Chapter 107 Shocking The People

"It's good if you don't have any interest, but what do you mean her background is big? No matter how big it is, how big could it be!"

Kushina said indifferently. As long as Asahi didn't find a good sister for her so quickly, the others are secondary.

"Damn, where did this kid find this woman?"

Kushina didn't care, but at this moment, Kyubi, who is in her body, complained directly. After all, this is Kaguya. Although she is using Transformation Technique, the Kyubi's perception was not bad, so he directly complained.

"Kurama, what's wrong with you? Did she really have a big background? Why are you so shocked!"

Kushina looked at Kyubi suspiciously, as Kyubi was a bit too loud.

"Her background is indeed quite big, but what the hell was this kid thinking by letting this woman out!"

At this moment, Kyubi starts to become somewhat alert, after all, now that this woman was released, he estimated that Asahi was about to seize his Chakra.

But just after Kyubi said this, there was one more person in front of him and Kushina.

"Part of the Chakra split from Jubi, your name is Kurama, don't worry, I won't take all the Chakra from you Biju, and I now do not need to pursue powers too much, as I already have a shelter!"

At this moment, Kaguya has directly used Rinnegan's pupil power to enter Kushina's body, and said to Kurama that according to the agreement with Asahi. Asahi has given her his protection, so she naturally would not try to trouble these Biju.

"You… Is what you said true?!"

Kurama looked at Kaguya with a complicated expression. Kurama still knows a little about Asahi, so he knows that Asahi is not the kind of person who likes to go back on his words, and Kaguya explained it personally, so he feels that there's no need to worry too much.

"Yes, I have already discussed it with him, so you don't need to worry about these things!"

After saying that, Kaguya left directly, and the same scene was also played out in Roshi's body. In the end, Yonbi and Kyubi were a bit speechless. They were almost scared to death just now, but fortunately, it was just a false alarm.

"Who the hell is that woman? Kurama, why are you so afraid of her!"

Seeing Kurama, who had become very cowardly, Kushina asked curiously.

"How can you say this uncle is scared of her? What a joke! As for her identity, just listen to the kid's explanation yourself."

After Kyubi finished speaking, he kicked Kushina out directly. Regarding this, Kushina also had several black crosses on her forehead, 'Isn't this my body? Why can Kurama kick me out again and again?' Kushina then vowed in her heart, 'This matter is not over, I will go to Kyubi to finish this.'

But at this moment, she is more curious about Kaguya's identity.

"This…, ah, she's… Sage of Six Paths' mother, known as Otsutsuki Kaguya, who was previously sealed by Sage of Six Paths. I released her incidentally, and now she has joined our Iwagakure"

Asahi briefly introduced Kaguya. However, the whole room was terribly quiet at this moment. It is estimated that a needle dropping on the ground can be heard very clearly.

"Sage… Sage of… Six Paths?!"

Bewildered, everyone's expressions all turned strange. Although Asahi has told some people about the secrets of the Shinobi World, but they didn't think too much, but now, this old antique that existed more than a thousand years ago appeared in front of them, so of course they are dumbfounded.

At the same time, Kaguya also lifted the Transformation Technique and directly turned into her original appearance. At this time, Kaguya's appearance was really far from humans. Not to mention her scary white skin, the blood-red Rinne Sharingan on her forehead is even more scary, and there are also horns on her head, so she is obviously different from normal people.


The two people from the Hyuga Clan were shocked when they saw Byakugan, as they did see the Byakugan on Kaguya's face.

"Byakugan? Are you the descendants of Hamura? And the two little girls over there are descendants of Hagoromo? I didn't expect to see their descendants here!"

Kaguya has actually discovered that Kushina is from the Uzumaki Clan, and Tsunade is from the Senju Clan, Senju Hikaru is also from the Senju clan, and the Hyuga brothers are from Hyuga Clan. And they're all descendants of Hagoromo and Hamura.

"What is she talking about?"

The people, who were named, were a little confused.

"Hagoromo is… Sage of Six Paths. As for Hamura, he is the brother of Sage of Six Paths, and the ancestor of the Hyuga Clan is Hamura, and they inherited Kaguya's Byakugan. Senju, Uzumaki and Uchiha Clans are descendants of Hagoromo, and they inherited the Sharingan, Rinnegan, and Sage Body!"

Asahi explained a little bit, and the others were stunned when they heard this. When they thought that their ancestors turned out to be legendary figures, they felt a little bewildered.

"Okay, I will explain these things to you in detail later. As for now, I just wanted to inform you guys that Kaguya will join our Iwagakure, and only you can know about her identity. So don't disclose to others."

Asahi reminded everyone.

"Don't worry, we won't talk about this kind of thing casually!"

Those who were summoned said, as this is indeed something that can't be said to others.

"Then, Kaguya will live in the Hyuga Clan in the future. She is the ancestors of your Hyuga Clan, so remember to take good care of her. In terms of Byakugan, although Kaguya's combat experience is not comparable to you, but in terms of some abilities and purity, you can't compare with her."

In fact, Asahi has already talked to Kaguya about Tenseigan. Kaguya does not have the Tenseigan, as the development of Byakugan was ignored by the Otsutsuki Clan from the beginning. However, Hamura, who only has Byakugan, developed another trick.

And if Hamura can develop Tenseigan, it is naturally also possible for Kaguya. After knowing the concept of Tenseigan, Kaguya has begun to evolve her own Byakugan, and according to Kaguya's own estimation, it won't take long for her to develop it, and she can transform Byakugan into Tenseigan in at most one year.

It can only be said that the bloodline is really important. Well, just like Hagoromo awakened Rinnegan, people of the later generations can only awaken their eyes after one stimulation, and it will be lucky if they are able to awaken Mangekyo after the second stimulation.

As for Hagoromo, one stimulation is indeed no problem to reach Mangekyo, and the second stimulation directly evolved his eyes to Rinnegan. And for Kaguya, after knowing that Byakugan can still be transformed, she started it, and she can develop and evolve it independently. Once Tenseigan is awakened, plus that small part of Jubi, it is estimated that her strength would be no less than her heyday, or even beyond.

After all, Tenseigan is indeed powerful, and it depends on when Kaguya can awaken it.