Chapter 105 With a Wife, Sage of Six Paths Forget His Mother

Because her strength in her heyday was no more than Asahi, Kaguya also gave up the unrealistic idea of ​​regaining her power, and joined Iwagakure. With Asahi guarding it, that would be enough. She no longer has to worry about being hunted down by those guys.

But Asahi won't let her go so easily. Regarding Kaguya, Asahi doesn't actually have any thoughts, mainly because of the aesthetics are different. Asahi thinks that the girls in the Shinobi World are more beautiful than Kaguya, so he didn't have any thoughts of Kaguya at all.

But Kaguya is always a strong person. Although she has no combat experience, and Jubi's power cannot be fully returned to her, Asahi knew that combat skill can be trained. As for her strength, the Biju can each separate a part of their power to form a pseudo Jubi. Although this pseudo Jubi is not as good as the real Jubi, but with a large number of Shinobi World's chakra, pushing Kaguya to her peak may not be possible, but 60% to 70% is no problem.

The Chakra circulating in the Shinobi World now does not entirely originate from Kaguya. After Kaguya was sealed, the first people to use Chakra were Hagoromo and Hamura who planted the seeds of Chakra. After that, the seeds took root and sprouted, and then passed on to the next generation. That's how the current Shinobi World appeared.

Now, Kaguya's Chakra is at most a seed. If the amount of Kaguya's Chakra was 100 in the past, the Chakra in the Shinobi World now is 370, which has surpassed Jubi by at least three times.

This is the result of continuous evolution, so it is not impossible to restore Kaguya's strength to at least 60-70%, which is enough for Kaguya to return to the level of Six Paths. Although she is weaker than her peak, she is still much better than the others.

Of course, that's another story. Right now, Kaguya is staring at Hamura's grave! "What's wrong, how do you feel when you see your son's tomb? Speaking of which, your son Hamura is indeed a little unlucky!"

After Asahi said this sentence, Kaguya turned her gaze and looked at Asahi with some doubts. This sentence made her a little confused, 'Why did he say that my son was unlucky?'

"Hamura actually had no conflict with you at first. The reason why Hagoromo chose to seal you is not all because of righteousness, but because you killed his wife. No, it is still too early to call his wife… You killed the person he liked."

"When you made White Zetsu, you only knew that you would blindly used people from the Shinobi World to make them, but you completely ignored the people your two sons are very close with in the Shinobi World, especially that guy Hagoromo. He fell in love with a person, and you don't know these, and used that person directly to make White Zetsu."

"That's why Hagoromo will try to defeat you later. This is most of the reasons, and a small part is for the so-called Shinobi World, but this part is very small, believe it or not, if you didn't use the person he likes at that time, the situation would be different."

"So Hagoromo is a classic example of having a wife and forgetting his mother. You also have big problems with yourself, so there are problems on both sides."

"I said that Hamura was unlucky because he didn't know what was going on. Hagoromo was planning to deal with you because the person he liked died, and after you noticed all this, you directly controlled Hamura. Hamura almost died because you controlled him to fight Hagoromo, but Hagoromo later heal him and awakened his Rinnegan."

"Hamura was sandwiched between the two of you. Later, he thought that his brother's frustration, and the scene of you controlling him before, so she chose to go against you and you were finally sealed."

"After that, Hamura went to the moon because he felt your fear of the Otsutsuki Clan from that time, but you are too stupid as you don't know how to talk about this kind of thing with your own sons."

"If you said it at that time, Hamura would definitely help you deal with Hagoromo, so he was caught in the middle and confused. Isn't it bad luck? Later, his descendants didn't know what was going on and misunderstood what he left behind. After things happened, all of his descendants died, that's why I said he was unlucky!"

Asahi explained. As for Hagoromo, to be honest, Asahi is a little thankful to him, after all, if this guy doesn't do things, the current Shinobi World won't have appear, and if the current Shinobi World didn't appear, would it still be interesting for him to cross over here? But from Kaguya's point of view, Hagoromo is really a classic example of having a wife and forgetting his mother… However, Kaguya was also very idiotic at that time. In short, everyone had a little bit of blame on them.

"Is it true that Hagoromo rebelled against me for this!"

Kaguya herself suddenly felt that it is a little ridiculous. Comparing Hagoromo with Black Zetsu, one was her flesh and blood that she gave born to, but he tried his best to seal her, and the other was an existence she created casually, but insisted on the unscrupulous desire to unseal her for thousands of years.

Sure enough, the one who is born is not necessarily good.

In the end, after staying on the moon for a few more days, Asahi planned to return to the Shinobi World, and Kaguya also used her super abilities in these few days to directly learn a lot of Ninjutsu.

After all, she is still the ancestor of Chakra. Although she is estimated to be just at the Genin-level in terms of using her power, she still learns very quickly.

Asahi asked her to directly use Transformation Technique to change her appearance. After all, with her appearance, wherever she went, she would be too conspicuous.

"Let's go first. In addition, you can take your time with these bloods. If you have any problems, find me immediately."

Before Asahi left, he still warned Orochimaru not to do anything dangerous. Kaguya's blood has already been given to him. Originally, this guy planned to ask for Asahi's blood, but he was rejected directly.

How can he do that? His blood can't be given casually after all. Let's not say whether Orochimaru can research anything or not. If Orochimaru really researches something that Asahi can't handle, then Asahi will be the one to suffer. He can still handle Kaguya, but his own? Don't even think about it.

"I know, I will look for you as soon as I got something!"

Orochimaru felt that his ears were getting calluses, and there was nothing he could do about it. In the past few days, Asahi talked about this too much, and he was helpless.

As a scientist, he also knows that there might be problems, but there is no need to say that repeatedly. In fact, Orochimaru still doesn't know about Resident Evil, otherwise, he won't feel that Asahi was long-winded.

It's okay if the created things don't spread through the air, but if they spread through the air, then it will be at the level of destroying the world. This kind of biological thing, even if Asahi is blamed for talking too much or not to trust him, but Asahi felt that he must be vigilant.

After all, this is Kaguya's blood, not someone else's, so the level of concern is naturally different.