Chapter 106 Bringing Kaguya Back to Iwagakure

"Kaguya, can you still contact Black Zetsu and White Zetsu now?"

After leaving the moon, Asahi asked. White Zetsu and Black Zetsu were indeed all created by Kaguya, but it's a question of whether she can still contact them now.

"No problem, although the strength in my body has not been fully restored, there is no problem with contacting White Zetsu or Black Zetsu, or even summoning the Demonic Statue of the Outer Path."

Kaguya said. Although she doesn't have Jubi, it doesn't mean that she doesn't have Chakra at all. She has both Rinnegan and Byakugan, so such things can still be done.

"That's good, then inform Black Zetsu and White Zetsu, and ask them to come and see you…!"

Asahi nodded and said. Now that he has dug Kaguya, he would be able to Black Zetsu and White Zetsu. After all, they are a huge intelligence network. With their help, the entire Shinobi World is actually in Asahi's eyes, no one can hide from him.

Hearing Asahi's statement, Kaguya did not refuse. After all, she really hopes to meet Black Zetsu. Compared to her other sons, this created son is undoubtedly better.

Soon, Kaguya passed the message to White Zetsu and Black Zetsu, which was like a huge intelligence network, and at this moment, Black Zetsu, who was thinking about what to do afterwards, suddenly had his face changed.

"This… Is this a fake!"

Black Zetsu felt that his body was trembling a little. After all, he actually received Kaguya's message. What is the situation? "Arere, this is Kaguya-sama's message. Has Kaguya-sama already broken the seal? Wait, if you wanted to act, can you at least tell me something it first, so that I can be prepared…!"

"Shut up!"

Before White Zetsu could finish speaking, Black Zetsu silences him.

In this regard, Black Zetsu is also quite helpless. White Zetsu originally talked a lot, and he didn't care so much before, but now that he is agitated, White Zetsu keeps pushing him like this, so he is not happy.

"Shut up. Just shut up, let me think about it first!"

White Zetsu shut up very aggrievedly, and Black Zetsu was too lazy to say something, but soon they received another message.

"Why she ordered us to go to Iwagakure? What is mother doing in Iwagakure?"

Once again, they received a message telling them to go directly to Iwagakure. Black Zetsu and White Zetsu were a little confused about this, but they still followed the order. Asahi also took Kaguya away directly, and although Kaguya still has some strength, it's too weak.

Without huge energy support, she is a real weakling, so Asahi simply took Kaguya and leave with space magic directly.

Although what he currently masters would only allow him to teleport for short distance, he can use it many times.

If what he got at the beginning was Zeref's Magic Encyclopedia, the power in his body is definitely not enough to use teleport for a few times, but at the beginning, what he got is Sunshine, and the energy from Sunshine is too strong, so after he fused it, he almost has an endless source of energy.

As for Chakra, before he got the Magic Encyclopedia, he kept Chakra just in case. But now, Chakra is useless, so Asahi controlled this energy and slowly devoured his Chakra. Perhaps because it was not from the system, fusing Chakra was much more difficult than fusing his two power.

However, it is not without progress. In a few more months, there will be no such thing as Chakra in his body anymore. As for Ninjutsu, he doesn't care anymore. He even has time magic, and whatever Chakra could do, he could do it with magic too, so he decisively throws it away.

Even with Kaguya, one second was enough for Asahi to teleport dozens of times. He constantly used space magic to move, and from the passage located in the territory of the Land of Fire back to Iwagakure, it took a total of half a day. That speed is pretty good.

If it wasn't because he hasn't mastered magic well enough, he would be able to do it instantly. In the later stage, he estimated that he could teleport from the Shinobi World to the moon in an instant.

"You have a very good spatial ability, but the distance is a bit too short!"

In the end, after coming to Iwagakure, Kaguya's evaluation of this space movement is…, basically perfect, but the distance is too short.

"It's indeed a bit too short, but I'm just getting started, so it's normal that it's a bit worse than a big boss like you!"

Asahi hasn't forgotten that Kaguya's space-type ultimate move, Amenominaka, which would directly transform the world or something, is indeed too much. Kaguya can also use this technique now, but it consumes too much. All of her pupil techniques are all there, but she can't use it mainly because her Chakra is not enough.

With Black Zetsu's foot strength, it does not take long for him to run to Iwagakure. Mayfly is indeed a very powerful technique in terms of movement. And that's the reason Black Zetsu did not take too long to run from one battlefield to another.

But in the end, it would still take him several days to arrive from such a distance.

"Let's go, let me introduce you to the people in our village. They are all very good people. I personally think you should change your lifestyle. You will definitely love this village!"

Unlike the past, the current Iwagakure does not have the situation of the past. More than a thousand years ago, the era was completely ancient, and the current Iwagakure has already begun to leap into the technological era, and various cultures have also developed colorfully.

Asahi estimated that Kaguya will like the life here soon.

After a few months, it is now Konoha's Year 49. Soon after, Asahi took Kaguya to find Onoki, and then asked Onoki to summon all their people. There are a few strong people in the village, such as Konga and Roshi, who have a good relationship with him, and the others are Tsunade and the others.

Soon, many people appeared in the office.

"So, this time you went out and bring a woman back."

At this moment, Kushina's gaze looking at Asahi is a little dangerous. In this period of time, she was being stalked by Mei almost every day. For the sake of Yin Seal, Mei directly launched a sugar-coated cannonball-type offensive against Tsunade and Kushina.

And it's good to be respected, so in a few months, they were directly captured and became good sisters. In fact, Mei did not like Asahi so easily, but at most, she felt a little curious and admired him a little. That's all.

But Tsunade and Kushina made a mistake. They thought that Mei fell in love with Asahi, so they eventually accepted this so-called sister. This can't be their fault, after all, every time Asahi goes out, he brings a girl back, isn't it a bit too much?

"You think too much, this… I'm not interested in her, and she has a big background!"

Asahi naturally didn't know the misunderstanding of Kushina and the others, but regarding Kaguya, he really had no thought at all.