Chapter 130 The Angry Konoha's Higher-Ups

The moment Asahi and the others left Konoha, that blue light had already attracted the attention of many people, even Anbu and Root's members, who were lurking outside Konoha, could see it clearly. The Uchiha Clan is now in the most sensitive stage at this moment, so the moment such a blue light burst out, although nothing happened, people with discerning eyes knew that there was a problem at the time.

Anbu and Root's members quickly passed the news back to Sandaime and Danzo. Itachi was not at home because of the mission, and the place where the blue light burst out was also the home of the Clan Head, Uchiha Fugaku, so after others found out about it, they didn't dare to rush in casually.

It was until many elders of the Uchiha Clan arrived that they entered Fugaku's house, but the house was already empty, and there was no one in the whole house. Many elders, who saw this situation, couldn't help but be surprised. The whole family is all gone, which is not normal, but they will not be able to figure out exactly what happened for a while.

"Elder, I just asked the others, and they said that Clan Head ordered the security team at the back of the village disperse today. This time, we may encounter the same thing as the Hyuga Clan!"

After discussing for a while, they also found out about the fact that there were fewer people in the clan, as well as the previous Fugaku's order. Combining this with the past Hyuga Clan, the faces of the elders of the Uchiha Clan were all green.

They're obviously running away, and these people who left with Fugaku happen to be the people who can't get along with their ambitious group. If they still can't figure out the specific situation, then their heads were really kicked by donkeys.

"Did they defect? Or, it's Iwagakure who's playing tricks again!"

The elder immediately thought of Iwagakure, after all, this is not the first time. The Senju Clan, the Hyuga Clan, Tsunade, Orochimaru, Kushina, and even Kirigakure's Mei and others have all been poached by Iwagakure in the past.

Since it was exposed, all villages have been guarding against Iwagakure like thieves, but they didn't expect that no matter how well they guarded, such a thing would still happen in the end. That's why they thought of Iwagakure immediately, besides, except Iwagakure, is there anyone else who can do such a thing? As for the people in other villages, Fugaku will never go to other villages unless he has gone crazy. Iwagakure has the precedence, so Fugaku will definitely go there.

"Let's think of a way to deal with Konoha's higher-ups. With such a thing like the Clan Head defecting, the village justifiable opportunity to take action against our Uchiha Clan. The plan will be temporarily postponed. Now that such a thing happens, it must be hidden for a while, and now that we have no one like Fugaku in terms of strength, there is no way to compete with Konoha's higher-ups!"

The elder said very helplessly. This time, they really needed to postpone the coup d'état. Of course, what they didn't know was that Konoha's higher-ups were even more frantic than they thought.

In desperation, the elder knew that the matter could not be hidden, so he passed the news to Sandaime. After Sandaime, who was planning to send someone to investigate, got the news, he was directly dumbfounded. The Clan Head rebelled and some disobedient people were left behind. This is a familiar method.

The situation is almost the same as that of the Hyuga Clan. In an instant, Sandaime knew that something was wrong. This is because Iwagakure has dug Konoha's corner again. He didn't know what to say. Danzo had just planned to take care of the Uchiha Clan, but Iwagakure has already come to dig them, which almost caused him to go crazy.

After that, Sandaime immediately thought of finding Danzo, and Danzo was much faster. When Sandaime just asked someone to find him, Danzo had already rushed over, and Sandaime also told the specific situation to Danzo.

"Hiruzen, don't you see it? I have asked you to act on the Uchiha Clan earlier, now you see the situation has become more troublesome!"

Danzo said with a gloomy face. When he failed to obtain Shisui's eye, as the eye became a stone, he was already angry and sent someone to find Shisui, but there was no news yet. After that, something like this happened to the Uchiha Clan.

This makes Danzo even more angry. After having such troubles, their people have actually been taken away by Iwagakure again, and there is nothing they can do. He is so angry that he is about to explode.

Now, Danzo wonders if he is having a bad luck, after all, how could he encounter so many bad things in such a short period of time? "Do you think I don't want to? Just think about it, if the Uchiha Clan is destroyed, how much loss the village will suffer? Our Konoha, who is already weak, can barely survive without the Uchiha Clan, and if a civil war happened, not only the Uchiha Clan will die by that time!"

Sandaime said with a headache. Konoha's big clans were almost completely destroyed by them, and now there are only some small clans on his side, however, although these clans have some secret techniques, their strength is also capped at the top of Elite Jōnin level.

"Just left this matter to me. I will find a way to take them down without losing Konoha's soldiers, but you need to authorize me!"

Danzo said with a gloomy face. He actually thought of Akatsuki a long time ago. Back then, Akatsuki left after killing Minato, and Danzo betraying Kirigakure. In fact, he has always had some connections with Akatsuki.

This time, to deal with the Uchiha Clan, he actually planned to ask Akatsuki to do it a long time ago, but Sandaime didn't agree to do such a thing. And now, such a thing has happened, coupled with how the Uchiha Clan has been treated in the past, Sandaime couldn't help but explode.

"Thenm I'll leave it to you, remember what you said, don't let Konoha suffer too much loss!"

Sandaime finally gave the authority to Danzo, and then Danzo left contentedly, but what Sandaime didn't notice is that when Danzo left, there was a flash of murderous intent in Danzo's eye.

It was obvious that Danzo has murderous intent against Sandaime, and the reason is because Sandaime has been too stubborn. It is already difficult for him to restrict Jiraiya, but Sandaime does not let go the Hokage's position, which makes Danzo blow up.

Coupled with the stimulation from Tsunade's current position, he is now getting closer and closer to the final abyss, and even has a lot of murderous intent towards Sandaime.