Chapter 104 The Sun And The Moon Come Out Together

"Black Zetsu? He probably has given up too!"

Otsutsuki Kaguya also remembered Black Zetsu she had created. She didn't know much about Black Zetsu, but she hadn't been released for thousands of years, so she felt that he probably has given up.

"If you say this, you would have wronged him. He has planned for your freedom for thousands of years. You know, when you made Black Zetsu, you didn't give him any fighting ability, so without combat power, Black could only try to plan everything to release you, and such thing is almost impossible, but this guy is still working hard now, and he's much better than your other two sons."

Asahi believed that Black Zetsu is really the number one filial son in the Shinobi World, and there is really no one that can compare with him. After hearing Asahi's words, Kaguya's face became a lot more complicated. The powerless Black Zetsu persisted for thousands of years, and her other two children, who she desperately wanted to protect that she chose to eat Chakra fruit, sealed her, and then throw her away.

Hearing what Asahi and Kaguya said, Orochimaru's face is filled with black lines, and he doesn't know what to say anymore. He listens to all the myths they are talking about, but he doesn't understand, and was completely stunned.

"Forget it, let's not talk about this. You can learn more about it later, right now, let me show you my full strength. Regarding my own full strength, I am also very curious about it, after all, from the time I gained this strength to now, I have never burst out with all my strength, and now, it is not just as simple as using full force!"

As Asahi said that, the white flames all over his body rose rapidly, forming a huge scorching white flame on the moon. This power has completely surpassed the limit of the limit, and even it is even much more terrifying than the one in Seven Deadly Sins World.

Immediately afterwards, a large number of flames continued to rush toward his hands, and gradually formed a sphere. The sphere began to absorb the continuous flames from the size of the marble and expanded even more.

Soon, the diameter of the sphere has surpassed a hundred meters. This is already the most solar power that Asahi can mobilize at one time. It must be knowm that the sphere with the diameter of 1cm is already enough to destroy Kaguya's seal, and this sphere's diameter is more than 100 meters. The temperature alone has already caused the surrounding space to be torn apart with small cracks appearing.

This power has already exceeded the capacity of the space. As for Orochimaru and Kaguya, they have already run far away, but even if they don't run, Asahi can control his own power to protect them, otherwise, they will be completely burnt just by getting close to him.

After the huge sphere was formed, Asahi threw it sharply, and the sphere instantly turned into a stream of light and disappeared. At this moment, the surface of the moon around Asahi has already melted into a large pit. If he hadn't threw it quickly, it would be burned to inside the moon, and this is still the result of control.

The blazing white sphere continuously shot towards the distance at a terrifying speed. The distance was still too close, so Asahi did not dare to detonate it directly.

"Can't it detonate?"

After the sphere was flying for almost a few minutes, Orochimaru asked with some doubts.

"It can, but as this is also my first time using this much power, it's better to let this thing fly further!"

Asahi said. This thing is too powerful, so he chose to play it safe.

After another few minutes, Asahi felt that it should be enough, and he directly detonated the huge sphere. His control of the power of the Sunshine has completely surpassed even Mael, and it is because of the production of the system. Asahi feels that his power of the Sunshine is getting more and more terrifying, and after the magic power is added, it is even more stronger.

It is also because the magic power is added that Asahi wonders whether to let the Sunshine and other magic directly fuse, thus breaking through to a higher level.

In fact, this is the first time Asahi has used such a big move like this. The main reason for doing this is to show the ultimate destructive power in front of Kaguya, otherwise, he doesn't need to work so hard. After all, this kind of big move is not suitable for use against the enemy, and it is estimated that his own people would be annihilated.

After Asahi detonated the sphere, a terrifying light suddenly appeared in the space, and the giant sphere, which had flown for an unknown distance, suddenly exploded, and there's as if another giant sun appeared in the universe in an instant.

At the same time, the Shinobi World, which is already at night, was directly illuminated at the moment when the sun appeared. It was obviously night, but it was no different from the daytime. It was not uncommon for the Sun and the Moon to be in the sky together, but when it was dark at night, a sun appeared, and the entire Shinobi World was illuminated. This is not a small problem, and it is also not common.

"This… how is it possible? It's not the power of Chakra, what's that?"

Kaguya, who is on the moon at the moment, is also completely lost. Asahi is not using Chakra's power, but this power is so powerful that after Asahi released it, she realizes that it is too scary.

Was she able to do such a thing even in her peak? If her ability tends to be a comprehensive type, then Asahi's is the ultimate destructive power, the ultimate destructive power of the sun.

"Now I finally believe it, you do have the power to blow up the moon under our feet, and even if you directly blow up the Shinobi World, I won't feel too surprised now!"

Orochimaru couldn't help but swallowed his saliva. He estimated that the only one who could scare him like this is Asahi.

"You didn't believe it, did you?"

Asahi looked at Orochimaru speechlessly, while Orochimaru was annoyed. After all, if someone said in front of you that he could blow up a planet, would you believe them? He subconsciously believed it when he first heard it, but when he thought about it afterwards, he suddenly felt that it was not right.

But now that he saw it, his three views have officially broken.

"Forget it, I won't talk to you about this. Kaguya, how is it? Do you think those guys from the Otsutsuki Clan can stop this power?"

Asahi looked at Kaguya, and Kaguya slowly recovered from the shock.

"I believe it, you do have a very terrifying power. At least, I can't do such a thing even in my heyday!"

Kaguya feels that her mouth is bitter. After all, if there is such a strong person, why should she need to do so many things? If she doesn't do so many things, she won't be sealed. Of course, it is too late to regret it. After all, Asahi didn't appear in her era, so Kaguya has no other choice.

At this moment, Asahi also has great confidence in the future fusion. His Sunshine's power has exceeded the limit of the original Sunshine, and as his other power becomes stronger, the energy of this power will also fuse and become stronger, and then he would just need to think of a way to fully fuse the two powers. At that time, he would be a real star-destroyer-level powerhouse.

After all, there is also a gap in the star-destroyer-level. Destroying an asteroid is a star-destroyer-level, and blowing a sun is also a star-destroyer-level, but the two are not of the same order of magnitude, so Asahi is not satisfied with the status quo. In many worlds, although he can't be called a trash, he is definitely not a tough guy.