Locating the Reverse Flash!

Kara was sat with Dawn at the computer monitors while Barry sat next to her typing away on the computer in front of him. Jay asked "so how are we going to look for Thawne kid". Barry said "well the Reverse Flash isn't connected to the speedforce that we are connected to, he's connected to the...". Jay finished "the negative speedforce". Barry nodded and said "exactly, it's why it's harder to track him, as it isn't like the normal speedforce, the Reverse Flash uses it as a sort of way to hide in plain sight, he can get around easier without us being able to track him". Kara added "but he is still a speedster, so we can track him by scanning for sonic booms, we assume the Reverse Flash will be in a hurry so we can track him that way, we can also use Cisco's meta human alert app and see if anyone has sighted a yellow blur or red lightning". Nora said "that's smart". Kara smiled and said "thanks Nora". Jay smiled and said "once we find him, you two aren't going out there, you still need to heal, Cisco is away for Caitlin and she is going to double check the both of you". Barry nodded and said "ok, but we're helping from here". Kara giggled and said "I think Dawn likes that, see, she wants her daddy". Barry chuckled and took Dawn from Kara who smiled from ear to ear, seeing her boyfriend holding their daughter.

Thawne came back with Cisco and Caitlin following after him. He asked "have we got anything on the Reverse Flash". Caitlin asked "so that was the Reverse Flash on the news report I seen, are you both ok". Kara smiled a little and said "we're ok Cait, we just rushed in head first, that's all". Cisco smiled and asked "so you both stuck around, guess I owe you money Eobard". Eobard chuckled and shook his head. Barry said "we have the star labs satellites doing their thing so that we can find them". Cisco asked "you know how to do that". Barry nodded and stood up from his seat as did Kara. He said "um, about everything, we're so sorry that we didn't check on you after everything that happened". Cisco smiled and replied "you know I don't blame you right". Kara said "but you should, we couldn't stop Savitar from hurting you, how are we meant to be heroes if we can't even keep our friends safe". Cisco smiled and hugged the two of them while being careful not to hurt baby Dawn. Both Barry and Kara hugged their friend back. Cisco smiled and said "Savitar wants you to both suffer, he wants you to both blame yourself, I don't blame you both, I don't blame any of you for what happened, I blame Savitar, he caused it, not you, now instead of letting Savitar mess with your heads, show him what team SuperFlash is capable of". Kara giggled and said "I still can't get over how amazing our team name is". Cisco pulled away from the hug and said "it is, but I was referring to you both, you know the ship name". Barry chuckled and said "we appreciate it Cisco, but it's not just me and Kara going up against him, it's all of us, and even though you're not all out there with us, you sure as hell are part of this team and we're going to stop Savitar together". Kara pecked Barry on the cheek and said "well said babe". Barry smiled at Kara and gave her a nod before turning to everyone and said "while we're searching for the Reverse Flash, we need every advantage against him as we can, he may not be as fast as we're used to but that doesn't mean he isn't smart, however we have an advantage". Kara nodded and said "he doesn't know that we have the better Thawne". Barry nodded and said "and we have dad too". Cisco gasped and asked "when did this happen". Kara smiled and said "maybe half an hour ago". Jay smiled and asked "shall we go train Eobard". Thawne smiled and said "after you Garrick". Caitlin and the others watched as Jay and Thawne left the Cortex before turning to Barry and Kara, She said sternly "med bay, now". Barry said "glad you're back too Cait". Caitlin said "I'm serious". Kara giggled and said "we can tell, but we all know you want to smile". Caitlin smiled a little and said "it is nice to see you both cheery again". Barry chuckled and said "well we're getting into the Christmas spirit".  

Barry and Kara were both sat side by side while Caitlin did her thing. Kara rested her head on Barry's shoulder, with his arm wrapped around her waist. She said "when we get home, we're going straight to bed, I just want to sleep". Barry asked "you don't want to finish decorating the house". Kara smiled and replied "tomorrow Bar, I just want to lie with my boyfriend when we get home". Barry smiled more and said "we can order some pizza or Chinese when we get home, maybe we can watch a Christmas movie, we can keep this little princess here with us, then we can head to bed". Kara giggled and said "that sounds great Bar, I would love that very much, I still can't believe it's almost our first Christmas together, not just as a couple, but as parents". Barry's smile somewhat faded as he nodded. Kara smiled a little and said "hey, I know it isn't your first Christmas with me but even though it was me in Flashpoint, we weren't the exact same right". Barry nodded and said "I guess but it was still you". Kara smiled and said "well it's our first Christmas together in this timeline then". Barry chuckled and said "you always find a way huh". Kara giggled and said "well I don't like seeing my boyfriend with a frown on his face". Barry smiled a little more. 

Caitlin came over to the two with a small smile on her face. Kara asked "so how are we doc". Caitlin replied "you're both healthy but I wouldn't recommend going out there for the next 24 hours to give your bodies the rest". Barry nodded and said "trust me Cait, we plan on spending the day tomorrow decorating and preparing for the Christmas Party we are organizing for Christmas Eve". Caitlin smiled and said "good because I don't want to see you both overworking yourselves". Kara smiled and said "we practically overwork everyday Cait, this little one here keeps us up on our toes". Barry hopped of the bed when Dawn started to cry. Kara giggled and said "see what I mean". Barry asked "where is the bag full of baby things babe". Kara replied "in our lab babe". Barry smiled a little and said "thanks sweetie, we'll be right back". Kara pecked Barry on the lips and said "you better be". Barry chuckled and headed out the med bay. Kara stood up and walked with Caitlin out of the med bay. Caitlin asked "have you gotten Barry something for Christmas". Kara nodded her head as a massive smile spread across her face. She said with excitement "yeah of course I have Cait, I hope he likes what I got him". Caitlin smiled and said "knowing Barry, he'll love whatever you give him". Kara smiled more and said "thanks Cait". Suddenly an alert went off on the computer. Caitlin asked "what is it". Cisco who was typing away on the computers said "we have a location on the Reverse Flash, he's here".