Chapter 132 - Kara's Earth Birthday

Today is the special day for Lena, which she hopes will be one of the most important days of her life, the day she asks Kara to marry her, Kara's earth birthday. Lena has everything planned out for today, and she knows how she's going to propose and everything. However, there is still one final thing she needs to do. One final person who she needs to talk to, to tell her what is going on, and get her to help her with the proposal.

Lena quietly gets up from her bed, with Kara still sleeping, not wanting to wake her hopefully soon to be fiancé. Thankfully, Kara doesn't wake, and Lena then quietly leaves the room and creeps into her daughter's bedroom, who is still asleep.

"Alura?" Lena says softly, placing a kiss on the 5-year-old's cheek.

Alura slowly wakes up and opens her eyes, and grows a smile on her face upon seeing Lena.

"Momma." Alura says, tiredly, with a yawn.

"Hello, darling." Lena smiles, "It's mommy's birthday today. Would you like to help me make breakfast for her, that she can eat in bed?"

"Yes." Alura nods, happily.

Lena picks Alura up in her arms, and then carries the 5-year-old downstairs, and then places her down on one of the kitchen stools.

"What are we going to make?" Alura asks.

"Actually, before we do that, I wanted to talk to you about something." Lena says, taking a seat next to Alura.

"Okay..." Alura replies.

"I love mommy very much, and I know we are already a family, but today I want to make that official, as I am planning to propose to mommy, by asking her to marry me." Lena explains.

Alura's eyes light up upon hearing this, the remainder of her tiredness completely disappearing.

"Really?" Alura says, with a big smile on her face.

"Yes." Lena nods, "But I only want to do it if you are okay with it."

"Yes." Alura nods, and then takes Lena in for a hug, basically leaping into Lena's lap.

Lena hugs Alura back, feeling such relief. Lena knew that Alura would be okay with her and Kara getting married, but she still needed to be sure.

"Does this mean when you are married we will all have the same last names?" Alura asks.

Lena chuckles.

"Yes, darling. We will all have the last names Luthor-Danvers." Lena replies.

"Good." Alura smiles happily, with a nod of her head.

"Okay." Lena says, ending her hug, "But obviously you can't tell mommy about me proposing to her, alright?"

"Yes." Alura nods.

"Perfect, because I want you to help me with it." Lena says.

"How?" Alura asks, curiously.

"Well, I thought that after we have a nice morning together, just the three of us, by eating our breakfast, and then giving mommy her presents, we could all take a nice hike." Lena explains, "On the hike, when we are in the right place, I'm going to ask you to take a picture of me and mommy, and I'll give you my phone. However, I'll actually set my phone to record. So you'll pretend to be taking a picture of us, but be recording, and I will then get down on one knee and ask mommy to marry me. Do you think you can do that for me?"

"Yes. I can do it." Alura smiles happily, "Can we go now?"

Lena chuckles.

"Hold your horses, darling." Lena smiles, placing a kiss on the top of Alura's head, so happy how eager Alura is over the proposal, "We need to make mommy her breakfast first."

"Okay." Alura nods.

"And I think you and I both know what mommy would like for breakfast." Lena says.

Alura smiles widely at Lena again.

"Pancakes!" Alura exclaims.

Lena chuckles once more.

Lena and Alura then begin working together, making a bunch of pancakes, and all sorts of different toppings for them, including the unhealthy ones, as Lena knows they are the ones that Kara likes the most, and it is her earth birthday after all. Although it's not like Lena doesn't have a completely selfish reason to make sure Kara is in the best mood possible today.

"Okay." Lena smiles, once they finish cooking the 3 stacks of pancakes, "I think we've made enough. If I put these plates of pancakes on a tray, can you carry them upstairs to mommy, while I carry all the bowls of toppings on another tray?"

"Yes, okay." Alura nods, confidently.

Lena smiles at Alura, and then hands her the tray. After that, the two slowly walk up the stairs, making sure to be careful and not drop any food on the floor or anything.

A few moments later, Lena and Alura quietly walk into Kara and Lena's bedroom, where Kara is still sleeping. Once Lena notices this, she begins to think of ways to wake up Kara, although she knows that Alura would happily jump on Kara, and startle her wake. However, before Lena's thoughts can progress any further, Kara starts sniffling, and then opens her eyes a few moments later, looking directly at Lena and Alura, and, of course, the food.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Alura yells, excitedly.

Kara smiles at both Lena and Alura.

"Happy birthday, darling." Lena smiles, and moves over to the bed with Kara, putting the food down on it.

"Thank you, both of you. Am I having breakfast in bed?" Kara asks, with a smile.

"Yes." Alura nods, eagerly.

"That's great. These pancakes look yummy." Kara says, licking her lips.

"Yeah. I thought you'd enjoy this as the start to your day." Lena smiles.

"Oh, I certainly will." Kara nods back, "But before that, I would like a birthday kiss."

Lena grows a big smile on her face upon Kara asking her that, however, before she can make a move to take Kara in for a kiss, Alura climbs on the bed and kisses Kara on one of her checks.

Kara chuckles.

"Why thank you, Alura." Kara says, "Although I was asking for a kiss from momma."

"Oh." Alura says, and then shifts in the bed to move next to Kara, with her legs under the covers.

Lena chuckles again, and then walks over to Kara, taking her in for a tender loving kiss, putting all of her love into it, thinking about how today is going to be an amazing day, and being so excited by it.

"Hmmmmmm.... That was a very nice kiss." Kara hums, happily, as soon as she and Lena part.

"Good." Lena nods back, with a smile.

Lena then moves to sit in the bed herself, with Alura being between both Kara and Lena. The family all then begin eating their breakfast.

"So, do we have some plans for today?" Kara asks, "Or, I should ask more specifically, do you have plans for me today?"

Upon Kara asking her this, Lena feels her heart do a little flip, wondering if Kara knows that she plans to propose to her today or something. Although Lena is pretty sure that if Kara knew the blonde Kryptonian would certainly not be able to keep it a secret from her, as she would just blab it out at some point.