Chapter 187 - Finances

It is now a few more days later, and Lillian is finally being released from the hospital, and moved into The Tower, where the group have set up another specialised room for the Luthor matriarch, just like they did with Elizabeth. It is just lucky that due to the Martian technology The Tower's rooms are very flexible, almost as if it's a Tardis from Doctor Who. A comment that Winn constantly makes all the time.

In regards to Lillian's recovery, she has begun to regain a bit of movement in her legs, and in turn has started to do some therapy, as she will have to learn to walk again. The neurologist has told Lena and Lillian that the most likely thing that happened, is that even though the bullet didn't go through Lillian's skull, it did create pressure inside her skull, which ultimately has led to some form of brain damage. The neurologist has made it clear that the recovery is a long process, and it may not be entirely linear. Lillian's only major symptom for now might be that she lacks full movement of her legs, as she recovers from being paralysed, but in the future other symptoms might start to show. This ranges from Lillian having emotional outbursts at times, to Lillian just having a lack of energy and being really tired, or even maybe Lillian being confused, almost as if she were a dementia patient.

"Okay, mom, here we are." Lena says, as she wheels Lillian out of the elevator, and into the main entrance of The Tower, along with Kara.

As Kara, Lena and Lillian enter The Tower, Lillian takes a few moments to look around, noticing the big computer station, the balcony, and the open space of the main entrance to The Tower.

"Well.... I have to say.... I certainly wasn't expecting this when we entered through that detective's office, which honestly looks more like a book store." Lillian comments.

"That's kind of the point, mother. We don't want anyone walking in here." Lena says.

"Right." Lillian nods.

"So, why don't we show you around The Tower a little bit, so you get used to the surroundings and everything?" Kara suggests, "There are multiple floors, and this is the top one. Here there is this main area, a few training rooms, and a lab. Then downstairs, there is a big open living room type area, several more labs, and multiple rooms we have now turned into bedrooms where you and Elizabeth will be staying."

"Hmm.... so I'm going to be roommates with your real mom?" Lillian asks.

"Yes.... I guess." Lena says, a bit awkwardly, "But you have your own bathroom and everything, so you don't have to worry about that."

"Hmmm.... that's not going to be awkward at all." Lillian hums.

"Well, if you don't want to stay here with my mom, I could always stick you into some sort of care facility in the middle of nowhere, under a false name, so no one knows where you are?" Lena suggests.

Lillian chuckles.

"No. I'm sure living here will be just fine." Lillian replies, with a smirk.

"Good." Lena nods.

Lena and Kara then spend the next half an hour showing Lillian around the entirety of The Tower, before they finally end up in Lillian's room, that they all have made for her. The room itself is much like Elizabeth's, and is rather simple, but it does have a few handles here and there to help Lillian move about, seeing as she is in a wheelchair.

"Much more basic than I'm used to." Lillian comments.

"Well, like I said, the alternative is a care facility in the middle of nowhere, or you could go back to prison?" Lena says, dryly.

Lillian huffs.

"I wasn't making that comment to be spiteful or anything. It was just a comment." Lillian says.

"Hmmm.... okay." Lena replies.

"Anyway........ there is something I wish to ask both of you." Lillian says.

"What is it?" Kara asks, as she glances at Lena.

"I.... I would like to meet your daughters." Lillian says, "I know I've already sort of met Alura.... but that was in far from ideal circumstances...... I would quite like to meet them both now. But.... I know that you may be uncomfortable with that.... with what I have done before.... so I completely understand if you deny my request."

Kara and Lena look at each other in silence for a few moments after Lillian says that.

"We'll think about it." Lena says, "We'll discuss it with one another privately, and then also talk with both Alura and Morgan. They will only meet you if they want to. We won't force them to."

"Okay. That's fair enough." Lillian nods.

"Good." Lena says, "So, this room has been made so you'll hopefully be able to get around easily with your wheelchair and everything. Then, there are a few alert systems that will let us know if anything happens, and you need us. And if worse comes to worse, my mom will be across the hall from you, so she has told me that if you yell out to her, she will come in and help you with anything you need."

"That's nice of her." Lillian comments, "I presume that means her recovery has gone well?"

"Yeah." Lena nods, "She doesn't have her shadow woman powers anymore or anything, but she is almost fully recovered. She still lacks some of her memories, but she's able to function on her own and everything. Honestly, the only reason she is still here is because it's too dangerous for her to be living somewhere on her own with Leviathan about. And as much as I love my mom, I don't want her living with Kara, Alura, Morgan and I, we deserve our privacy and time alone."

"I see." Lillian nods, "So, I guess maybe some introductions are in order then? If I'm going to be staying here with your mom?"

"Right. Yes." Lena replies, "I'll.... just go get her."

Lena then exits the room, leaving Lillian and Kara alone.

"You know..... I've just realised this is the first time that the two of us have been alone together..... to talk." Lillian says, looking at Kara.

Kara chuckles.

"I very much doubt you realised that just now." Kara says.

Lillian smirks in response.

"Well..... seeing as we are alone for the first time, I thought it would be best for me to tell you, if you ever hurt Lena, I'll make sure you regret it, even if I am stuck in this wheelchair." Lillian says.

"I would never ever hurt Lena. She is the love of my life. I can't even imagine continuing my life without her by my side." Kara says.

"Hmmm.... okay.... I just had to make sure." Lillian says.

"I know." Kara nods, "Sam has already given me the shovel talk, so I guess I can add this one to my collection."

Lena and Elizabeth then walk back into the room, ending Kara and Lillian's conversation.

"Mother.... this is.... my birth mom, Elizabeth." Lena says, "Mom, this is, my adopted mother Lillian."

"Hello, Lillian, it's nice to meet you." Elizabeth says, extending a hand for Lillian to shake.

Lillian looks at Elizabeth's outstretched hand for a few moments, before finally shaking it.

"It is nice to meet you too." Lillian says, "I can see where Lena gets her resemblance from now. She never did look anything like Lionel."