Chapter 31 - An Evening with Kara, Alura & Lena

After Lena's long Friday, which is the end to a long week she finally makes it home to her penthouse, being dropped off at the front of her building by her driver.

"Thank you." Lena says to her driver as she exits the car.

"Of course, Miss Luthor." The driver nods back.

Lena gets out of the car and heads into the front lobby of her apartment building. As soon as Lena steps inside her mood is instantly improved by the sight of Kara and Alura.

"LENAAAAAAAAAA!!!" Alura yells as she goes running from Kara's side towards Lena.

Lena smiles at Alura as she comes running to her and then picks her up into a tight hug.

"Hello darling." Lena smiles as she hugs the five-year-old tightly.

"I missed you." Alura says, squeezing Lena back.

Lena chuckles.

"It has only been a couple of days since you last saw me." Lena grins.

"Still too long." Alura moans.

Lena smiles at Alura and then places a kiss on the girl's cheek. As Lena is doing this Kara steps towards her, carrying a bag in hand.

"Hi." Kara smiles at her girlfriend.

"Hello darling." Lena smiles and then goes to put Alura down on the ground.

"No!" Alura moans in protest, "I want you to carry me!"

Lena and Kara both chuckle at that.

"Alright darling. Let's go up to my penthouse then, so I can give mommy a kiss hello after, okay?" Lena grins.

Alura nods, clinging onto Lena tightly.

Lena then begins to walk towards her private elevator, as she passes Kara, Kara reaches out and gives one of Lena's hands, which is wrapped around Alura, a squeeze. Lena just shoots Kara a smile in response.

The three ladies then make their way into Lena's private elevator where Lena inputs the code, allowing the elevator to begin its ascension up to Lena's penthouse. The ride takes less than a few minutes and eventually opens up into a hallway that leads to Lena's penthouse door. The only other door down the hallway is one that leads to an emergency stairway, although that door can only be opened by a code from Lena, or a security override in case of emergencies, downstairs at the security desk.

Lena, Kara and Alura approach Lena's penthouse door and Lena then places on of her hands, which she is able to move away from holding Alura, onto the pad to scan her hand print. After Lena's hand print scan is approved Lena then types in a code and her front door opens. Kara heads in first, with Lena following, still carrying Alura, behind.

"That was cool." Alura says.

Lena chuckles.

"Thank you." Lena smiles at the five-year-old, finally placing her down on the ground.

Kara turns to her daughter and hands her the bag which she was carrying.

"Why don't you take this bag upstairs and put your clothes into your bedroom?" Kara says with a smile.

"Okay!" Alura nods happily, "I missed my room!"

Lena and Kara both smile at Alura as she grabs the bag and goes running off in the direction of the stairs which lead to the bedrooms on the floor above.

"No running!" Kara and Lena yell simultaneously. In response to this, both women just look at each other with a grin and slight blushes on their faces.

Once Kara hears Alura walking up the stairs she quickly closes the distance to Lena, taking her in for a passionate and not very PG kiss. Lena is surprised by the ferocity of the kiss, but she can't complain, so she kisses back, eagerly. After a few moments the two women part.

"Sorry." Kara hums, "But, I missed you too."

Lena smiles at Kara and then takes her super hero girlfriend in for another kiss. As Lena kisses Kara she runs both of her hands through Kara's hair, showing Kara all the passion she has for her. Eventually, the two women part again and Lena is happy to be met with a little groan from Kara for doing so.

"I'm glad. I missed you too. You and Alura." Lena smiles.

Kara and Lena just smile happily at each other for a moment before they are interrupted by Kara's stomach growling, as of course they are. In response Lena breaks out into a hearty laugh, while Kara blushes.

"I presume you are hungry then?" Lena smirks.

"Maybe...." Kara says, biting her lip.

Lena chuckles once more.

"Well, I thought instead of ordering take out, as we usually do, or I should say, as you usually do, so often, we could actually cook dinner. And by 'we', I mean me, while you help with some very basic things. I wouldn't want you burning down my penthouse after all." Lena smirks.

Kara groans.

"I should have never let Alex tell you about my bad cooking skills." Kara says.

Lena chuckles.

"Be glad she did, otherwise you'd have probably tried to cook for me, or with me, and then ended up burning down either your apartment, or my penthouse. Going up in flames certainly isn't a good way to begin a relationship." Lena smirks.

Kara groans once more.

"I guess.... you may be right..." Kara replies.

Lena steps closer to Kara and gives her a certain look, raising her eyebrow in signature fashion.

"I MAY be right?" Lena asks.

Kara looks at Lena for a moment before she lets out a huff.

"Fine, you ARE right." Kara admits.

"Thank you." Lena smiles and then takes Kara in for a quick peck as a reward.

"Anyway.... what did you have planned for dinner then?" Kara asks.

"Well, I thought that maybe we could have something sort of fun for dinner, as I remember Alura liked making her own pizza with me while I looked after her. So in that vein, I thought that I could cook us some chicken in fajita mix, on the stove, and then you could cut up some cucumbers and peppers as well as some other salad, and then we could make our own chicken fajita wraps, or burritos, to eat." Lena suggests.

Kara breaks out into a wide smile.

"I'm sure Alura will love that, although she is probably going to make a right mess." Kara says.

"Alura, or you?" Lena smirks.

Kara bites her lip again.

"Fine... maybe we both may make a mess." Kara admits.

Lena chuckles once more and then takes Kara in for a passionate kiss. Kara kisses Lena back happily, just taking in her girlfriend's lips as they hold each other close. Kara and Lena's kiss lasts a few minutes, and doesn't actually end until both of them have their attentions directed elsewhere by a little giggle to their side. That is when Kara and Lena part from their kiss and notice Alura standing beside them, looking up at them happily, with a very big smile on her face.