Chapter 77 - Moving in Plan

Kara and Lena wake up on their Monday back in National City, sharing a bed, as usual. However, this morning the couple sharing a bed has a different feel to it, because last night, just as they got home from Midvale, Lena agreed to move in with Kara and Alura, which made Alura and Kara so very happy. Lena of course was very happy about it too, not wanting to leave Kara and Alura's side ever again. But due to the late hour yesterday, Kara and Lena really didn't have a chance to discuss the logistics of it, particularly where they would be moving. Instead, Kara, Alura and Lena ordered some pizza for their dinner, because Kara didn't have any food in the fridge, and settled in for the night, watching a movie before then going off to bed. It was, of course, difficult for Kara and Lena to actually put Alura down for the night, because the five-year-old was just extremely happy, and hyper, that Lena will be living with them from now on. It made Lena even more happy to see how incredibly happy Alura was by the prospect of her living with them.

"Hmmm.... morning." Lena hums, noticing Kara wake up next to her.

"Hhmgmgm." Kara replies, waking up.

Lena chuckles at Kara's inaudible response, and just leans over to Kara and places a kiss on her cheek.

"You sleep for a bit longer, darling. I need to have a shower to get ready for work." Lena replies.

"Hgmhghmmm." Kara mumbles, sleepily.

Lena chuckles again and then gets out of bed, before then heading into the shower to get ready for her first day back at L-Corp. Lena then goes about her business, showering, brushing her teeth, and everything else, before then heading back into the bedroom where Kara is still sleeping. Thankfully Lena has a few clothes at Kara's that she can change into, that are presentable for her CEO L-Corp attire.

A few minutes later, once Lena is dressed, she brushes down the skirt she is wearing, and then looks over to Kara again, and sees her love is fast asleep. Lena then checks her phone and sees that she needs to leave for L-Corp within the next 30 minutes. As a result of this, Lena isn't really sure what to do. A part of Lena wants to wake Kara up, and tell her she is heading to work for the day, and give her a goodbye, but the other part of her wants to just let her beautiful girlfriend sleep. Eventually, after a few moments of thought, Lena just decides to leave Kara for now and go get herself some breakfast. That way if Kara wakes up on her own before she finishes eating, then she can say goodbye, but if she doesn't, then that's fine too.

Lena leaves the bedroom, and heads out into the kitchen/living room area, and decides to make herself some cereal for breakfast. Once Lena has prepared her breakfast, she takes a seat and begins eating, but a few moments later Lena hears the sound of someone walking down the hallway, by the bedrooms. Lena assumes that it's Kara, who has woken up, but when Lena looks in the direction of the hallway, she sees Alura appear.

"Alura? What are you doing up?" Lena asks, knowing it is only 8:15AM, and Alura doesn't have school until next week.

"I'm not tired anymore." Alura replies.

"Hmmm." Lena hums, not sure if she should tell Alura to go back to bed or not. "Are.... are you leaving?" Alura asks, with a sad pout on her face.

Lena sighs.

"Yes, unfortunately I have to go to work today." Lena replies.

"Oh." Alura replies, sadly. "Can.... can I come with you momma?"

"Uhhhh..... I think it might be better if you stay here with mommy, as that way you won't have to be at work all day. You can be home, relaxing." Lena says.

"Pleaseeeeeee.... momma." Alura basically begs.

Lena sighs, realising that Alura isn't going to let this go.

"If mommy agrees, then yes." Lena says. "YAY!!!" Alura celebrates.

"But this won't be a common thing Alura. I can't bring you to work every day." Lena says, wanting to make that clear now, so Alura doesn't expect to go into work with her all the time.

"Yes, okay, momma." Alura nods, happily.

"Alright then..... If you are coming to work with me.... we need to leave soon..... so let's get you washed..." Lena says, standing up from her chair.

"What about breakfast?" Alura asks.

"We can have that once you are ready." Lena replies.

"Okay." Alura nods.

Lena then walks over to Alura, and begins to lead her back down the hallway, towards the bathroom.

"Okay, you go and get started. I'm just going to wake mommy up, to ask her if she is okay with you going to work with me." Lena explains.

"Yes, okay, momma." Alura nods, and then continues to walk down the hallway into the bathroom.

Lena then walks into the bedroom where Kara is still asleep. As Lena steps inside she takes a moment to look on at her girlfriend, with a smile on her face. Kara looks so peaceful sleeping like she is currently. Lena hates that she has to wake her up now. But Lena knows she can't just take Alura to work with her without letting Kara know, and she should definitely get Kara's approval also, as Lena isn't sure if Kara has something planned for her and Alura to do today, seeing as Kara won't start working at L-Corp until next week, once Alura is back at school.

"Kara?" Lena calls out, softly, moving to Kara's side of the bed.

"Hhmghmm?" Kara hums, still mostly asleep.

Lena smiles sadly at Kara, once more not liking the idea of waking her girlfriend from her peaceful slumber. Lena then decides to take a seat on the bed, next to Kara, and begins to stroke her girlfriend's side.

"Kara, darling, I just need you to wake up for a second." Lena says, softly.

"Hmmhmhm..." Kara hums, beginning to wake up now.

Lena continues to stroke Kara's side for a few more moments, while she allows her girlfriend to continue to wake. Meanwhile, Kara slowly begins to shift in the bed, moving slightly as she wakes up.

"Hgmghmmm..... Lena?" Kara says, a bit confused, as she moves her hands to rub her eyes.

"Hey, darling." Lena smiles, "I'm sorry to wake you, but it's 8:20, and I need to leave for work in a minute."

"Ohhh." Kara says, sounding both sad and still tired.

"I know darling." Lena replies, noticing Kara's sad tone. "I'd much rather spend the day with you and Alura, but I really can't put off my work any longer."

"Okay." Kara nods, as she blinks her eyes several times, continuing to wake up.

"I was going to leave you to sleep, but as I was eating breakfast, Alura came into me, and she asked if she could come to work with me today. I was waking you to see if that's okay with you?" Lena explains.

"Oh uhhh..... I was.... just going to go into CatCo for a bit, to finish off some last few things..... before then finishing on Wednesday....." Kara replies.

"Oh." Lena nods. "So, did you have plans with Alura then?"

"No." Kara says, shaking her head. "So, if you want to take her with you, please go ahead, as long as you are sure you are okay with that, and not just doing it because Alura has cornered you into it." Lena chuckles.