Chapter 129 Arrived At Iwagakure in The Blink of An Eye

"How is your preparation?"

Two days later, Asahi found Fugaku again, and he had already play around in Konoha. It's a pity that too many people in Konoha were poached by Iwagakure, so even if Konoha has recovered a little, there were still a lot to be recovered, so there are not many places to play. Asahi has been playing for two days so he has lost interest.

"We're ready, everyone who needs to be taken away has been summoned by me!"

Fugaku answered, as the preparations were made long ago. Soon, Asahi saw these people, but in terms of number, there were only a few dozen. Among them, there are not only Shinobi, but also ordinary people of the Uchiha Clan. But there are only dozens of them, which shows how ignorant the Uchiha Clan is. However, Asahi has nothing to say, as dozens of them is already enough.

'That… Isn't Uchiha Izumi supposed to be mixed with Uchiha Itachi? Does she not know about Itachi?'

Asahi saw an acquaintance, Uchiha Izumi. In the original work, she died in two ways. One is the novel version, which she died by Itachi's hands, but she spent a happy life in the Tsukuyomi, and in the anime, she was killed by Obito.

"Clan Head Fugaku, have you told them about your eldest son?"

Asahi asked curiously.

"Actually, I have been in contact with them in the past few years. I have also talked to them about Itachi, and after knowing that Itachi had contact with Shisui, I eliminated most opportunities for Itachi to come into contact with other people."

Fugaku is also helpless. His eldest son is really troublesome. Now that he has a new way out, it is impossible for him to abandon the other clan members for one of his sons, so he can only give up Itachi. Since he wants to take these people away, then there is no need to conceal too much, so he directly told these people that his son is on Konoha's side, and he does not intend to take him away. It will at least give these people some confidence, knowing that their Clan Head chose them over his own son, and they will naturally be more grateful for Fugaku.

"So it's like that, then, there's no problem!"

Asahi doesn't know what to say. It's probably the butterfly effect again, but this butterfly effect is a bit big. Of course, the specifics will depend on the future situation, but there should be no major problems if no one comes to make troubles at this time.

"Then we can set off now. I have used the excuse of the coup d'état to make the Uchiha Clan's security team in the rear retreat. As long as we hurry, Konoha will not find us!"

Fugaku said. He has already taken care of everything, and now the rear is empty. The Uchiha clan is on the edge of Konoha, so it is too easy for them to leave the village unspotted. As for the Anbu, who are monitoring outside, they can just kill them.

The Uchiha Clan is also good at sensing Chakra, so those people can't monitor the Uchiha Clan from inside, and they can only monitor the periphery, and there can't be many of them.

"It doesn't need to be so troublesome, with such a small number of people, I can still do it easily!"

As Asahi said that, he stepped directly on the ground, and a blue light appeared. The huge blue magic circle directly wrapped everyone in.

The blue light flashed again, and then disappeared, and the people inside also disappeared with it.

A few seconds later, in Iwagakure, where Asahi lived before, which is Shukaku's nest now, the blue magic circle appeared, and then a group of people appeared here.

"This is… Shukaku!!"

Fugaku, who was still at a loss about their current location, looked around, but just a moment later, he saw Shukaku's huge body.

"Well, Asahi, what's going on with these Uchiha Clan's people?"

Shukaku, who was resting, also opened his eyes at this moment. After seeing Uchiha Clan's symbol, he looked at Asahi with a confused expression.

"It's nothing, I just went to Konoha to bring the Uchiha Clan over here. They will also be part of our village in the future. If you meet them in the future, remember not to attack them."

Asahi and Shukaku greeted each other, and Shukaku didn't care about this. After being freed, coupled with the leisurely life of the past few years, he has changed from the original Shukaku to the salted fish Shukaku.

After knowing that these people are on his side now, Shukaku didn't bother to care about it, so he turned over like a salted fish and continued to lie down on the ground and sleeping soundly.

"He's really a salted fish. Let's go everyone, I will take you to your new residence!"

Seeing this, Asahi couldn't help but shook his head, and then he took the others to the village. After arriving at Iwagakure, Fugaku was stunned, and everyone else was also stunned.

"This… Could it be that you bring us directly from Konoha to Iwagakure?"

Fugaku almost popped his eyes out. Is Minato's Flying Thunder God Technique so awesome? The answer is obvious, no, not at all, Minato's Flying Thunder God Technique still has a distance limit, and there is a need for enough Chakra to teleport more people.

Although Minato teleported the Allied Shinobi Forces' members during the Fourth Shinobi World War in the original work and the number was terrifying, but there were too many prerequisites.

One is that Naruto's Chakra formed a link in the others' bodies, and then the Yin and Yang Attribute Chakra directly merged and erupted, which transferred everyone a short distance, but even so, the Chakra of Minato in Impure World Reincarnation state was completely consumed. It can be seen that the consumption is so huge, that it is simply terrifying to the extreme.

But Asahi did not have any prerequisites and preparations to do this, and he also took everyone directly from Konoha to Iwagakure.

Fugaku suddenly felt that this world is so difficult to understand.

He thought that his Mangekyo was already good enough. But after seeing Asahi, he changed his mind. His Mangekyo can't do anything against Asahi's small sun, and if he uses it too much, he will become blind, which is very dangerous, so he dared not use it.

And now, Asahi's space ability is actually even more terrifying. How far is Konoha from here? Not to mention, if it is during the war, Asahi can bring a group of people directly to the enemy's camps, easily ambushing them.

Of course, Fugaku doesn't think it's necessary for Asahi to take other people. After all, Asahi can flatten the entire Shinobi's army all by easily.

At this moment, Fugaku suddenly felt that his words were stuck in his throat and he couldn't say anything.

Not only Fugaku himself, but the others also felt this. Even the Uchiha Clan's ordinary people know what this means, let alone the other, which are Shinobi.

So at this moment, everyone is shocked and has nothing to say. The only thing that they can do is to follow Asahi dumbly and head to the new residence of their clan.

It was not until Asahi brought them to the residence that they all recovered from the shock.