Chapter 105 - Birthday Dinner

It is now later on in the day on Lena's birthday, and Sam, Alex and Ruby have just arrived at Kara and Lena's penthouse.

"Happy birthday Lena." Sam says to her best friend, taking her in for a tight hug. "Thank you Sam." Lena replies, hugging Sam back.

Once Sam and Lena part from their hug, Alex, and then Ruby, give Lena a hug each, while also offering her a happy birthday as well. Lena honestly feels so happy with the love she is receiving from her friends and family right now. Growing up birthdays were not an important thing in the Luthor household, especially Lena's, so Lena had just grown to not pay much mind to her own birthday, not celebrating it at all. So, for Lena, it is such a wonderful change to have people celebrate her birthday with her, simply because they care about her, and want to celebrate her life.

"So... tell us.... what did you get for your birthday so far?" Sam asks, as the group make their way to the living room and take seats on the couches, "Or... are they some things that we don't really want to know?"

Alex groans.

"Please... I don't want to hear about any.... X rated thing my sister has got you...." Alex says, and then groans again.

Sam laughs at her girlfriend, rubbing her back. "I didn't get her anything like that!" Kara protests. "Well.... not yet..." Lena purrs, looking at Kara seductively.

"I said I didn't want to hear about it!" Alex says, groaning once more, her head in her hands now.

Lena chuckles.

"So, what did you get, Lena?" Sam asks.

Lena glances at Kara, and then Alura, with a smile growing on her face, once more feeling all the overwhelming love and affection she has received today by the very thoughtful and wonderful gifts she has been given.

"Well.... Kara..... she got me.... a picture of my birth mom and I... from when I was a child...... and then she also found my teddy bear.... which I thought Lillian burnt in a fire..." Lena explains, knowing that she can't go into details about how Kara time travelled with Ruby present, as that would give away her secret identity.

Lena picks up the framed picture, and the teddy bear, and carefully hands them both to Sam for her to have a look at.

"Oh.... that's wonderful." Sam says, with a smile, knowing how much those things must mean to her best friend, "How did you go about getting them, Kara?"

Kara bites her lip, nervously, glancing at Alex, who she didn't tell, and then Ruby.

"I uhh..... had a friend who helped me." Kara replies.

Alex now gives Kara a suspicious look.

"Right..." Sam says, not sure what that response from Kara means. Sam then turns and looks at Alura, "So, what did you get momma, Alura?"

Alura smiles up at Sam, proudly.

"Momma is going to be my momma!" Alura explains, excitedly.

Sam now grows a very confused expression on her face, not understanding what Alura is saying at all. Lena can't help but chuckle at Alura's explanation.

"I'm sorry.... what?" Sam asks, still confused.

Lena reaches over to the coffee table again, and this time hands Sam the large envelope, which have the now signed adoption papers inside. Sam takes the envelope, handing Lena back the teddy and the framed picture, and then examines the documents. While Sam is looking at the documents, Alex looks at them as well, over Sam's shoulder. After a few seconds, both Sam and Alex's eyes go wide in surprise.

"You're.... you're going to adopt Alura?" Sam says, surprised.

"Yeah." Lena smiles, both proudly, and happily.

"" Sam says, tears now running down her own cheek. Sam realises what a big deal this is for Lena, and she is so happy for her, and Alura. "That's incredible."

"Yes, it is." Lena replies, smiling very widely, so happy that she is going to actually legally be Alura's second mom.

"Congratulations, Lena." Alex says, and quickly stands up and takes Lena in for a hug.

Lena chuckles, happily, and also from surprise, and hugs Alex back.

"Thank you, Alex." Lena says, quietly, into the redhead's ear.

"The next step is for you to actually become my sister." Alex whispers into Lena's ear, so no one else can hear.

Lena chuckles again.

"I'll get to work on that." Lena replies, happily.

"Good." Alex smiles, pulling back from the hug.

Sam now gets up from the couch and hugs Lena too, taking her best friend in for a long tight hug.

"I am so happy for you Lena. I have always known you would be an incredible mom. You have shown to all of us that you are an incredible mom over these last few months. I'm so glad that you finally get to become a mom in an official legal capacity, even though we have all known you've been Alura's momma for several months now." Sam says.

Lena now has tears running down her face, overwhelmed with everything that is happening, and all the love and affection she is receiving, including the incredible words from Sam and Alex.

"Don't I get hugs?" Alura asks, confused, "I'm the one getting an official momma."

Alex, Sam, Kara and Lena all laugh upon hearing that.

"I'll give you a hug, Alura." Ruby says, and then takes the five-year-old in for a hug.

Alura grows a big smile, and hugs Ruby back. Alex then bends down and takes both the children in for a hug, giving Alura a kiss on the top of her head.

"Congratulations, Alura." Alex says.


The day continues on from there, with Lena, Alura, Ruby, Alex, Sam and Kara all spending a nice afternoon together celebrating Lena's birthday, and the upcoming adoption, just enjoying one another's company. Eventually afternoon turns into evening, and the group of friends and family head out to the fancy restaurant which Kara has booked for them. To get to the restaurant Alex, Sam and Ruby are going in one car, while Kara, Alura and Lena are going in another.

"Momma?" Alura asks, as she sits in the back seat, with Kara driving the car.

"Yes, my darling?" Lena replies, turning around to look at her soon-to-be official daughter.

"When you adopt me.... will I be a Danvers and a Luthor?" Alura asks, in a slightly confused voice.

"Uhhh..." Lena stammers, not really sure what to say. Lena honestly isn't sure on her personal feelings on the matter.

"Yes, sweetie, you'll be both." Kara answers for Lena.

Lena now looks over at her girlfriend, with a bit of a surprised look on her face.

"So, will my name be Alura Danvers & Luthor?" Alura asks, confused.

"Uhmm... no that's not how it works." Kara replies, glancing at Alura in the rear-view mirror, "Technically while Lena will officially/legally be your mom, once the adoption documents go through, your name will still remain Alura Danvers, because name changes are different than you being adopted."