Christmas Dinner part one!

As Barry and Kara had been preparing the food in the kitchen, The guests consisting of Caitlin, Cisco, Thawne, Jay, Nora, Eliza, Jeremiah, Alex, J'onn Clark and Lois had all started to arrive and greet everyone else who had already arrived. Barry pecked Kara on the cheek and asked "can you tell everyone that dinner will be ready in five minutes babe, I'll make sure everything here is ready". Kara smiled and replied "sure, save me my seat will you". Barry chuckled and said "I'll try Kar". Kara smiled and said "if you aren't able to, it's ok, I'll just sit on you". Barry chuckled and asked "do you want your cousin to kill me". Kara giggled and said "Clark wouldn't be able to touch you, he'd have to go through me, besides, he's more than ok with me having a relationship with you remember". Barry nodded and smiled at Kara. Kara pecked Barry on the lips and said "I'll be back to help in a minute". Barry smiled and replied "ok babe". He watched Kara for a moment as she left the kitchen before quickly giving the Turkey one last check along with the rest of the food. He was so preoccupied with making sure that everything was ready. As he was doing so, he heard that someone had entered the kitchen. 

Barry turned around and gave Clark a small smile. He asked "is everything ok". Clark nodded and replied "yeah, thanks for inviting me and Lois over for Christmas". Barry smiled and said "it was no problem, you had missed Thanksgiving but we know that you can get quite busy, you're family to us and you still had to meet Dawn". Clark smiled and said "she looks a lot like the two of you, I'm glad that Kara has you, you seem like a good guy Barry and I can tell that you make her really happy". Barry smiled gratefully at Clark and replied "thanks Clark, I try my best". Clark asked "so when do you plan on.... you know". Barry smiled and answered "after the dinner, I don't know whether to wait until after everyone has left or not, plus I don't know what I'm going to say". Clark chuckled and asked "can't you think fast". Barry chuckled a little and said "yeah I can". Clark asked "and she doesn't know you are going too, does she". Barry shook his head and replied "not that I know of, unless she is listening in on us, she did say this morning that if I were to ever propose, her answer always will be yes, I'm surprised that I never let it slip then". Clark smiled and said "well I'm sure you'll do great, and Kara will definitely say yes". 

Kara entered the kitchen once Clark had stopped speaking. She smiled at the two and asked "shall we get the food out Bar, everyone will be through in a couple of minutes". Barry nodded and sighed in relief. Clark patted Barry on the shoulder and left the couple in the kitchen alone. Kara giggled and asked "what was that about, are you two keeping secrets from me". Barry chuckled nervously. He said "um, no babe, you know I wouldn't keep anything important from you, unless its a surprise, which it is, I was telling Clark what present I still have to give you". Kara smiled and replied "well I guess I can live with that, will I be finding out what this gift is soon". Barry smiled and said "sometime after dinner babe". Kara nodded and pecked Barry on the cheek. She said "I can't wait then, I'll get the Turkey out, can you pour out everyone's drink". Barry smiled and replied "sure Kar, lets just hope that the eggnog doesn't affect everyone too much". Kara giggled and said "we didn't make it too strong, if we don't get to feel the effects of alcohol, its only fair they don't too". Barry smiled and asked "you aren't jealous are you". Kara pouted and said "I'm in my late 20's and I've never been drunk, so yes I am jealous". Barry chuckled and said "babe, it isn't worth it, you'd regret it the morning after". Kara asked "really...... you know what tell me later babe, we really need to get dinner organized".

Within ten minutes, dinner was prepared and all 13 adults were (somehow) sat at the dinner table eating their Christmas dinner. Barry had Dawn sat on his lap and he occasionally ate his dinner but he was more focused on feeding her. Kara smiled at him and asked "do you want me to take over babe, so you can eat". Barry smiled at Kara and handed Dawn over to her. He said "thanks Kar". Kara smiled and replied "it's no problem Bar". Eliza asked "so have you both had a successful Christmas". Kara nodded with a massive smile. She said "yeah it's been the best Christmas ever, we've really enjoyed our day, and its even better now that our family is all here, it just sucks that Iris wasn't able to make it". Joe nodded and said "I wish she was but she doesn't live here anymore and with the baby on the way, it's best she stays put, me and Wally are going to go visit soon so we'll tell her you guys said hi and that you would both visit if it weren't for the whole Savitar thing". Lois asked "who is Savitar". Barry sighed and answered "a speedster who was trapped in the speedforce for thousands of years, they want to hurt everyone me and Kara cares about because in the old timeline..... before my mother was murdered, I apparently trapped him in the speedforce, he only got free because I created Flashpoint". Kara nodded and said "we haven't been able to stop him but we will, once Barry is fast enough, we are both going into the future to see if our future selves know anything about Savitar". Clark nodded and said "well if you both need a hand, I can help". J'onn nodded and added "and my help too, if you require it". Barry smiled a little and said "thanks guys, but we can save the Savitar talk for tomorrow, lets just enjoy our Christmas". Kara smiled and said "Barry's right, Savitar can wait....... does anyone need more eggnog".