Chapter 54 - The CatCo Plan

"I'm considering buying CatCo." Lena says, clarifying everything, so it is absolutely clear as to what she is considering.

Kara is silent for a moment, just looking at Lena, seemingly lost in thought. Lena for her part just allows Kara to take her time to think, even if the silence makes her incredibly nervous.

"Lena... would you... would you only be doing this for me?" Kara eventually asks, in a slightly timid voice.

Lena's first instinct is to lie to Kara, and say she isn't, and try and come up with some other reason as to why she is thinking about buying CatCo, just to save Kara from any potential feelings that Sam mentioned early. However, Lena knows that she does not want to do that to Kara, she doesn't want to lie to her. Lena thinks that if she does lie to Kara, just to make her girlfriend feel better, and feel less guilty, if Kara were to find out later that she did lie, then that could blow up their relationship, and make things worse between them again.

Lena sighs, as she looks at Kara, knowing that she has to tell her girlfriend the truth.

"I won't lie to you Kara... I would be buying CatCo for you... I... I know how much the company means to you... and I don't want you to be upset." Lena admits, honestly.

Kara is once more silent as she looks at Lena.

"Lena... I... I don't want you spending your money, just buying me things, even a company, just to make me feel better, that isn't why I am with you. I am with you because you are kind, loving, beautiful, caring, and so many other wonderful things. I don't care about your money; it is not important to me. You could be broke, or homeless, and I would still love you." Kara says.

Lena smiles lovingly at Kara in response to the Kryptonian's words, her heart filling with joy with the affirmation that Kara truly thinks such wonderful things of her. Of course, Lena already knew this, but even so, it is nice for Kara to once more say it to her, and remind her of it.

"I know darling.... and thank you for saying that to me. But you should know, that my money doesn't mean anything to me. I love spoiling the people I love and care for, and taking care of them, no matter how much it costs. So that IS something that you need to get used to, because I do intend to make sure that you and Alura want for absolutely nothing." Lena explains.

Kara bites her lip nervously as she looks at Lena, feeling a wave of affection come over her, even though she doesn't know how she feels about Lena saying she will spoil her, with her money.

"I... okay... but.... a multi-million-dollar company.... is too much." Kara says.

Lena sighs once more.

"That is why Sam suggested that I talk to you about it first, as originally after you left, I was just going to start the process of buying CatCo then and there." Lena explains, "But Sam made it clear to me, that if I were to buy CatCo, things may not turn out how I expect them to, as you might have issues with it, or feel just awkward by it."

Kara is silent for a moment as she thinks.

"I.... I don't know Lee... I'm... conflicted.." Kara says, "I do want CatCo to stay around so I can continue to work there, but not only for me, for all my co-workers who will be losing their jobs otherwise. But then... on the other side... a part of me would fill guilty with you spending so much money on me.... and... it might be a bit awkward... with people knowing my girlfriend bought the company because of me."

"Yeah... Sam suggested something similar." Lena replies. "But look Kara, I have been doing some thinking since I talked to Sam, and even though my main reason for buying CatCo would be for you, I do see potential to expand my business by entering the media world. If I were to buy CatCo, I could make sure that we still have a news organisation that is fair and balanced, and checks their facts before publishing, and doesn't just write clickbait articles. Then at the same time, I could use the magazine to not only discuss L-Corp projects, but other scientific projects from time to time, as information coverage about such things is rather lacking in the media. In fact, your articles that you have written about L-Corp have shown that there is an audience that craves to learn about technologies companies are working on. So acquiring CatCo, could be good for me, and L-Corp, although I obviously wouldn't just use it as a marketing tool or anything, or control what reporters write in regards to L-Corp. I would however use it to drum up a bit more publicity for L-Corp, but not in a bad way."

Kara nods her head as she remains silent, still thinking.

"But... it is still a lot of money.... And... I'd still feel guilty... and not like the way people might look at me after." Kara says.

"Yes... well I have been thinking about that too... and.... I actually checked the share prices of CatCo, and they are extremely low, of course due to the news of James' arrest, not because the company is dissolving, as that isn't public knowledge yet. Therefore, by buying a majority stake, it would only come to around $150 million, due to the massive price drop, where as previously the same amount of shares would have been close to $600 million." Lena explains.

"$150 million dollars is still a lot Lena!" Kara says.

"I know... but... what if.... I could justify L-Corp using funds to purchase the company? I think I might be able to get the board to agree. I of course don't need their approval, but I could put it to a vote, and if I get a majority, I could then buy the shares from L-Corp's monetary assets rather than my own. How would you feel about that?" Lena asks.

"I would feel.... better... as long as.... it's not your money... and the board agrees to it as a business decision." Kara says.

"Good." Lena smiles, relieved she is able to convince Kara, although admittedly, even though she told Kara, she isn't sure she will be able to convince the board. In fact, Lena isn't sure she will be able to convince Sam, who is one of the board members now that she is CFO.

"That still leaves how my co-workers may look at me after." Kara says.

Lena sighs once more, knowing this is really an issue that she doesn't have much of an answer for.

"I know. But at the end of the day, by buying the company I would be saving their jobs too. So, in actuality they should be thankful to you that you have a girlfriend who would buy the company for you." Lena says. "I know... but that isn't how most of them will see it." Kara replies.

"Yeah.." Lena nods in agreement, "Then I don't really know what to say Kara."

Kara is silent once more, just thinking again.

"What if..." Kara begins, nervously.

"Yes?" Lena asks, encouraging Kara to continue.

"What if... once you buy CatCo..... I take a leave of absence.... and come work at L-Corp with you for a while.... I could work in L-Corp's media division... or use my Kryptonian scientific knowledge for science stuff." Kara suggests.

Lena is surprised by Kara's suggestion, when she suggested it to Kara earlier, the blonde didn't give her much of a response, so Lena just thought Kara didn't like the idea.

"But, don't you like being a reporter, Kara?" Lena asks.

"I do." Kara says, nodding her head. "But... it could only be temporary, just until things die down a bit, and CatCo gets used to you owning the company. Then in the meantime, I can work at L-Corp, and when I come back to CatCo I can have proof of the hard work I would have done at L-Corp, showing to my co-workers that I am earning my place, and not just there because the owner is my girlfriend."

Lena smiles at Kara, thinking her girlfriend is once more truly incredible.

"Kara, you already have earnt your place at CatCo. Your co-workers already know that because of how hard you have worked over the last few years, first as Cat Grant's assistant, and now as a reporter. Anyone who questions whether you deserve to be at CatCo or not is out of their mind." Lena says.

Kara nods her head in response, shyly.

"I... I'd still like to work with you at L-Corp though.... Unless..... you have reconsidered your offer or something?" Kara asks, nervously.