Christmas Eve

Lena wakes up on Monday morning, Christmas Eve, feeling incredibly relaxed. She thinks that she probably feels so relaxed because for the first time in a very long time she has slept in until almost 11. Lena has allowed herself to sleep in because as she's on vacation she doesn't actually have any work to worry about, or consume her time with. Usually even on the weekends, and during the holidays, Lena has continued to work through them in the past. Not that she really had any other options, other than sitting at home by herself in her own misery.

Lena gets out of bed and opens up the drapes covering the ceiling to floor glass window in Lena's room. As soon as Lena opens the curtains she can tell that it must have really snowed heavily the previous night. In fact it is still lightly snowing now. Lena can see that there is at least another half a foot of snow covering everywhere. In fact the snow has covered the ice of frozen lake so Lena can barely make it out from her window. Lena changes into a dressing gown and then makes her way out of her bedroom, heading to the bathroom first just to relieve herself. After this Lena pokes her head in both Kara and Alura's bedrooms and finds that neither of them are inside. Clearly the mother and daughter are already awake.

Lena makes her way downstairs and as she does she can hear people talking from the living room downstairs. Then Lena is also hit with the smell of freshly cooked food and coffee. Lena heads down the final flight of stairs and that's when she sees that Alex and Sam are sat on one of the couches in the living room, both drinking coffees, catching to one another with big smiles on their faces. Meanwhile Ruby and Alura are in the kitchen helping Eliza make breakfast for everyone. Winn, Kara and J'onn are nowhere to be seen.

"Oh look who is finally awake." Sam smiles from the couch next to Alex.

"Hi." Lena smiles.

"Lena!!" Alura says as she comes running from the kitchen towards Lena, and eventually taking her in for a big hug.

"Hello darling. Did you sleep well?" Lena smiles as she hugs Alura back.

"Yes." Alura nods and then takes Lena hand, "Come see. Grandma and Ruby are making breakfast with me!"

"Oh that sounds great." Lena smiles.

Lena allows herself to be pulled towards the kitchen, as she does she turns to Alex.

"Where's Kara and the boys?" Lena asks.

"Oh... they went..... hiking...." Alex lies.

Lena understands what that means, obviously there is some sort of emergency that requires Supergirl's attention.

"I think they are absolutely crazy! Have they not seen how much snow is out there!" Sam says, shocked.

Lena just nods and doesn't say a word, not really knowing how to respond to Sam. The hiking excuse isn't exactly the best lie Alex could have come up with. Not that there are any good lies when the weather is like it is outside. Not without them driving away in a car first at least.

"Good morning sweetie." Eliza smiles as she chops up some fruit. "How did you sleep?"

"Uhh good, thank you." Lena smiles, unfamiliar with the motherly affection being directed towards her.

"Morning aunt Lena." Ruby smiles.

"Morning Ruby. So what are you guys doing?" Lena asks.

"Ruby said we should make pancakes for breakfast and said I could make them with her!" Alura says, excitedly.

Lena smiles, happy that Alura has warmed up to Ruby and isn't as shy or jealous like she was the afternoon prior.

"Well that sounds like fun." Lena comments.

"And while they finish stirring the pancake mix I'm cutting us up some fresh fruit to have along with the pancakes." Eliza comments.

"That sounds perfect Eliza." Lena smiles, "Can I do anything to help?"

"No, no, we've got this. You go take a seat with Alex and Sam. I'll bring you a coffee, brewed with the coffee maker, if you'd like one?" Eliza asks.

"Oh that sounds lovely." Lena smiles.

"How do you take it, dear?" Eliza asks.

"Black please." Lena replies.

Eliza nods at Lena before turning to the two children.

"Right girls. I think you've mixed it enough. It's time we start cooking these pancakes. Ruby why don't you get a pan out from that cupboard there." Eliza says as she points.

Lena continues to hear Eliza talk to the two girls as she walks out of the kitchen area and joins Sam and Alex in the living room. Lena takes a seat on the couch to the left of Alex, with Sam sitting on the same couch as the oldest Danvers sister.

"I bet you haven't slept in this late in years." Sam comments.

Lena chuckles.

"Try like, ever." Lena replies.

"What? That's crazy!" Alex replies.

"Well that's the life of being a Luthor, and a CEO." Lena says.

"Yeah, you know what they say sleep is for the wicked." Sam comments.

Lena laughs.

"I know for a fact that isn't true because my brother certainly never slept much." Lena says.

"I'm sure he gets plenty of sleep in prison." Sam replies.

"No, he probably spends his nights plotting more schemes." Lena says.

Alex clears her throat.

"Shall we change the topic from evil brothers?" Alex suggests.

"Of course." Lena smiles. "So what's on the agenda for today?"

"Hmm we haven't really got anything planned, but Alura wants us to put up a Christmas tree in the living room here. I got some minor decorations from a store yesterday. So I was thinking once Kara, Winn and J'onn are back we can go and cut down a tree and set it up in here as the Christmas tree." Alex suggests.

"Cut down a tree? Is the owner of the cabin gonna be okay with that?" Sam asks.

"Yeah, Kara rang her the other day. As long as we cut the tree up afterwards so it can be used as firewood later, then she said we can cut a tree down." Alex explains.

"Okay, that sounds fun." Lena smiles.

Eliza then appears with a coffee in her hands.

"Lena dear, here's your coffee. Let me know if it's not to your liking." Eliza smiles as she hands Lena the coffee.

"I'm sure it'll be fantastic." Lena smirks as she takes a sip and then smiles widely, "See, very nice."

Eliza smiles back at Lena.

"Well I'm glad." Eliza says and then walks back into the kitchen.

"So, Lena, did you talk to Kara yet?" Sam says with a knowing look.

"Uhh.... no.... I haven't had a chance yet." Lena says, awkwardly, with Alex sitting right between her and Sam.

"Of course you haven't." Sam replies as she rolls her eyes.