it my problem too". Alex smiled and said "you really got lucky Kara, fine, tomorrow, we can try but if Savitar shows up again, you guys are staying here". Kara said "maybe I should go, you can stay here with Dawn". Barry said "absolutely not, no chance, I'm coming too". Kara smiled a little and said "ok, but we are still doing that thing tonight right". Barry said "I wouldn't miss it". Kara giggled and nodded. She then smiled at the other four and said "um, there are snacks around and team Flash and Legends are here, we're just waiting on team arrow.... Who have arrived, we'll speak to you guys after we see them, just make yourself at home".

Barry and Kara headed over to see Felicity, Oliver and John entering the room. Felicity smiled and said "hey Barry, thanks for getting us out of Star City for a little while, who is this". Barry smiled and said "it's no problem Felicity and this is Kara". Felicity asked "Kara, as in the girl you told us about, your wife from flashpoint". Kara blushed and smiled at Barry. Barry smiled and said "it is the same Kara, but she is from earth 38 and we aren't married". Oliver added "yet". Barry smiled and said "yeah not yet". Kara smiled more and said "it's nice to meet you all". Oliver smiled and said "it's nice to meet you too, Dawn is so big now, it's only been a few months since I last saw her". Felicity gushed and said "I know right, she is gonna be bigger than her dad and she is so cute in the costume". Kara smiled and said "thanks guys, well everyone is here now, just a warning, so not let Cisco rope you into his Halloween heist idea". John chuckled and said "that wouldn't work". Oliver nodded and said "it would be a disaster". Barry chuckled and said "I hope you all enjoy yourselves though". Kara giggled and said "come on Mr Allen, we need to go party". Barry chuckled and said "ok Ms Danvers".