Christmas Day

Lena wakes up with a jolt, someone jumping on her bed.

"Lena! Lena! It's Christmas!!" Alura says, excitedly, with a raised voice.

Lena groans, still feeling tired.

"Lena! Lena! Get up! It's Christmas!" Alura says, still excited.

Lena cracks open her eyes and she can tell right away that it's not 9AM like they agreed. In fact Lena doesn't feel like she's slept much at all.

"Alura, what time is it?" Lena asks.

"I don't know. I woke up. So it's Christmas and time to wake up." Alura smiles, basically buzzing with excitement.

Lena sighs and rolls over to grab her phone which is charging on the night stand. As Lena grabs her phone she looks at the time and that's when she notices that it's only 5AM, far too early to be awake.

"Alura, darling, it's only 5 in the morning. We still have 4 more hours." Lena says.

"What? No." Alura says, sounding dejected.

"Yeah, go back to sleep." Lena says, her voice full of sleep.

"But.... I'm too excited." Alura says, sounding disappointed.

Lena sighs again.

"Why don't you get under the covers with me and we can go back to sleep together." Lena says as she opens up the covers for Alura to crawl under.

"Okay." Alura says with a smile and then quickly crawls under the covers and snuggles up next to Lena.

Lena places the covers back down on top of both of them and then wraps her arms around Alura. Alura just rests her head on Lena's chest.

"Merry Christmas Lena." Alura says.

"Merry Christmas Alura. Now let's go back to sleep." Lena replies.

Alura nods and the two both close their eyes and drift off back to sleep, peacefully cuddled up together.

Lena is awoken a few hours later by a flash. Lena opens her eyes and sees Kara standing in her doorway with her phone in hand, clearly just haven taken a picture of Lena and Alura cuddled up in bed.

"Sorry." Kara says softly, noticing she woke up Lena. "I didn't mean to wake you."

Lena just hums in response and then turns to look at Alura. Alura is resting the side of her face on Lena's chest, snoring softly.

"What time is it?" Lena asks.

"Almost 9. I woke up and went to get Alura up, but she wasn't in her room, then I saw her in here." Kara says, softly.

"Yeah. She came in to wake me up at 5." Lena explains.

Kara cringes.

"Sorry about that." Kara says.

"It's okay." Lena replies, continuing to talk quietly.

Kara moves closer to the bed to look at Lena and Alura cuddled together.

"She must feel very safe with you to do that. It makes me happy." Kara says with a smile.

Lena shoots Kara back a smile.

"It makes me happy too." Lena replies.

"Well, I don't want to ruin the moment, but we should probably wake her." Kara says.

"Yeah, sure." Lena nods.

Lena moves her free hand to begin to stroke the side of Alura's head.

"Alura, darling, it's time to wake up." Lena says softly.

Alura makes a noise and then slowly moves about and then opens her eyes to look at Lena.

"Morning darling." Lena smiles.

"Hello Lena." Alura says with a yawn, still waking up.

"Hello honey." Kara says, grabbing her daughters attention.

Alura looks up and notices Kara standing by Lena's side of the bed for the first time since waking.

"Mommy." Alura smiles.

"Hello sweetie. Did you have a nice sleep cuddle with Lena?" Kara asks with a grin.

"Yeah." Alura replies, softly.

Kara and Lena just smile at each other and continue to look at Alura as she wakes up and gets her bearings.

"It's Christmas." Alura says, excitedly.

Kara and Lena both chuckle.

"Yes it is." Kara says with a smile.

Alura quickly jumps out of bed.

"Let's go! I want to see my presents!" Alura says as she quickly moves over to the door.

Lena begins to get out of bed.

"Why don't you go and make sure everyone else is awake." Kara suggests.

"Okay!" Alura says, happily, and then quickly leaves the room.

Lena chuckles.

"She's totally gonna jump on Alex to wake her up." Kara says.

"Who'd have thought Supergirl has a mean streak after all." Lena smirks as she stands up and grabs her dressing gown.

Kara laughs.

Once Lena has put her dressing gown on she looks over at Kara and she feels her heart literally skip a beat. Lena realises that she is actually alone with Kara.

"Shall we head downstairs?" Kara asks, as she walks towards Lena's bedroom door.

"Wait!" Lena says, quickly.

Kara turns to look at Lena with confusion on her face.

"I..... can we talk...... about something..... before we go downstairs? Please?" Lena says, flustered, her heart feeling like it's beating a mile a minute.

Kara gets a worried look on her face.

"It's nothing bad!" Lena quickly interjects.

"O....okay..." Kara says, still unsure.

Kara moves back into the room and as she does Lena realises she really needs to pee. She really doesn't want to do this when she has a full bladder.

"Just wait here a moment. I need to pee. I don't want to rush through this because I have to go to the bathroom. So please... wait." Lena says, nervously.

Kara looks at Lena curiously and just nods her head as she takes a seat on the side of Lena's bed. Lena then quickly leaves the room and heads into the bathroom and relieves herself. Once Lena is finished she washes her hands and splashes some water over her face while looking in the mirror over the sink.

"You can do this." Lena says to herself as she looks at her reflection.

Lena takes a deep breath and then leaves the bathroom and heads back into her bedroom. Kara is still patiently waiting for Lena. Lena notices Kara's eyes light up when she returns. All it does is make what Lena is going to do that much easier for herself.

"Hey." Kara smiles, nervously.

"Hey." Lena smiles back.

Lena approaches Kara and takes a seat on the bed next to her.