Chapter 30 - Sam's House

It is now a few days after Alura's birthday and Lena's surprise return. Since then, Kara, Lena and Alura have virtually seen each other every single day. The only days that they didn't get to see each other were Wednesday and Thursday, and this was only due to Lena having really late nights working at L-Corp, so she didn't get to go spend the evening with Kara and Alura. But other than the three ladies not seeing each other on those two days, everything has been amazing for them. Alura has been happier than ever. Since Lena returned and surprised them all, Alura can't keep the smile off her face. Alura is just so happy that Lena got to actually see her on her birthday. Then at the same time, Kara is pretty happy too. Kara absolutely adores her girlfriend for so many reasons, she is smart, beautiful, caring, intelligent and has a certain sense of humour Kara loves, among so many other qualities brilliant qualities. Then also, Kara just loves how well Lena and Alura get on with each other, Kara thinks that the two have created such a strong bond. Frankly, when Kara first had Alura she never thought that Alura would have that strong a bond with anyone else, other than her. Of course Kara has all her family and friends who also have bonded with Alura, but none of them have that same bond that a mother and daughter have, including Alex. So, it makes Kara ever so happy to see Lena and Alura create this amazingly incredible bond that Kara hopes can continue to ignite into an everlasting flame, just like hers with Alura.

It is currently Friday and Lena is in the middle of yet another hectic day at L-Corp. Lena's morning has been full of meetings, lab updates and just about everything in between. Usually Lena can break her day up easily by enjoying lunch with Kara, but today she has been unable to squeeze that into her tightly packed schedule. Then at the same time Lena and Kara have been having less lunches together now that they are basically spending almost every evening with one another, neither of the two women want to become that couple, that is attached by the hip and can't do anything without each other present. This way Kara can spend her lunch catching up with her friends, who she is seeing less in the evenings now she is spending most of that time with Lena and Alura.

Currently it is 1PM and Lena isn't actually working at L-Corp, she and Jess have taken a ride to a house for rent just outside of the city which is Sam's first choice out of the properties she wants to live in, that Jess provided her with. As Sam doesn't have the time to fly all the way out to National City just to take a tour of a few houses, she has asked Lena and Jess to both look at her top choice, just to make sure that there isn't any major difference between the pictures and the house in person. Lena, being Lena, wanted to do all the works and have the house officially inspected, but both Sam and Jess told Lena she was being far to extra, so Lena backed down.

The property that Lena and Jess are visiting this afternoon is a lovely house with 3 bedrooms, and a nice sized yard at the back of the house with its own driveway and garage. The house is also in a very nice neighbourhood with almost no crime whatsoever, and then to top it off, the local school is one of the top-rated public schools in all of National City, and they are happy to accept Ruby in the middle of the year. Ruby for her part also loves the local school because it has some great sports programmes, including soccer, with a few alumni of the school having gone on to become professional athletes. Ruby only being a young teenager doesn't actually know what she wants to do with her life after school, but she does know that she loves sports, particularly soccer, and so she just wants to pursue those interests, something Sam has always encouraged.

Lena and Jess arrive at the house at just after 1PM. The two women have planned to each have a very thorough look through the property to see if they can each spot anything wrong with it, that the pictures are hiding. Both of the women are well aware that Sam has utterly fallen in love with the property, so both Lena and Jess are hoping that they don't find something wrong to shatter Sam's dreams. Sam for her part did consider asking Alex to also check out the property to see what she thinks of it, but as the two are taking things slow and have only talked a few more times on the phone since their date, Sam decided that asking that of Alex would be a bit too much. But Sam is more than happy with Lena and Jess being her snoops to try and sniff out anything bad the property is hiding. Sam thinks she couldn't have picked two more thorough and determined women. Sam actually thinks that that may be the reason that Lena and Jess work so well together, as both women are similar in that regard, despite having many differences elsewhere.

Lena and Jess split up as soon as they enter the property after greeting the owner. Both women had decided earlier that they would split up and both individual inspect the house and then meet up when they are done, to compare notes. As hopefully if Lena and Jess both look around the house for any issues on their own, they will be able to spot some that they wouldn't if they were together, with the owner being by both of their sides, potentially guiding them away from any issues he is aware of. Once Lena and Jess split up Lena begins downstairs and Jess heads upstairs with the owner. Lena does find it amusing that the owner decided to go with Jess rather than her. Lena thinks that the owner probably decided to do that because he already knows who Lena is, and therefore thinks that he most likely won't be able to guide her away from any issues the house may have. What Lena finds even more hilarious is if the owner thinks he is going to have it any easier with Jess, then he has got another thing coming.

Lena begins walking around downstairs, she inspects the living room and kitchen area first, which are open plan and joined with each other. Lena looks through all the drawers and flicks all the switches, just to make sure that everything is in order, and nothing is being hidden from them. Then once Lena is done with the living room/Kitchen area, she heads outside to the back yard. The yard is a reasonable size, probably about the same size as the area which the building of the house covers. The yard only has grass on it, with no plants or any trees, so it is rather plain. But that is not an issue at all, in fact it is a plus. This yard will allow Sam and Ruby to do whatever they want with it, whether they want to plant some trees or create an earth bed for some plants, or do a bunch of other things with the yard. The fact that it is plain just means that Sam can start off from a sort of blank canvas, instead of having to remove any existing features of the back yard.

Once Lena is satisfied that there is nothing wrong with the yard she walks back inside and goes about checking the other rooms downstairs. Lena checks the utilities room with the washer and dryer. In the utilities room Lena does notices that the dryer doesn't work at all, but that shouldn't be too much of an issue, Lena knows Sam, and knows that it is very likely she will want to replace all of the furniture inside with her own anyway. After Lena walks out of the utilities room she walks towards the front of the house, inspecting everything along the hallway before Lena then goes through the door to the garage. The garage itself can only fit a single car, which is fine because Sam is the only adult that is going to live in the house, and therefore her and Ruby will only have one car. The garage is however cluttered with a bunch of junk which currently makes it completely unusable to park a car inside, and Lena can see that it's going to be a big job to clear it all out. Lena then checks the garage door, just to make sure it opens, and it doesn't. Lena tries to take a look at the door to see if it's something she can see any fix, but she can't find anything with a quick inspection, so Lena just assumes that the mechanism is broken and it will need replacing.

After Lena is done with the garage she meets up with Jess at the bottom of the stairs and exchanges a silent nod with her before they swap places, with Jess now taking the downstairs and Lena heading upstairs. Upstairs Lena walks through the hallway and inspects each bedroom. The main bedroom is an en suite with a reasonably sized bathroom. The tiles in the bathroom look rather dingy and they could do with a good deep clean, but other than that there are no major issues. Lena then inspects the other two bedrooms and finds no issues with either of them, they are just regular sized rooms. Lena then moves further down the hallway and goes into the bathroom. The bathroom has a shower in the bathtub, a sink and a toilet, obviously being the bathroom that the two bedrooms without the en suite would share. In this specific bathroom Lena does notice that the tap is dripping a bit, she attempts to see if it hasn't been turned off correctly, but it has, so that is an issue. Then Lena turns on the shower and straight away notices that it doesn't spray the water out of all of the holes in the shower head. So due to these issues Lena makes a note in her head that this particular bathroom would need some work to make it fully functional to its true potential. Lena then finishes her tour of the upstairs by heading into the final room she hasn't entered which is a sort of library/office. The room is slightly smaller than the bedrooms, but it does offer a small little balcony that looks onto the back yard of the house, which none of the other rooms offer. Inside the room there is also a large wooden bookcase, built into the wall, stretching from the floor to the ceiling, which looks magnificent. The bookcase could do with some varnish to give the wood back some of its shine, but other than that, there is nothing wrong with the room.