Chapter 104 - One Month Later

It is now, June, a month since Kara, Lena, Alex, J'onn and the DEO rescued Alura from Lillian's grasps. In that time a lot has happened, events that have changed things, and put everyone in a good place. The first one occurred about a week after Kara and Lena agreed that Alura could probably do with therapy.

Lena, Kara and Alura walk into a therapist's office, all holding hands, with Alura between the two mothers. After Alex, Ruby and Sam left Lena and Kara's penthouse, the two mothers sat their daughter down and spoke with her about the possibility of talking to someone, so she could let her emotions out, and help her. At first Alura was hesitant, and didn't really understand why she couldn't just talk with her mommies, but Kara and Lena then explained that perhaps Alura would be more comfortable with a stranger, as then she could tell that person anything, even things she is worried about telling her mommies. So, eventually, after a few days of discussion, Alura agreed to give therapy a try. Lena and Kara then sat down with Alura and went through all sorts of therapist options for the young girl. Alura made it clear that she wanted a female therapist, which Kara and Lena totally understood. Then finally, after some phone calls, Lena swinging her name around, and a lot of research, Lena, Kara and Alura finally agreed upon a therapist called Dr Miranda Lawson.

Kara and Lena approach the receptionist's desk in the therapist's office. It is currently early in the morning, 9AM, which Kara and Lena made a point of, because they didn't want any of the public to recognise Lena, or even Kara, and then talk about Alura having therapy there.

"Hello, we have an appointment with Dr Lawson, for Alura Danvers?" Kara says.

The receptionist looks at Kara with a smile, and then down at her computer.

"Yes, Dr Lawson is waiting for you. You can go right on in." The receptionist smiles.

"Thank you." Lena nods.

The little family then slowly make their way towards the therapist's door, still walking hand in hand. As the trio get closer to the door, Kara and Lena both notice Alura not walking with them, stopping in place.

"Alura?" Kara asks, looking back at her daughter, with concern on her face, along with Lena.

"I.... I'm scared." Alura admits.

Both Kara and Lena shoot their daughter sympathetic looks, and then crouch down to the five-year-old's level.

"Darling, it will be fine. We are going to be right there with you for this whole session. If you don't like it, then we don't have to come back." Lena says, in a soft voice.

"Yeah, we just hope that maybe this will help you process everything, and Dr Lawson sounds very nice. And as we have told you, you can tell her anything. We are going to tell her everything that happened, including that I'm Supergirl. So, you don't have to worry about keeping any secrets. Okay?" Kara says, with a warm smile.

Alura looks at her mothers for a few moments, before she then nervously nods her head.

"Okay." Alura says.

Kara and Lena now smile at their daughter proudly as they stand up again.

"Alright, come on then." Kara says.

The trio then walk the remaining distance to the therapist's door, and Lena knocks.

"Come in!" Dr Lawson calls out.

Kara opens the door, allowing Lena and Alura to walk in in front of her, before she follows behind them, closing the door.

"Ah..." Dr Lawson smiles, looking at Alura first, "You must be Alura, and you two must be her parents, Lena Luthor and Kara Danvers."

"Yes, that's us." Kara smiles.

As Kara looks at Dr Lawson, she is certainly not what she was expecting, as the woman is absolutely drop dead gorgeous, not that Kara has eyes for anyone other than Lena. Kara just thought that all therapists were supposed to be plain looking, or at least not super attractive, as that can be distracting for patients. But Dr Lawson looks to have an incredible body, with black long hair, and a certain confidence about her.

"It's nice to meet you." Lena says, sticking out her hand for Dr Lawson to shake.

Dr Lawson shakes Lena's hand, and then Kara's, before then looking at Alura, who is looking nervously up at her.

"I promise everything's going to be okay, Alura." Dr Lawson says, with a smile, "Why don't you guys all take a seat."

"Sure." Kara nods.

The family then sit down on the couch for the patients. Upon agreeing to this appointment, Dr Lawson had said that she wanted both Kara and Alura there for the first session, but after that, if they decided to continue, she would do her sessions alone with Alura, if possible. The 'if possible' clause was referring to Kara and Lena having told Dr Lawson about Alura's attachment issues with Kara, although they haven't gone into details about them.

"Okay...." Dr Lawson says, as she opens up her notebook, "So, for this first session, how I go about things is I'm going to talk to you all as a whole, and ask about everything that has been going on, and what I need to know. Then for the last 10 – 15 minutes of our session I'm going to talk more directly to Alura."

"Okay." Kara says, nodding her head.

"But, I just want to make clear, that I don't want either of you telling me things that you think Alura needs to work on or anything, unless they are instances like her attachment issues, that is my job to discover." Dr Lawson explains.

"That's fair." Lena nods.

"Alright then, so why don't you tell me a bit about you guys..." Dr Lawson begins.

"Actually...." Lena says, firmly, "I just want to state, and please don't take any offense to this, but obviously I am a public figure. I know that you are bound by doctor-patient confidentiality, but if you do tell anyone anything that is said in here, I will make sure you regret it, for the rest of your life."

Kara now looks nervously at Lena, really hoping her girlfriend hasn't just scared off this therapist already. However, Dr Lawson just breaks out into a big smile.

"Fair enough. I promise I won't say anything. If anything leaves this room, I will gladly give you my head." Dr Lawson assures.

"Good." Lena nods.

"Okay, so firstly, I want to know the.... situation here.... as you have told me you are Alura's parents... but obviously only 2 of you share a last name." Dr Lawson says. "Right." Kara nods, "So, Lena is Alura's other mother. She is my girlfriend, and while she isn't Alura's mother legally, that is what she is."

"She's my momma." Alura says, firmly.

Kara and Lena both look at Alura, surprised she spoke up. Dr Lawson smiles at Alura.

"If she's momma, then what do you call her?" Dr Lawson asks, as she points to Kara.

"Mommy." Alura answers.

"Okay..." Dr Lawson nods, as she makes notes in her book, "That's good to know, so I don't get them confused."

Kara and Lena both nod their heads.