Chapter 131 - Ruby's Birthday

"Why do we have to go to Sam and Ruby's?" Alura moans, "Can't they come to our home?"

Lena rolls her eyes, as she is driving the car, with Kara sitting beside her in the passenger seat.

"Alura, it's Ruby's birthday, not yours, so we go to their home to celebrate. Sam and Ruby come to ours all the time, today we can go to theirs." Kara says.

"But our home has a swimming pool!" Alura exclaims.

Kara and Lena both chuckle.

"Yes, but it's still Ruby's birthday." Lena says.

Alura lets out a little huff upon hearing that, the mothers very much finding it amusing that Alura wants everyone to come to their place, even on Ruby's birthday.

"Will everyone come over to us on mommy's birthday?" Alura asks.

Lena's face flinches a bit at Alura mentioning Kara's birthday in a few weeks' time, because she very much has a plan for the day now. Lena 100% knows how she is going to propose to Kara, and the other day she finally completed the engagement ring which she will get down on one knee and give to Kara.

"Uhhh..... We haven't really discussed what we will be doing on my birthday yet, Alura." Kara replies.

"Yeah." Lena lies, "Although, I was thinking that perhaps the 3 of us could spend a nice morning and early afternoon together, just the three of us, and then everyone else could come around in the evening, and we will have a nice dinner, of mommy's choosing."

"So, no vegetables?" Kara asks, with a smirk.

Lena rolls her eyes again, which causes Kara to smile widely.

"Well, I know what I want to get mommy for her birthday already." Alura says, confidently.

"Oh? What is that?" Kara asks.

"I can't tell you!" Alura exclaims.

Kara chuckles.

"The two of us can talk about it later, and go shopping together, just you and me, to get mommy's presents." Lena says.

"Do you know what you want to get mommy, momma?" Alura asks.

This time Lena, with all her might, doesn't flinch, because she knows Kara is looking at her, despite her body really wanting her to.

"Yes, I do darling." Lena smiles, happily.

"Oh, now I'm interested." Kara says, excitedly.

Lena chuckles.

"You'll just have to wait, darling." Lena purrs, with a loving smile.

The trio continue driving in the car for the next few minutes, before they eventually pull up at Sam's house. They then all get out of the car, and are greeted by Sam at the front door.

"Hey guys." Sam smiles, happily, "You're right on time."

"Well, you know how Lena is with her punctuality." Kara smiles.

Lena looks at Kara with a pout.

"Oh, don't pout baby, that's one of the things I love about you." Kara says, lovingly.

In response to that, Lena grows a small smile on her face.

"You two are disgustingly in love." Sam says.

"I know." Lena replies, and then takes Kara in for a kiss.

Alura simply giggles happily.

Kara, Lena and Alura then make their way it into Sam's home, and once they are inside, they see Alex is there organising some drinks, while Ruby is outside playing on a bouncy castle, and other backyard games, with a few other kids. Upon seeing this, Alura grows a disapproving look on her face.

"Oh, hey guys." Alex says, noticing Lena, Kara and Alura.

"Hey, Al." Kara smiles, happily.

"Sorry, I would come and greet you all, but I'm just getting some drinks for the kids." Alex explains, gesturing with her head to the kids out back.

"That's okay." Lena smiles, and then watches as Alex collects a bunch of drinks and walks outside.

"Who are they?" Alura asks, as she points to the other kids playing out back with Ruby.

"They are some of Ruby's friends from school, Alura." Sam explains.

"Oh." Alura replies, in a sad tone.

Kara and Lena both know that Alura certainly has some issues where she doesn't particularly like sharing things with other people that she doesn't know. So, in this case, the two parents know that Alura will not be a fan of sharing Ruby's attention with a bunch of Ruby's friends from school, who are older than Alura, and Alura doesn't know.

"Don't worry, Alura. Ruby will still spend time with you too." Sam says, encouragingly.

"Yeah...." Alura nods, still in a sad voice.

"Come on....." Kara says, "Why don't we head outside, and go say happy birthday to Ruby?"

"Okay." Alura nods.

"You mind if you stay and help me with a few things here, Lena?" Sam asks.

"Sure." Lena nods, with a smile.

Kara and Alura then head outside, leaving Sam and Lena alone in the living room.

"So, what do you need help with?" Lena asks her best friend.

"Oh, nothing." Sam admits.

"Then why did you say that to Kara?" Lena asks, confused.

"Because I wanted to get you alone, as we haven't had a chance, one on one, to talk about what Alex said a few weeks ago, about you being her future sister-in-law." Sam says.

"Oh...." Lena says, her eyes widening a bit.

"So.... when are you proposing?" Sam asks, "Or have you already proposed and you have been keeping it from me? Cause I swear, if you've proposed and not told me, or worse, got married already, I'm going to kill you!"

Lena chuckles.

"I'm proposing in a few weeks on Kara's birthday." Lena explains.

"That sounds perfect!" Sam smiles, happily, "So you told Alex?"

"Yeah." Lena nods, "I went up to see Eliza about a month ago, to Midvale, to ask for her blessing, and then I asked Alex too."

"Oh Lena, that's so sweet of you. Kara really is lucky." Sam says.

"No. I'm the lucky one." Lena says, looking out at Kara talking with some of the kids, as Alura stands next to her, outside.

"Well, you are both lucky then." Sam says, "So, do you know how you are going to do it? I want all of the details."

"Yeah. I think so." Lena nods.

"Come on! Spill!" Sam says, eagerly.

Lena chuckles.

"I think that I'll wake up early, and go into Alura and tell her about things, and ask her for her blessing, and then after, Alura and I will make Kara breakfast in bed. Then a little while later, I'll suggest the three of us go for a hike somewhere. We'll hike for a while, get to a nice spot with a view, and then I'll ask Alura to take a photo of Kara and I, but in reality, she'll be recording, and while Kara thinks we are taking a photo, I'll get down on one knee and ask her to marry me." Lena says.