
Kara stared at Jeremiah in disbelief. She asked with a slight tone of anger "ho... How, how could you". Jeremiah was still frozen in disbelief that Kara was stood in front of him. Kara raised her voice and said angrily "we all thought you were dead, all of us, Eliza, Alex and me, but you aren't, and you're working with THEM". Barry pulled his mask down and took of a helmet. He said "Kara". Kara looked to Barry with tears in her eyes. She smiled a little at him and nodded. She took a deep breath and turned back to Jeremiah. She sniffed and said "we found out that you were alive, or at least you were possibly still alive months ago, Alex and J'onn have been trying to locate you since, we thought you were being held captive, or maybe even worse than just being a prisoner, but..." . Kara sniffed and said "but you.... You're working on something.... That could kill me or my cousin". Jeremiah said "it... It was the only way to keep you all safe Kara.... They threatened to kill you all if I didn't go along with it..... I've tried my best to slow down their progress on it, but I think they're starting to get suspicious, I don't want to do this... Honestly, I don't want them to hurt you or your cousin". Kara sniffed and asked "what happened to you". Jeremiah said "after everything that happened with Hank Henshaw and J'onn, I was close to dying, but Cadmus found me, they saved me and then forced me to start working for them otherwise they'd kill Eliza, and they'd kill Alex and you, I couldn't let that happen". Barry said "they're using you, this Doomsday, whatever it is, Kara and Clark won't stand a chance, they'll send it after them". Jeremiah said "I know, I know, I have tried everything to stop it, the project isn't near completion, it's nowhere near, but they will figure it out". Kara nodded and hugged Jeremiah. She sniffed and said "I've missed you so much". Jeremiah smiled a little and hugged back. He said "I've missed you too".

Barry smiled a little and stood by awkwardly, he then found himself being hugged by Kara not long after. Kara smiled and said "thanks for helping us find him Bar". Barry smiled and hugged Kara back. He said "Kara, you don't ever have to thank me". Kara smiled and said "I always have to thank you Bar". Jeremiah cleared his throught and asked "who are you anyway". Barry smiled nervously and said "I'm uh Barry Allen, I'm Kara's". Kara smiled from ear to ear and finished "boyfriend, Barry is my boyfriend". Jeremiah asked "he knows everything". Kara nodded and said "I trust him with my life, I love him and we'll he isn't alien but well, he is technically one here on this earth". Jeremiah asked "this earth". Barry smiled a little and said "I'm um from another universe". Jeremiah smiled a little and asked "so the whole Multiverse theory.... It's... It's true". Barry smiled and said "big time". Kara smiled and said "yeah it's so cool, I love on Barry's earth with our little three and a half months old daughter". Jeremiah smiled more and asked "you have a daughter". Kara nodded and beamed. Barry smiled and said "she's an amazing mother". Jeremiah smiled more and said "I'm glad that you have someone that makes you happy Kara". Kara smiled and took Barry's hand. She said "he makes me far more than happy, Barry understands me more than anyone, he makes me smile, he makes me laugh with very little effort, he makes me feel loved and I can just be myself around him, I don't feel alone here when I'm with him". Jeremiah smiled a little. His smile faded when he heard some Cadmus agents in the corridor coming towards the labs. He said "you need to go Kara". Kara said "we aren't leaving without you". Jeremiah smiled a little and said "Kara, it isn't safe for you here, there isn't enough time, you can't be found here, go back to the other earth, Cadmus won't be able to find you there, take Eliza and your sister and go, leave me here". Kara shook her head and said "no, we can get you out". Jeremiah looked at Barry and said "get her out of here, don't come back for me". Barry nodded. Kara sniffed and said "Bar, take Jeremiah, I can get out on my own". Barry smiled a little and said "sorry". He lifted Kara up and sped her out of the Cadmus facility.

He put her down and she hugged him tightly while she sobbed. Barry hugged her back. Kara sniffed and asked "why.... Why didn't you bring him, why get me out Bar". Barry smiled a little and said "Kara, there was... They have kryptonite, I couldn't risk it, I trust you and I know you can take care of yourself, but I couldn't risk losing you, I don't want to tell our daughter why her mother isn't there when I could have done something about it". Kara sniffed and nodded. Barry smiled a little and said "plus you do forget that your boyfriend can run ten times faster than the speed of sound don't you". Kara asked "huh". Barry said "sorry about that, some people aren't used to going that fast". Kara turned around to see Jeremiah leaning over and vomiting. She smiled and asked "how, how did you get us both out of here". Barry said "babe, I've been a hero for two and a bit years now, I get multiple people out of burning buildings, I can handle getting my girlfriend and her adoptive father out of a secret organisations base". Jeremiah finished throwing up and walked over to them after he had regained his sense of balance. He smiled a little and said "thank you for getting us both out". Barry nodded and said "like I keep telling Kara, you don't have to thank me". Jeremiah smiled a little and nodded. He said "we need to hurry, because I'm gone, Cadmus will most likely go after Eliza and Alex". Kara nodded and said "we can take them to Earth one, our friends can help". Jeremiah said "we should get a move on then". Kara smiled at Barry as his eyes flickered with electricity. He sped away with the both of them back towards National City.