Training to get faster!

Barry slipped on his gloves as he walked over to Jay and Cisco who were stood waiting just outside the pipeline. He asked "is everything set up". Cisco nodded as he looked at the tablet he was currently holding. He replied "yeah almost, I just sent Caitlin to get me something from my workshop, she should be back by now...... also where is Thawne, I thought he would have been here by now". Barry cringed a little at the mention of Thawne which Cisco and Jay picked up on. Jay asked "do you know why Thawne is running late Barry". Barry let out a nervous chuckle and said "so um, after you guys left the Cortex, me and Kara, well we um, we kissed, but as we were, um Thawne came into the Cortex". Cisco laughed as he said "oh no, what did your girlfrie... fiancé do". At that point, Thawne came around the corner and approached the group. Cisco chuckled a little when he spotted the stitches on Thawne's cheek. He then said "you look like you've just come back from fighting Grodd or something". 

Thawne nodded with a sigh before he then turned to Barry and said "remind me to never run into the Cortex again". Barry nodded and replied "I'll do my best". Jay asked "where is Kara anyway". Barry chuckled and replied "she felt bad so she's taken Dawn with her to go get something for Thawne, as an apology". Cisco and Jay smiled slightly. Barry asked "so are we ready to train, you can sit this one out if you want Thawne". Thawne chuckled a little and replied "I'm ok Barry, I've been punched before...... and Cisco before I forget, Caitlin asked me to give you this". He handed Cisco a small watch like device, causing Cisco to smile from ear to ear. He replied "thanks Thawne, now we can begin". Jay asked "what's the tech for". Cisco held up the piece of tech and stated "this my friend, is going to monitor the amount of laps Barry does and his speed, we have sensors set up in the accelerator that links with the device which then sends the information up to the computers in the Cortex, we'll be up in the Cortex monitoring the whole thing like usual and we'll keep track of the results, make sure to push him hard". Thawne smirked and replied "you know we will Cisco". Cisco nodded and handed the tech over to Barry who attached it to his wrist. He then smiled and said "well I'll be up in the Cortex, have fun".

Barry walked into the pipeline and asked "so how much laps have we to do". Jay entered behind him and said "not we, you Barry". Barry asked "so what will you two be doing". Thawne chuckled and replied "we'll be trying to stop you and we won't be holding back". Barry chuckled and said "so it's more of a challenge this time, rather than racing you both, I have to just outrun you while you are trying to stop me". Jay nodded and said "you have to do 1,000 laps around the particle accelerator, if we knock you off your feet and you fall to the ground, we win". Barry nodded in understanding and said "I need to get faster so I hope you don't hold back, I need to push myself harder than I usually do". Thawne grinned and asked "shall we get started then". Barry smiled as he pulled his mask on then replied "just say when Thawne". Thawne grinned as he pulled his mask on and took a running position beside Barry and Jay. He then said "run Barry.... run". The three speedsters then took off around the pipeline.

Cisco and Caitlin were sat in the Cortex with Nora, watching the speedsters train while also monitoring Barry's speed levels. Caitlin asked "do they really need to go so hard on Barry, I mean I know its going to help him improve but I don't want him getting hurt, I patch him up enough as it is". Cisco replied "I'm sure Barry has this, he's only had a few accidents during training before". Caitlin smiled a little and said "we both know he's had more than a few Cisco". Before Cisco could reply, they heard a familiar someone ask "has Barry started training already, I really wanted to get back before he started". Nora smiled over at Kara who was holding Dawn in her arms. She said "don't worry Kara, they just started so you haven't missed much". Kara smiled and stood next to Caitlin and watched the monitors. She then frowned and asked "why did Jay throw lightning at Barry, aren't they just racing". Cisco grinned and said "nope, Jay and Thawne are trying to stop your fiancé from doing 1000 laps around the accelerator". Kara smiled and said "my Barry will manage it, I know he can".

Barry raced around the accelerator with Jay and Thawne right behind him. As he ran, his comms activated. Cisco chuckled and said "just another 30 laps dude", causing Barry to smile in relief. He then smiled more when he heard his fiancé say "you can do it Bar, me and dawn believe in you". Barry was about to reply but he was tripped up by Thawne who sped up next to him. As he fell forwards, he used the momentum to push himself back into the air with his arms, into a flip. He landed back on his feet and then raced forwards. Thawne chuckled and asked "you never give up do you". Barry shouted back with a chuckle "you should know that by now". Thawne and Jay raced after Barry but were unable to keep up. They came to a stop at the entrance to the pipeline where Barry was waiting for them with a massive grin. He chuckled and said "I thought it was supposed to be a challenge". Jay chuckled a little and replied "don't get cocky kid, you were just lucky you were able to pull that off". Barry smiled and said "maybe but I think you just don't want to accept you lost dad". Jay smiled and shook his head before replying "we'll get you next time Barry". Barry smiled and said "guess we'll find out tomorrow". Thawne said "I guess we will".