Reuniting the Danvers!

Barry came to a stop inside the DEO and put both Kara and Jeremiah down. Kara said "J'onn and Alex will be getting back soon". Jeremiah nodded and said "I need to tell him everything about project doomsday, they need to stop Cadmus". Barry asked "what exactly is it". Jeremiah said "it's a weapon, a monster, they want to create a Kryptonian killer, something unstoppable". Barry asked "why did they get you to work on it". Jeremiah sighed and said "I know Kryptonian physiology inside and out, they forced me to work with them, tell them everything". Kara asked "so you didn't willingly work with them". Jeremiah said "Kara, I had too, to keep you safe, to keep you all safe". Kara said "but you still worked for them, you helped them with a creation that could kill me, my cousin and maybe even my daughter". Jeremiah asked "daughter".

Barry said "a few months ago...... My... My dad was murdered.... Right in front of me, I..... I wasn't in the right head space". Jeremiah said "I'm sorry to hear Barry". Barry smiled a little and said "to me, it happened a year ago, I'm better now, but it's never going to go away, I.... I went back in time and saved my mother, I created an entirely different timeline, there were a lot of changes". Jeremiah asked "like what". Barry said "my earth wasn't the only earth's timeline that changed, earth 38's timeline changed as well, that's the earth we are on now, Kara, after coming out of the phantom zone, her pod went through a wormhole, she ended up on my earth, we ended up getting married, I arrived in the new timeline and I was a little freaked out that I was married when the day before, I had no one". Kara smiled and said "you did hide it pretty good". Barry chuckled a little. Jeremiah asked "you remember the old timeline". Kara nodded and said "me and Barry, we tried for a baby, I gave birth during his tenth month in the timeline". Barry nodded and said "the timeline became unstable, Kara told me to take Dawn and bring her back to the old timeline, we reset it but things are a little different, as soon as I could, I came over here and told Kara about her daughter". Kara smiled and said "I've lived over there for three months now". Jeremiah smiled and said "I'm happy for you both". Kara said "I.... We need to keep our daughter safe, that's why she isn't with us now, we don't want Cadmus learning about her, she has both my powers and Barry's, or at least we think she will". Jeremiah nodded and said "I promise Kara, they won't find out about her, but we need to go to earth one, forget about this earth". Kara said "I can't forget this earth, it may not be my home anymore but it's still my cousin's, we need to go warn Clark". Barry smiled and said "we will Kar, once Alex and J'onn are here with Eliza, they can go to earth one and get acquainted, we'll go visit your cousin and warn him about Cadmus and this project Doomsday". Kara nodded and said "ok, then we get back home, I don't like the idea of being away from Dawn for too long, especially with this Savitar around". Barry nodded and said "I know Kar, we'll be quick, just over and then back home as fast as possible". Jeremiah asked "so are you done with your questions Kara". Kara nodded and said "I'm really sorry but..... You've been with them for so long, we have to be sure". Jeremiah nodded and said "that's ok Kara, I understand, you have a family now and you'd do anything for them". Kara smiled and nodded.

An agent approached them and said "um Supergirl, Flash, director Henshaw and Agent Danvers are back, they just arrived". Barry smiled and said "thanks". Barry, Kara and Jeremiah looked to see Alex, Eliza and J'onn. Alex smiled and immediately rushed over to Jeremiah and hugged him. Eliza rushed over as well and hugged him tightly as they both sobbed. Barry and Kara smiled as they stood with J'onn. Kara smiled and wrapped her arm around Barry and rested her head on his shoulder. Barry smiled and wrapped his arm around her waist as he rested his head against hers. Kara asked "can you tell them to get to earth one, me and Barry are going to go visit Clark and Lois, we need to warn them about project doomsday, Jeremiah will fill you in". J'onn nodded and said "I'm surprised that you aren't joining in on the family hug Kara". Kara smiled and said "I had my time with Jeremiah, they need theirs and one member of my family is with their grandfather". J'onn smiled and said "ok, I'll tell them that you and Barry are heading over to Metropolis quickly". Barry asked "are you ready to go now". Kara pecked Barry on the lips and said "yeah, let's go, I want to introduce my cousin to my amazing Speedster boyfriend". Barry smiled and asked "which direction is Metropolis". Kara smiled and said "you've ran with me plenty of times, I can carry you and fly there, if you want". Barry smiled and said "I'm fine with that". Kara nodded and smiled from ear to ear. She looked at the Danvers all still in an embrace before she lifted Barry up and flew away towards Metropolis.