The Return of The Reverse Flash!

Barry and Kara in their suits arrived at Stagg Industries to see Eobard Thawne in his infamous Reverse Flash suit, standing with some sort of device in his hand. There were a bunch of dead guards on the floor with no apparent injuries but both Barry and Kara knew how he'd killed them. Thawne turned around with his mask down and smirked at Barry and Kara. He said in his cold tone "Flash, I knew you'd come, Supergirl, the same can't be said for you". Kara glared at Thawne and said "guess you aren't as prepared as the other version is". Thawne chuckled and replied "maybe so, but you aren't fast enough to stop me, neither of you are". Barry said "I guess we'll see Thawne". The Reverse Flash smirked as he pulled on his mask. Barry prepared to run as the Reverse Flash's eyes glowed bright red. The Reverse Flash took off with a red trail of lightning right behind him. Barry took off right after him with an orange trail of lightning that soon disappeared leaving Kara alone in the building. She sighed and carefully made her way out of the building and then flew after the two lightning trails.

Barry was gaining on Thawne as they sped all around the city. Thawne took a sharp right and ran up the side of a building. Barry sped right after him. Thawne used the momentum from his speed to propel himself across a large gap and then ran down the building he jumped too. Barry done the same thing and was once again right on Thawne. Kara spoke through the comms with a hint of annoyance. She asked "why did it have to be today, we were having fun putting up Christmas decorations, and this evil version of Thawne just had to go ruin it". Barry chuckled a little and replied "you're not helping sweetie". Kara said "sorry Bar, but I just want this done with soon so we can just go back home and get back to what we were doing". Barry said "I know babe, we'll be home soon". As Barry regained focus on Thawne who had put some distance between them, Thawne had started to run in a circle. Barry didn't realise until the last moment what Thawne was doing. Thawne sent a bolt of red lightning towards Barry who continued to run towards the bolt. Barry reached for it when he remembered what Zoom did to him the first time they faced each other. When Barry grabbed for the lightning bolt, he failed to see a second one that Thawne had thrown. The two bolts collided and created a small explosion, knocking Barry onto his back. Thawne smirked at Barry and taunted "you're just as easy to beat in my time". Barry got back up and glared at Thawne whose smirk only grew. He then raced off again with Barry running after him again.

Barry heard the sonic boom from above him making him smile as Kara had caught up with them. Kara asked through comms "are you ok Bar, I saw the explosion". Barry replied "I'm good Kara, let's catch Thawne and return him to the future where he should be". Kara replied back unsurely "ok, are you sure you're ok Bar". Barry replied "yeah Kar, trust me". Kara smiled a little as she flew above Barry. She said "I always will" which made Barry smile a little. He said "ok, I'm going to stop following him and take a left here, keep following him Kara". Kara asked "shouldn't you be following him, he'll know something is off when he realises you aren't behind him". Barry answered "yeah he will but I'm taking a shortcut, I'll hopefully be able to cut him off, if we attack from two directions, he won't be able to stop the both of us". Kara nodded and replied "sounds like a plan Bar, just tell me when you're planning on doing that". Barry said "right about.... Now". Kara watched as Barry took a sharp left, stopping his pursuit of the Reverse Flash. She then focused on the red lightning trail and kept following after it.

Barry raced left and right along the streets of Central City. He then raced forwards and tackled the Reverse Flash when he came into view. The two slid along the ground and scrambled to get up. The Reverse Flash was up quicker than Barry. He raced over to Barry and slammed him into a wall as he held him by the throat. He then punched Barry in the stomach a couple of times before throwing him away, causing Barry to land on his back. Thawne chuckled a little and taunted "you're too slow Flash". Barry got back onto his feet and clutched his stomach for a second. Kara landed next to him and whispered "are you ok". Barry whispered back "I think I've broken something". Kara nodded then turned and glared at Thawne. Thawne asked "what's with the glaring, did I hurt your friend". Kara hovered in the air a little and flew at Thawne. She punched him, causing him to fly back a little. She then flew forwards and slammed him against the wall. She said "he's my boyfriend". Thawne grinned and said "good to know". He then phased out of Kara's grip and then sped away. Kara ran over to Barry and said "we should get home, you're hurt". Barry shook his head and said "Kara, Thawne left the device he stole, he isn't done, take the device and go". Kara said "I'm not leaving you Barry". When Barry heard the sonic boom, he replied "it's not up for debate Kar, he knows I care about you, more than most, he's going to hurt you to get to me". Before any of them could do anything, Thawne had punched Kara, sending her flying along the street they were on. She rolled to a stop and groaned. Thawne sped over to her and said "it's a neat little trick, even someone as strong as you can't take a punch like that, I heard the Flash did something similar with Girder". Barry sped at Thawne and threw a punch at him. Thawne grabbed Barry by the arm and elbowed him in the stomach, then punched Barry across the face. He then kicked him in the shin, making Barry drop down onto a knee. Thawne then kicked him back, making Barry fall down beside Kara. Thawne lifted the device and said "as much as I want to hurt you Flash, I really should be on my way, hopefully you'll both be out for long enough that I can go through with my plans". The Reverse Flash sped punched the two, knocking them out. When he sped away, another speedster in yellow arrived, followed by a trail of orange lightning.