told off!

Kara groaned as she regained conscious. She snapped up and looked around for Barry when she remembered the events before she was knocked out by the Reverse Flash. She saw him lying on a med bay bed next to hers. He groaned as he regained conscious as well. Kara hopped off her bed and all but ran over to Barry and hugged him tightly once he was sat up. Barry hugged back and asked "are you ok Kara". Kara giggled and said "I should be asking you Bar". Barry said "I feel fine, but I wasn't super sonic punched by the Reverse Flash". Kara said "It really hurt but I'll be ok". Barry nodded with a small smile and said "I'm glad you're ok". He then looked around and asked "we're in Star Labs". Kara said "I don't know how we ended up here". They both turned to the entrance of the med bay when they heard Thawne say "I found you both unconscious, you weren't the only one's who saw the news report". Barry said "thanks, we should probably go get our daughter". Thawne smiled slightly and said "well Nora and Jay came over with her straight after you dropped her off with them, they're in the Cortex, but you might want to tread carefully, Nora is pissed to say the least". Kara asked "just with him or.......". Barry gave Kara a somewhat joking glare. Kara raised her hands in mock surrender and said "hey, I'm just wondering, you know I'd stand up for you". Thawne chuckled and said "no, you are both screwed, have fun with that".

Kara helped Barry up from the bed but stopped when he clutched his stomach. She asked with a lot of worry, "are you ok Bar, I'm sorry for hurting you, I'm so stupid, we should really go slower". Barry chuckled and pecked Kara on the cheek. He said "Kara sweetie, I'm ok, just a little sore, you didn't hurt me so you can stop worrying". Kara replied "oh, I thought I hurt you, you know I'll always worry about you though, you know that, I am your girlfriend and best friend after all". Barry smiled and said "I know Kar, because I'll always worry about you too". Kara smiled a little and helped Barry to his feet. Barry smiled a little and wrapped his arm around her, partially for support but mostly to give her a small hug to reassure her that he was ok. Kara smiled at him and asked "you ready". Barry asked "by ready, you mean a lecture on why we shouldn't push our friends away and that's why we ended up hurt, then no, not at all". Kara smiled a little and said "yeah I really wish we were home right now, finishing putting up the Christmas decorations". Barry nodded and replied "me too babe, me too". The two took a deep breath before heading into the Cortex.

Jay was sitting with baby Dawn by the Monitors as Barry and Kara left the med bay. There was no sign of Thawne or Cisco, just the Garrick's and baby Dawn. Nora noticed the two and asked "are you both ok". Kara nodded and said "just a little sore, but we're both fine". Nora sighed and said "we need to talk, and none of you are leaving until I have said what I have to say". Barry asked "if it's about us pushing our team away, please just save it". Nora crossed her arms and said "no Barry, I won't save it, Jay came over to help against Savitar". Barry sighed and said "and I appreciate it, but we can manage on our own". Nora said "I know Barry, you are an amazing hero, but you need your friends too, you can't always do things on your own". Barry replied "but I'm not alone". Nora said "no, no you aren't, you are pushing all your friends away so that they don't get hurt but Barry, you'll just get hurt if you two go up against this Savitar without help". Barry shouted "I don't care, it's better I get hurt than anyone else". Nora shouted "but we do care Barry". Barry and Kara both flinched a little. Nora lowered her voice again and calmly said "you have a daughter, what if something happens to you both because you refuse to work with your friends, how are we going to tell that little girl that her parents are gone, how are we going to live with ourselves if we let it happen, we view you as a son Barry, and Cisco doesn't blame any of you for what happened, none of us do, you failed, but you can take those mistakes and learn from them, you need to do that otherwise Savitar wins". Barry said "Savitar hasn't been just one step ahead, he's been twenty, I thought by now that he'd become slower once he used up all his excess energy from his time in the speedforce but he hasn't, I honestly don't know how we're going to beat him mum". Nora smiled at Barry and teared up a little. 

Barry covered his face as he let out a sigh, then said "I'm sorry, it just came out, I feel so stupid". Nora said "Barry look at me". Barry took his hands down from his face and looked up at Nora. She smiled as she took a step towards him. She took his hands and said "its ok Barry, as I told you, me and Jay view you as a son, it makes sense that you view us as your parents, I mean being their doppelgangers would surely do that". Barry nodded. Nora smiled and said "You aren't alone in this Barry, you too Kara, Savitar may be faster, but I'm sure you're smarter Barry, we'll all beat him together". Barry nodded as he hugged Nora tightly. Nora smiled and hugged him back. Kara smiled a little as she watched the two hug. She was about to head over to Jay and check on her daughter when Nora asked "Kara". Kara turned back and smiled when she saw that Nora was gesturing for her to join the hug too, which is exactly what Kara did. Barry chuckled a little as he hugged both Nora and Kara. Kara said "we're really sorry for pushing you all away". Nora smiled and said "it's ok Kara, as long as you are both safe and ok, promise you'll let Thawne deal with the Reverse Flash, at least until you are both better". Barry nodded and said "we promise".