
Kara landed in an alleyway with Barry after arriving in Metropolis. Barry smiled and sped into regular clothes, as did Kara. Kara asked "how was that". Barry smiled and said "very cool, it's weird seeing the place from above, but nice and peaceful too". Kara smiled and took Barry's hand. She said "I'm glad, we can check the Daily Planet, he works there". Barry smiled and said "lead the way then Ms Danvers". Kara smiled and said "it's so weird being called that". Barry asked "yeah". Kara nodded and said "I have all these memories of being Kara Allen that it's strange being Kara Danvers". Barry smiled and said "well Ms, one day in the future, you'll be back to Mrs Allen". Kara giggled and said "I can't wait then". Barry said "me neither babe". Kara smiled more and nodded. She asked "should we merge the earth's then, if Cadmus is going to be a problem". Barry said "well your family are all going to be living in our earth now, that's the whole reason why we were merging the earths, we'll see though". Kara nodded and said "I just don't think it's worth the effort of we don't need too, we can put all of our effort into stopping Savitar". Barry nodded and said "then we will". Kara smiled and nodded.

As They walked into the Daily Planet, Barry accidentally bumped into a woman while Kara headed over to the reception. Barry said "oh my God, I'm so sorry". He crouched down and helped pick up some of her papers that she dropped. The woman smiled at Barry and said "oh, no it's fine". Barry smiled and said "but still, I should have been watching where I was going". The woman smiled and stood up. She said "I'm Lois Lane". Barry smiled and said "Barry Allen". The two smiled and shook hands. Lois asked "what brings a handsome guy like you to a place like this". Barry said "oh I'm here to see Clark Kent". Lois said "ah I know smallville". Kara came over and said "hey Lois". Lois smiled and said "hey Kara, are you here to see Clark as well". Kara smiled and said "yeah, I hope you haven't been flirting with my boyfriend". Lois said "Barry's your boyfriend". Kara smiled and nodded. Lois said "sorry, I didn't know, besides it wasn't much". Kara smiled and said "I thought you and Clark were a thing". Lois laughed and said "Kara, Clark has the courage of a chicken, we're going on a date later, he literally just asked me This morning". Kara smiled and said "that's great, about time you guys got together". Lois said "could say the same about you Kara, I'm glad you found someone". Kara smiled and said "Barry's the best, we've been dating for about three months now". Lois smiled and said "come on, let's get the whole Clark threatening him thing out of the way". Kara said "he better not, I'm still his older cousin". Lois smiled and nodded. Barry chuckled and said "I won't mind babe, I'll never do anything to hurt you so I have nothing to be afraid off". Kara smiled and said "I know Bar, but I don't want my boyfriend to have to go through something like that". Barry smiled and took Kara's hand. He said "thanks Kara, it means a lot but if he does, I won't mind". Kara smiled and nodded. The two then followed Lois into an elevator.

As soon as they walked out of the lift, Lois shouted "smallville, your cousin is here". Clark smiled and walked over. He said "you are so lucky that Perry is out today". Lois said "he can't stop me from doing something like that, even if he does run the place". Clark chuckled and shook his head. Lois said "I'll leave you all alone". Kara and Barry waved goodbye to her as she headed over to her desk. Clark smiled and hugged Kara. Kara smiled and hugged him back. Clark said "it's been so long Kara, I was honestly a little worried, Supergirl hasn't been spotted in National City in a while". Kara smiled and said "there is a reason for that". Clark pulled away from the hug and asked "who's this". Barry smiled and said "I'm Barry Allen". Kara smiled from ear to ear and said "he's my boyfriend". Clark said "oh, well, um is National City fine without Supergirl, she just disappeared". Kara and Barry both burst out laughing, confusing Clark in the process. Kara laughed a little as she said "Clark, Barry knows". Clark asked "he does". Kara nodded and said "he was the Blur that showed up a few months ago". Clark said "oh, I take it you wanted to go back to the way things were". Kara shook her head and said "Barry is from an alternate earth, I would explain it more but well, we aren't really in private". Clark said "let me grab my things, then we can go for something to eat, is it ok that Lois comes, she knows about us anyway". Kara smiled and said "sure". Clark smiled and headed over to his desk. Kara giggled and said "his face when we started laughing at him". Barry chuckled and said "yeah, he would have been screwed if I didn't know you were you know". Kara nodded and said "so would I, if I had lied for so long but, we told each other when we first met, and I would never keep anything like that from you". Barry smiled and said "me too babe". Kara smiled and nodded. Clark came over with Lois and asked "are you ready to go then". Barry nodded and said "yeah, I'm starving". Kara giggled and shook her head as she pulled Barry back over to the elevator with Lois and Clark following.