Hot chocolate, Snuggles and Dinner Prep!

Barry shut the door to the house once him and Kara were back in with the stroller. He shrugged his coat off and then hung it up to dry. He took Kara's from her and hung it up beside his. He asked "while I make the hot chocolate, can you take Dawn and get her present". Kara smiled and said "of course I can Bar, I can grabbed a blanket for us to snuggle under and warm up, can you put the heating on while you're making the hot chocolate". Barry pecked Kara on the cheek and replied "of course I can babe". Kara pecked Barry on the lips and said "thanks Bar". Barry headed away into the kitchen, leaving Kara in the hallway with baby Dawn still in the stroller. She took the waterproof cover off the stroller and then took Dawn out of it. She smiled at her daughter and asked "are you excited to see your present Dawn, mommy and daddy hope you like it, you'll get to see it soon, mommy just needs to get a blanket for me and your daddy to share". Kara walked upstairs and into her and Barry's bedroom. She opened the cupboard and pulled out a nice fluffy blanket before heading back downstairs.

Kara smiled as she walked into the living room, seeing the Christmas decorations everywhere. She dumped the blanket down on the couch. She then placed Dawn down on a baby chair and said "stay here, mommy is just going for your present, hopefully your daddy will be done with the hot chocolates when I'm back". Kara then giggled when Barry shouted "I'll be through in two minutes babe". Kara called back "ok babe". She then headed back upstairs into the bedroom and lifted up a baby play mat that her and Barry had bought Dawn for her Christmas. When she headed downstairs, Barry was sitting on the couch bouncing the baby chair a little with his foot. Kara smiled and placed the play mat on the floor before sitting next to Barry and resting her head on his shoulder. She asked "how come you were done so fast". Barry grinned and replied "Super speed remember, I didn't want you giving Dawn our present without me". Kara gasped and asked "do you really think I'd do that to you babe". Barry chuckled and wrapped his arm around Kara's waist. He said "of course not babe, but we also have Christmas dinner to start preparing soon, we'll only get to snuggle in for maybe 30 minutes then we need to start cooking the Turkey and preparing everything else". Kara pouted and asked "can't we just use my heat vision to cook it later, and you can use your speed to prepare the rest". Barry chuckled and asked "what happened to wanting to spend Christmas like a normal family". Kara giggled and replied "but this is normal to us, besides, aren't families meant to be unique". Barry smiled and said "you have a great point Kara". Kara smiled innocently and asked "does that mean you're letting us snuggle for longer". She then gave Barry the puppy eyes and added "pretty please". Barry chuckled and pecked her on the lips. He then said "ok but when we aren't prepared later, it isn't my fault". Kara giggled and said "but it kind of is, you are the one who makes me feel safe and secure when we snuggle, not to mention its so comfortable". Barry smiled and said "well it's your fault as much as it's mine then". Kara smiled and replied "I can agree with that". Barry asked "so do you want to show our little girl what we got her for Christmas". Kara smiled and exclaimed "yeah of course I do, I've been waiting all morning".They

Barry smiled when Kara lifted Dawn out of the little baby seat. She smiled and placed Dawn down on the play mat. Kara then sat back down beside Barry and wrapped her arm around him as she rested her head back on Barry's shoulder. Barry wrapped his arm around Kara again as They both watched their daughter reach for some of the things on the play mat. Barry smiled and said "I think she likes it". Kara giggled and replied "I just can't believe it Bar, she'll be up and talking in no time, our little girl is growing up too fast". Barry smiled and pulled the blanket over Kara and himself. He said "yeah I can't too, it's been a long time since the day you told me you were pregnant". Kara nodded and snuggled into Barry. Barry smiled and lifted up Kara's got chocolate and handed it over to her. He then lifted up his own and took a sip of it. Kara smiled and took a sip of her own. She then asked "so everyone is coming around at around four right". Barry smiled and answered "they're coming over between three and five, which means we might not get to snuggle for as long as we thought we would". Kara nodded sadly but then smiled and said "well I guess we'll have to snuggle after the dinner.... Then we can have some fun..... If anyone can look after Dawn tonight anyway, I hope we can have some fun tonight". Barry smiled and replied "I hope so too Kar". Kara giggled and nodded. She then asked "do you want to watch a movie, we might have enough time". Barry asked "will you actually watch the movie though Kara, because we always end up getting carried away". Kara replied while blushing "I do not get carried away". Barry chuckled and asked "oh really". Kara huffed and said "fine, is it so bad that I love my boyfriend and love kissing him, you know it's one of my favourite things to do....... As well as the snuggling and the many activities that we do, especially the one we'll be doing later tonight". Barry chuckled and said "no of course it isn't bad babe, so what movie should we put on and watch for twenty minutes before getting distracted". Kara smiled and said "Polar Express, I love that one, it's one of my favourite Christmas movies". Barry chuckled and lifted up the TV remote. As he was setting up the movie, Kara giggled and said "and it's usually after ten minutes Bar". Barry chuckled and said "I guess we'll see Kara".