preparing to time travel!

It had been a few weeks since Barry trained with Jay and Thawne. They had trained every day since then with Barry being badly hurt only a couple of times and they could definitely tell that Barry was fast enough to travel to the future with help from one of the other speedsters. Team Flash were all gathered in Star Labs discussing who will be accompanying Barry on his journey to the future. Barry had been silent the whole time since the discussion started which everyone started to pick up on. Thawne asked "you aren't thinking of going alone are you Barry". Barry sighed and said "It's far too dangerous Thawne, you of all people should know that, the more people that travel to the future, the more at risk the timeline is, we can't risk it". Kara asked "and what about you Barry, it isn't safe going alone, especially since you are going to a future that we know next to nothing about". Barry shook his head and replied slightly irritated, "which is exactly why I don't want anyone coming with me, you don't have to worry about me". Kara glared at Barry and handed Dawn over to Caitlin before she then walked straight over to him, poking him in the chest as she asked, clearly agitated, "worry about you, of course I worry about you, every time you put that suit on, I'm scared that its going to be the last time I see you, I thought you off all people would understand Barry". Barry sighed and said "Kara...". He didn't get the chance to continue as Kara interrupted "do not try to convince me Barry, I am coming with you whether you like it or not". She then turned to Thawne and said "we'll meet you down at the pipeline in 30 minutes", before she then walked out of the Cortex.

Barry sighed a little as he rubbed his eyes. Cisco said "she is right you know Barry, it's safer if she goes with you". Barry nodded and replied "I know Cisco, I'm just worried". Caitlin asked softly, "worried about what Barry, if something does happen in the future, I'm sure you and Kara will manage to keep each other safe". Barry shook his head and said "I know Cait but that isn't what I'm worried about". Nora asked "so what are you worried about Barry". Barry answered "I have a feeling that we aren't going to like what we learn about the future, I don't want to put Kara through that". Thawne smiled a little and said "we all get that you are just trying to do what's best for Kara but you have to realise that she's just trying to do what's best for you too, she just wants to make sure that her fiancé doesn't get hurt". Barry nodded with a small smile and said "thanks Thawne can you give me ten minutes, I want to talk to her alone". Thawne nodded and replied "it's no problem Barry you don't have to thank me, go talk to your fiancé". Barry nodded then asked "can you look after Dawn until we get back Cait". Caitlin smiled and said "of course I can, but it isn't like you'll be gone for too long". Barry chuckled a little and nodded before he then said "thanks Cait, I'll see you all soon". Barry waved goodbye before walking out of the Cortex to look for Kara.

Barry walked towards the pipeline opening where Kara stood waiting in her suit. She turned around to see who it was but when she seen Barry, she turned away from him again and crossed her arms. Barry smiled a little before he asked "Kara". Barry chuckled a little when his fiancé didn't speak or turn to face him. He asked "so this is what the silent treatment is like huh". Kara sighed as she turned to face Barry with her arms crossed. She asked "what do you want Barry". Barry scratched his neck as he replied, "I want to apologise to my fiancé, I was an idiot, thinking that I could go to the future alone, and... I know you can handle yourself but I can't help but worry about you as well, I have a habit of keeping people out of harms way, even if it means risking my own life, especially you Kara, I wouldn't be able to live with myself if you did get hurt and there was something I could have done to prevent it, but that isn't the reason why I wanted to go alone". Kara's asked "then why Barry, why do you want to go alone". Barry sighed and replied "because I know that the future we are going to won't be nice, what we learn there won't be easy to deal with, I didn't want you to have to go through that". Barry looked down and continued "but I think... I think that if we go together, we can help each other through it, besides we're partners so I shouldn't stop you from coming, it's your choice to make if you come with me". Kara's eyes softened and a smile spread across her face as she approached her fiancé. She took Barry's hands in hers which made him look up at her. Kara smiled and said "we are partners Barry which is why you should have talked to me about this before you had already made your mind up". Barry nodded and replied "I know Kar, I'm so sorry". Kara hugged Barry tightly and said "its ok Bar, I need to apologise too, I shouldn't have reacted the way I did, I hate being annoyed at you". Barry shook his head as he reciprocated the hug. He said "you have nothing to apologise for, you just want to keep me safe". Kara smiled a little and said "I love you Bar". Barry smiled and replied "I love you too Kar, you ready to go". Kara shook her head and said "not yet", before she then pulled Barry into a kiss, which he happily reciprocated.