Chapter 88 - Party Preparations

It is now Friday, and just like Monday, Lena has had a rather crazy week. However, even though her week has been crazy, she has made sure not to take things out on Kara, while also still coming home from work at 5PM every day, as she promised. Of course, due to Lena's work load, she has had to sit in her and Kara's bedroom on a few evenings, just to finish up some more work, which is mostly her answering emails. But Lena thinks that it's better that she is at least doing it at home, rather than in her office away from Kara and Alura.

Lena's week hasn't all been bad though, there have been some positives too. The first positive is that Sam, Alex and Ruby will all be coming to Jack Spheer's social event with her, Kara and Alura, which Lena is very pleased about. However, Alex will not be able to fly out with them, because her shift at the DEO doesn't end until 4PM, and they plan to take off from National City at around half 3, and they can't afford to wait much longer, as Jack Spheer's event begins at 8PM Metropolis time. This means that Lena, Kara, Alura, Sam and Ruby will only have about half an hour from landing in Metropolis to then get ready for the event, as Lena's plane is fast enough to travel across the country in an hour. The solution that Alex and Kara came up with though, is that Kara will fly with them on the plane, and then, while the others are getting ready, she will fly across the country, back to National City, to pick Alex up, and then bring her out to Metropolis.

The next positive from Lena's week is that the building work on her penthouse has begun, and the workers have said that it will only take 2 weeks to complete everything. This is mostly due to Lena paying a large amount of money for the workers to get it done fast, which they will be doing by hiring more people to work on the renovations at the same time. So, Lena is pleased that it will be sooner rather than later that she, Kara and Alura can move into their permanent home, and have a lot more space. Lena is particularly looking forward to that because, while she loves living at Kara's apartment, it doesn't quite feel like home to Lena, as it is just that, Kara's apartment. Lena just hopes that Kara doesn't feel the same way when they all move into the penthouse.

However, despite these positives in Lena's week, there have been some negatives outside of work, with the first one involving Alura. This is because, due to Lena's busy week, she has been unable to take Alura to the tailors to try on her custom-made burgundy suit, which has disappointed the five-year-old a lot, and thereby disappointed Lena too. But then another negative, to top off Lena's week, was that her brother, Lex Luthor, has made a request for her to come visit him, which she obviously has no intention of doing. However, the request alone affected Lena's week, as it made her upset that Lex doesn't just leave her alone, and remain to rot in prison, like she wants.


It is now 2:30PM on Friday, and Lena is wrapping up her work for the day, preparing to go fetch Kara and Sam to then go to Alura and Ruby's schools, and then head to the airport. There is then a knock at Lena's office door. "Yes?" Lena answers, currently standing up from her chair, as she types one last reply to an email on her laptop at her desk.

Jess enters the offices.

"Sorry to disturb you." Jess says, politely.

"That's okay Jess." Lena smiles, "I'm just about to leave."

Jess nods her head, but doesn't say anything else. Jess's silence causes Lena to look up at her assistant, and it is then that she notices the nervous look on Jess's face.

"Is something the matter Jess?" Lena asks, softly.

"It's..... about the CatCo job..." Jess says, nervously.

"Oh.. right.." Lena nods.

"But... you are about to leave... this can wait for another day." Jess says, trying to brush it off. "No! Please, what do you want to say about the job?" Lena asks.

"It's uhmmm..... I don't think I should take the job.... I have no experience.... and I'm not qualified..... and there are plenty of better options then me..... I could help you look for other choices if you like..." Jess says, still in a nervous tone.

Lena focuses her eyes on Jess, and then closes her laptop and walks around her desk, approaching her assistant.

"Jess, are you telling me you don't want the job, or are you saying you don't think you are qualified for the job?" Lena asks.

"The.... latter." Jess says.

"Jess..... you are more than qualified for the job. You have worked for me for what... 2 years now?.... Moving here with me from Metropolis to do so. I promise, I wouldn't offer you this job if I thought you wouldn't be able to do it. And, as for you not having 'experience', look at me, that is what people were saying when I took the role of L-Corp CEO. So, don't, for a second, think you are not good enough, you are." Lena says.

Jess is silent for a moment, as she looks at Lena nervously, taking in her kind words. "It's just..... it's very daunting.... and I don't want to screw up.... and disappoint you." Jess says.

"Jess, you could never disappoint me. And just so you know, if you take this role, you won't be all on your own. We will probably have multiple meetings a week, and I or Sam, or even Kara, will help you in any way you want. You may take the role as CEO, but you are still part of my team, and you always will be." Lena says, with a warm smile.

Jess smiles back at Lena, the CEOs words making her feel better.

"Then....... I think...... I'll accept." Jess says, nervously.

"Are you sure?" Lena asks, "As I don't want you to accept if you are not, for your own sake."

"I am sure. I want to do the role. I'm excited about it. I was just worried that I might be too inexperienced." Jess explains.

Lena smiles at Jess.

"Well then, congratulations." Lena smiles, even wider than before.

"Thank you." Jess smiles back.

Lena then takes Jess in for a hug, and Jess hugs her back. The two women hug for a few moments, until they are interrupted by Lena's office door opening again, and Kara walking in. Kara sees Lena and Jess hugging, and gets a jealous look on her face.

"Uhhh.... we need to go now, Lee." Kara says, "Sam is going to meet us downstairs."

"Right." Lena nods, as she ends the hug. "Give us a moment?"

"Sure." Kara nods, still jealous, before then closing the door again.

Lena then looks at Jess once more.

"I wish I could celebrate with you now, but I have to go." Lena says.

"That's fine." Jess smiles.

"Okay." Lena nods, "We will discuss the details of when you move into that role on Monday. If that is okay with you?"

"Of course." Jess smiles again.

"But, also, could you please put together a list of new assistants?" Lena asks.

Jess chuckles.

"I'll get right on that." Jess says. "Right. Thank you Jess." Lena says.

"You're welcome." Jess says, smiling.

Lena then walks to her office door, but stops, just before she is about to open it, turning back to look at Jess.

"I'm going to miss you being my assistant. You are the best assistant I could have asked for." Lena says.