The First Guests Arrive!

Kara leaned against Barry with a massive smile as he finished zipping up her Christmas dress. She smiled even more when Barry wrapped his arms around her waist and pecked her on the cheek. Barry smiled and said "you look very beautiful Kar, I'm starting to think red might be your colour". Kara giggled a little as a blush spread across her cheeks. She smiled and said "well then it can be our colour". Barry chuckled a little and replied "then it is". Kara smiled and turned around in Barry's arms, then wrapped her arms around his neck. She leaned up a little and whispered "I can't wait for our fun activity later". Barry smirked and asked "oh yeah". Kara giggled a little and nodded before placing her lips on Barry's. Barry kissed back with a small smile. Kara smiled and straddled Barry's lap once he had sat down on the bed. She was about to deepen the kiss when there was a knock at the front door. Kara pulled away from the kiss with a small huff. Barry smiled a little and said "I should probably go answer that". Kara nodded with a small frown. She sighed and said "I know Bar". Barry pecked Kara on the lips and said "hey, we'll have all the time you want later ok, no interruptions". Kara smiled again and replied "there better not be, because I won't be happy if there are". Barry pecked Kara on the lips and then said "I'll go get the door honey, you can finish up here". Kara pecked Barry on the lips before getting off him to let him up. She smiled and replied "thanks babe, I'll be down to help finish with the dinner as soon as possible". Barry gave Kara a small smile and said "ok babe, see you downstairs".

Barry headed downstairs and answered the door to see Joe and Wally. Barry smiled and said "come on in, you're the first people to arrive". Joe and Wally stepped into the house and hung up their coats. Barry smiled and said "Merry Christmas guys". Joe gave Barry a small hug and said "Merry Christmas Bar". Wally smiled and said "Merry Christmas Barry". The two brothers shared a hug then he lead them to the living room where Dawn was currently in her baby seat. Joe asked "how has your first Christmas with this little angel been so far". Barry smiled and replied "it's been better than I thought it would be, and I have a feeling that it's going to get better". Joe chuckled and patted Barry on the shoulder. He said "that's great to hear son, how is Kara". Barry smiled and said "she's great, she's just finishing up with a few things then she'll be down to say hi, was Iris not able to make it". Wally said "She's spending her Christmas with Eddie's family, she'll be through to visit". Barry nodded and asked "her baby is due any day now right". Joe nodded and said "just another 3 weeks and I'll be a Grandpa again, this year has just been full of surprises". Barry smiled and said "I got lucky Joe, Flashpoint changed a lot but I'm glad most of it was good changes, there are a few changes for the worst but Eddie is alive..... I'm a father, I couldn't love two people more than I love Dawn and Kara, they mean the world too me".

As Barry talked to the two Wests, Kara had come downstairs after curling her hair, putting on red lipstick and red heels to match with her red dress. She smiled from ear to ear when she heard what Barry had said. She entered the living room and hugged him from behind, not caring if Joe and Wally were there. Barry chuckled and turned around to face his girlfriend. He smiled even more when he seen her smiling up at him. Kara pecked him on the lips and said "I love you and Dawn more than anything in the world too". Barry smiled at Kara with a loving smile before saying "you look amazing honey". Kara blushed and sorted her glasses. She smiled and replied "you look handsome as always". She gave him one last peck on the lips before going over to Joe and giving him a hug. She smiled and said "Merry Christmas Joe". Joe chuckled and hugged Kara back. He said "Merry Christmas Kara". Kara then gave Wally a hug and said "Merry Christmas Wally". Wally smiled a little and replied "Merry Christmas". Kara then went back over to Barry and asked him "shall we go check on the dinner Mr Allen". Barry smiled and replied "yes we shall Ms Danvers". Kara giggled a little before turning to Joe and asking "can you look after Dawn while we get everything prepared". Joe nodded and replied "I'd be more than happy too Kara".

Kara smiled and closed the oven. Barry asked "how is the turkey". Kara smiled and said "it's cooking well.... I think, this will be the first Christmas in ages that I won't have to use my powers to heat up the turkey". Barry chuckled and replied "you seem really happy that you don't have too, earlier that is what you wanted to do, what happened". Kara smiled and answered "I have a perfect boyfriend who can cook without using his powers, a boyfriend who doesn't just want me because I do have powers". Barry smiled and said "well I have the best girlfriend in the multiverse". Kara smiled and said "I'm sure there are way better girls that you could have other than me". Barry put a pot back on the cooker then wrapped his arms around Kara's waist. He smiled and said "stop doubting yourself babe, of course you're the best girl for me, you're the one who understands me most, you're the one who can put up with what I watch, because we're so similar, and I love you so much because of it". Kara beamed at Barry and replied "I do need to stop doubting myself, its a bad habit, luckily I have you, you always see the best in me Bar, and I love you so much because of that". Barry smiled and kissed Kara, who eagerly reciprocated it with a massive smile.