Chapter 128 Danzo: Where Is My Mangekyo? What The Hell Is This Stone?

On the other side, Asahi's Thought Projection, who disguised as Itachi, met with Shisui, and then Shisui started a new round of brainwashing. After he finished, he directly dug out his eye and gave it to Asahi, and then committed suicide!

He committed suicide to allow Itachi awaken Mangekyo, but he didn't know that the Itachi he saw was a fake, and at this moment, the real Itachi is still training in the woods, and he simply didn't know what is going on.

Both of Shisui's eyes were in Asahi's hand now, but he didn't care about these things. He collected them just to prevent someone from using it on the people on his side. After that, he can give it to Orochimaru to study it.

Orochimaru is his own people, and he also trusts him. Even Tenseigan has been handed over to him, so Sharingan is naturally the same.

After getting it done, he left directly and found a place to stay in Konoha to rest. As for Danzo, although he lost a Sharingan, he got the more powerful Mangekyo, so he was very happy, and he even wanted to sing happily.

After going back to the Root's headquarter happily, Danzo went straight to some Medical-nin without saying a word, and started to change his eye. He is not Madara after all.

Generally, Shinobi can change their eyes, but not everyone can do it. After all, they need to connect the eyes with the many nerves on the brain. This is not a very simple thing, but Danzo has many capable people, so he can rest assured.

But these Medical-nin noticed some problems when they tried to change Danzo's eye. The neural connection of this eye was useless, it was completely unable to connect. It seemed that there was no problem at all, but it just doesn't work.

These Medical-nin are already in a cold sweat at this moment. If this eye can't be put on, it will be a big deal. Danzo is cruel, and he never tolerated the subordinates who committed wrong things, and all the Root's members have curse marks.

If Danzo is angry, they will definitely die, and it is a miserable death.

In the end, in desperation, these Medical-nin had no choice but to give up.

"What's going on? Why can't I feel the presence of my right eye?"

After Danzo woke up, he found that there was no Sharingan in his right eye, and he looked at the Medical-nin with an angry expression.

"My lord, there is a problem with this eye. We have used various methods, but we have been unable to merge this eye with your brain. This eye is like a fake eye!"

These Medical-nin are also helpless. Although this thing looks like eye, it always feels like a fake, and they can't do anything about it.


Danzo looked at the eye soaked in the bottle suspiciously. He took this eye off Shisui's body on his own, so how could it be fake? He wondered if Shisui has also used Izanagi. After thinking about it, he felt that that is not realistic too.

If Izanagi is used, then this eye would have disappeared after a certain period of time, so how could it still exist in front of him now? In the end, Danzo can only blame it on these Medical-nin's incompetency.

So in a rage, he punish these Medical-nin, and then he called another group of Medical-nin, but the result was the same as before.

After a busy night, several groups of people have been changed, but there was no one who can put this eye in Danzo's eye socket.

"Could it be that Mangekyo Sharingan is more special than ordinary Sharingan, so it cannot be replaced by others? But it shouldn't be! They're all eyes, if ordinary Sharingan can be used, why can't Mangekyo?"

Danzo was puzzled and almost lost his hair from worry, but he still couldn't find any solution.

But Danzo is not such the kind of person who likes to give up, so he spent another day to call every Medical-nin in the Root, but in the end, no one can do it.

He then thought that there was something wrong with himself, so he had no choice but to use another eye to install it on him, but this time, it went smoothly. At this moment, Danzo ruled out other possibilities and could only attribute it to Mangekyo Sharingan cannot be used by outsiders, but he is still searching for a way. After all, seeing a delicious food in front of you but can't eat it is very uncomfortable.

So all day long, he just stared at the small bottle in front of him, wishing to eat this thing directly, causing the Root's members to be stunned, after all, Danzo stared at this eye until night.

Then, two days later, the Sharingan in the bottle that Danzo put on the table turned into a small stone directly. At this time, Danzo is still staring at it, and he couldn't believe his eye when he saw this Sharingan turned into a stone directly.

Danzo even thought that he seeing things, but after rubbing his eyes, he found that it was indeed a stone. He then thought he had been in Genjutsu, and tried to use Chakra to remove the Genjutsu, but it was of no use.

"You two, see what's inside this bottle!"

Danzo felt that there was something wrong with him, so he simply found two people and show them the bottle. After the two Root's members saw the bottle, they have question marks in their heads, but they still answered Danzo truthfully.

When he heard their answers, Danzo was petrified, right now, he wants to ask loudly. 'Where's my Sharingan? How can my Sharingan turned into a stone? What kind of method is this!' Danzo finally understood at this moment that the failure before is not because of other things, but because this thing is not an eye at all, so there is no way to put it on his eye socket.

At this moment, he realized one thing, that is, he was played by Shisui. He didn't know what method Shisui used to replace the Sharingan with a stone when he took it, so what he got was a stone.

"Go, find Uchiha Shisui for me!"

In anger, Danzo used more than half of the Root to find Shisui, but how can they find Shisui? Right now, Shisui has been dead for two days, and his body has been taken by the water to somewhere unknown.

Two days is enough for Shisui's body to disappear from Konoha, and it is impossible for Danzo to know that Shisui is dead, as there is no way for Sensor Shinobi to sense a dead person, so the final result can only be one, that is, no trace can be found. Of course, this is something in the future, and there's no need to mention it for the time being.

Two days have passed since Danzo attacked Shisui, so Fugaku has naturally gathered the people who are going to be taken away.