It is now a few more days later, and over the last few days Lillian's condition has got a lot better. Lillian is now a lot less tired than she was before, and this has meant that Lena has actually been able to talk to her mother a bit. This is has been furthered by the fact that Lillian has recovered more of her ability to talk. However, the one big negative that has occurred over the last few days, is Lillian can no longer feel her legs, meaning she can't walk, and is currently paralysed from the waist down. Once the doctors discovered this, they did run multiple tests on Lillian, and they believe that this is a result of the damage done to Lillian's brain, due to the bullet wound, even though the bullet didn't actually go through the skull. But the doctors also believe that in situations like this, it might just be a matter of time for Lillian to actually get the movement in her lower body back, which will also mean Lillian having to have a lot of therapy sessions to learn to walk again. However, before any of that can happen, there needs to be a sign that Lillian is regaining some of her movement in her lower body.
"I'm so sorry this is happening to you." Lena says to her mom, after the doctors leave Lillian's room after doing another test on the Luthor matriarch's legs.
"It's okay, Lena. It's not your fault." Lillian replies.
"I can't help but feel that it is though. You were doing all this to protect me." Lena says.
Lillian sighs.
"Yes. But maybe I was also doing it for myself too. Maybe I wanted to see if I could be a better person. But either way, it's not your fault. None of this is." Lillian says.
Lena doesn't reply to Lillian saying that.
"Is that why you have been here so often?" Lillian asks, "You feel guilty? So you have been sticking to my side, as if something is going to happen to me at any moment? Because you feel responsible?"
"No." Lena replies, "I'm here because you're my mother, and I don't want to lose you!"
Lillian sighs and gives Lena a caring look.
"Lena...." Lillian begins, in a soft voice, "Everything is okay. I'm safe. You can't just keep spending all your time here. You have a company to run. You have a family to spend time with, a life to get on with."
"But you're my family too." Lena says.
"I am." Lillian nods, "But, I'm only a small part of it. You have so many different members of your family now. You have your mom, you have your future wife, your two daughters, and all your other friends. You can't ignore them for me."
"I'm not ignoring them." Lena says back.
"Hmmm... maybe ignoring is not the right word. But even though I'm stuck in the hospital, I have heard that you haven't gone to try on your wedding dress yet." Lillian says.
"How... how did you hear about that?" Lena asks, surprised.
"I overheard you and Kara talking the other day, when you thought I was asleep." Lillian replies, "But you should go try on your dress. Don't hamper your wedding in any way just because you think you have to watch me."
"Okay." Lena says, after a moments silence, as she knows that if Lillian is saying it too, then she really needs to actually do something, "But..... there is something I'm going to need from you."
"What is that?" Lillian asks, with a smirk.
"On my wedding day.... I..... I want you to walk me down the aisle with my mom....." Lena says.
Lillian grows a big smile on her face after hearing that.
"Your wedding's only a few months away. I'm not sure I'll be able to walk by then, but I'll certainly wheel down the aisle with you." Lillian says, with a bit of a chuckle.
Lena also chuckles in response.
"Okay." Lena nods.
Lillian and Lena then hug one another for a few moments.
"I just know that your wedding is going to be an amazing day. You already have your little family. But I know once you get married, you and Kara will have another baby. And when that happens, I'm sure you'll be a grumpy pregnant CEO." Lillian says, with a loving smile.
Lena lets out a croaked sob at Lillian saying that.
"Oh, shhh... It's okay." Lillian says, "I didn't mean to make you cry."
"It's not that." Lena says, backing away from Lillian.
"Then what is it?" Lillian asks, confused.
Lena wipes her tears from her eyes, and then takes a deep breath.
"A.... few weeks ago.... Alex suggested that we all get medicals done on us. Alex, Sam, Ruby, Kara, me, Alura and Morgan. Alex wanted to make sure everything was okay.... and...... we found..... I.... I can't have a baby." Lena says, and starts to cry some more.
"What?" Lillian says.
"I've..... I've gone to see a few specialists now.... and..... I can't have a baby....." Lena says.
"Oh god... I..... I'm so sorry dear." Lillian says, with a lot of sympathy in her voice.
"It's.... it's okay.... I.... I've been trying to deal with it.... I mean..... I'm happy with Kara and I's family now. I love Alura and Morgan soooo much. I don't care that they don't share my blood. They ARE my daughters. And I know there are other ways to have a baby but..... it's just..... I.... never thought about it until this happened.... but..... I want to have a baby.... I want to be the one pregnant with Kara taking care of me.... in such a caring loving way that I know she would..... and.... and I can't have that now." Lena says.
Lillian nods her head.
"Well..... maybe there is something that can be done.... something you can look into?" Lillian suggests, trying to give Lena some hope.
"No!" Lena snaps, before deflating, "I.... I've looked at a few things..... I..... I've even begun some basic work of seeing if I could find some way to combine Kara and I's DNA and then have me carry a baby that way.... but..... with my issues.... it.... it doesn't seem likely.... and.... I still have a long way to go on that research... it might take years... or decades.... and by then it'll be too late."
Lillian nods her head once more.
"Then.... I know it's not ideal.... but maybe Kara could carry a baby made from one of your eggs?" Lillian suggests, "That way.... you'll still have a baby who is your blood.... even if I understand you want the experience of being pregnant."
"We can't do that either." Lena says.
"Why?" Lillian asks.
"Because..... due to Kara's alien biology..... both.... Alex and Eliza have told me.... that.... any human fertilised egg put inside Kara's body.... won't survive......" Lena explains.
"Oh..." Lillian says, "I.... I'm so sorry, Lena."
"It's okay." Lena says, with a deep breath, "I'm... dealing with it how I deal with it."
"Hmmm." Lillian hums, "Well, maybe it would be a good thing for you to focus on the positives in your life, including your upcoming wedding."
Lena huffs.
"You're not going to let the wedding dress thing go, are you?" Lena asks.
"Certainly not." Lillian smirks.