Chapter 103 - Alura's Issues

Kara, Lena and Alura have finished eating their breakfast, and now have all begun to get ready for their day, even though they plan to stay inside together, all day long. Usually, in a situation where Kara and Lena just plan to have a lazy day indoors with their daughter, they wouldn't bother having a shower or anything, and simply stay in their pyjamas all day, but today they can't do that. After everything that went down at the facility where Lillian took Alura to, Kara and Lena particularly, were covered in a lot of dirt, and because of this, they carefully each had a separate shower after their medical examinations at the DEO. However, seeing as the shower was in the DEO, neither of the women really felt comfortable and relaxed while getting themselves clean, as they did not have their own usual shower amenities. So, this has meant that Kara and Lena have both want to take a shower today, to feel another layer of cleanliness, and just relax under the hot shower spray for a while. However, one of the problems with the two mothers each wanting to take a shower, is that Alura now does not want to leave Kara's side. Both Kara and Lena realise this is a thing because their daughter is worried that if she looks away then Kara will disappear again, but neither of the mothers really know how to address it right now. Of course, Kara and Lena could talk to Alura and assure her that that isn't going to happen, but for now they both decide to just allow the five-year-old to cling to Kara's side. This has meant that Kara had to take her shower with Alura, which honestly, she didn't mind at all. Kara has really missed Alura over the last few weeks, even though at times she didn't even remember her, so she's glad she gets to spend some quality time with her, even if it is due to Alura's attachment anxieties.

Lena had her shower prior to Kara and Alura, and she is presently downstairs, washing up everything from their breakfast this morning. Lena then gets a text.

Hey, Lena.

How are you guys doing today?

Hi Sam.

We're okay. Alura is obviously finding things difficult, and woke up crying this morning when Kara wasn't in bed with us.

She was downstairs making us breakfast.

Oh, that's awful Lena. I feel so bad for Alura.

I know. Me too.

I was wondering, would you guys like some company today?

Ruby is really interested in seeing Alura, and of course Alex and I want to see all of you guys too.

But we totally understand if you just want to spend the day just the three of you.

Kara and Alura are just getting out of the shower right now. I'll ask them and get back to you.


Lena places her phone down and heads upstairs to her and Kara's bedroom. Once Lena is inside her bedroom she sees Kara, still with a towel wrapped around her body, helping Alura get dressed into her own clothes. Lena also spots that even though Alura was in the shower her hair is completely bone dry, and she didn't hear the sound of a hairdryer or anything.

"Hello, darlings." Lena smirks, resting her back on the doorframe to the bedroom.

"Momma." Alura smiles, looking at Lena.

Kara turns and smiles at Lena too.

"Did you both enjoy your shower?" Lena asks, with a smile.

"Yes, mommy made me a unicorn!" Alura says, excitedly.

Lena now directs a confused look at Kara.

"I used shampoo in her hair to make it look like a unicorn horn." Kara explains.

"Ah." Lena says, and then chuckles, "Well, that sounds fun."

"Yes, it was." Alura nods, eagerly.

"Good." Lena smirks, and then raises an eyebrow as she asks, "But speaking of hair, how is your hair bone dry Alura?"

Alura then bites her lip nervously and looks to Kara.

"Uhh.... we used a.... hair straightener.... I mean hair blower.... hairdryer." Kara says, awkwardly.

Lena wants to chuckle at Kara's obvious lies, but she finds it far too much fun to make Kara squirm under her gaze, it's something she hasn't had the pleasure of doing in almost a month.

"Kara, did you use your powers to dry our daughter's hair?" Lena asks, with another eyebrow raising.

"Uhhhh...." Kara stammers, knowing Lena really isn't a fan of her using her powers on their daughter.

Lena then turns to look at Alura.

"Alura, did mommy use her super breath to dry your hair?" Lena asks.

Alura bites her lip again, and looks at Kara, and then back to Lena.

"If you tell me the truth, I'll make sure mommy is the only one punished." Lena says, with a playful smirk.

"Yes, she did." Alura quickly replies, nodding her head.

"Traitor." Kara mutters, with a fake pout.

Lena chuckles, and then walks further into the room, closer to Kara and Alura.

"Well.... I guess I'm going to have to punish you then.... Miss Danvers." Lena smirks.

Kara looks up at Lena, and grows a small smile on her face.

"And how ever are you going to do that, Miss Luthor?" Kara asks.

"Oh.... I can think of a few ways." Lena says, seductively, as she ends up being only a few inches from Kara's face.

Lena remains still, in her place, with her own lips only inches away from Kara, not making a move to do anything, simply looking her girlfriend in the eyes. After about 20 seconds, Kara folds, and then begins to close the gap between herself and Lena, wanting to take her in for a kiss. However, Lena quickly steps back from Kara, causing the blonde to almost stumble forward.

Kara groans in dissatisfaction.

"That was only one of the ways I'll punish you." Lena smirks, "I have other plans.... For when we are alone."

Kara now looks up at Lena again, biting her lip slightly.

"I'll look forward to that then...." Kara replies, a bit awkwardly.

"You better." Lena says, with another smirk.

Meanwhile, throughout this interaction between Kara and Lena, Alura has been looking between her two mothers, confused, not sure what is going on. From Alura's perspective, she just noticed that her mommy tried to kiss her momma, but her momma didn't seem to want mommy to kiss her. But mommy didn't seem upset about it, she seemed sort of happy. It simply confuses Alura.

Lena turns and looks down at her confused looking daughter, who is looking between the two of them. Lena decides it's probably for the best if they just allow their daughter to be confused. The last thing Lena needs right now is to have a bird and the bees talk with Alura, and talk Alura through her two mommies having sex.

"Anyway...." Lena says, deciding to change the topics, "I just got a text from Sam, and she was wondering if she, Alex and Ruby could come over today. I wanted to ask you both how you feel about that before replying."