Chapter 138 Half of The Village Run Away

After arriving outside Iwagakure, Asahi directly restored all the people who had been shrunk. Nearly 100,000 people suddenly appeared on the originally empty ground.

"Let's go. When I received the news, I had already asked Tsunade and the others to prepare a place for you to live in. But let me say it first. Although I will give you a place to live for free, I will only give you time to rectify for the first month, after all, it is impossible for me to raise you for nothing, right!"

Asahi said to the group of people standing at the front. It was the first time that he recruited so many people in one breath, and the number of people was indeed a little overwhelming, so the adaptation period will be very long. When there are too many people, it is easy to cause trouble, so the best way is to let these leaders restrain the people below, and then slowly integrate into Iwagakure.

"We know what to do, and we won't cause trouble to you, Asahi-sama!"

Jiraiya sighed. Before in Konoha, he was the one called sama by the others. But now that he comes to someone else's territory, he needed to call the other sama.

"That's good!"

After Asahi nodded, he led everyone to the residence prepared for them. In the past, Asahi had never expected that there would be an extra 100,000 people in the village, nor did he expect that he could dig 100,000 people in one breath. There are almost 100,000 people, so the village has been expanded again. Fortunately, it is in Iwagakure, and the person in charge of the expansion is Iwagakure's Shinobi, which is very convenient.

But even without their help, Asahi's magic can do it easily. No matter how bad is it, he can just use the Historia of The Dead to directly summon Hashirama, the super construction worker, but Iwagakure's Shinobi can do it, and there is no need for Asahi to exert himself.

When Jiraiya gave Asahi the answer, Asahi knew that there would be a large number of people, so he simply asked people to start preparations in advance. With a large number of Shinobi acted together, a week is enough to create an area for 100,000 people to live in.

That's why Asahi feels that Earth Release is very useful. As for the others, Wind Release can be used for generate wind power, but it is too labor-intensive, as he can't let people stand there all day long and use Wind Release.

Fire Release is good for fighting, and so is Lightning Release. Although Water Release can produce water, the water produced in places where there is no water is the product of Chakra and will soon disappear, unless the water is brought in from the outside.

Therefore, Earth Release is the most useful, as it is also convenient to make some things. The current Iwagakure is a proper super infrastructure civilization.

Of course, a week time is only enough to create a hollow residence. The decoration and other things will take time, but Asahi also plans to let them live in it first, and then they can become familiar with Iwagakure's people, and then get these Shinobi into Iwagakure's reserve army, so that they could gradually get familiar with them.

"Long time no see Jiraiya. It seems that you brought a lot of people here this time!"

At this time, Tsunade also came out. After all, the one coming is an old friend who she has not seen for many years. Although Jiraiya came to Iwagakure before, he did not meet with Tsunade. So now, it can be said that they have finally met after so many years.

"At the beginning, I was still wondering why you and Orochimaru would join Iwagakure. It is only now that I understand that this is the most correct choice and the last choice!"

Jiraiya grinned. Although he has accepted it, Konoha is still something he can't forget.

"You'll get used to it slowly. Let's talk about the current situation. Now that so many Konoha's people have been brought over here, that old fox Danzo will definitely not let it go.

After Tsunade and Jiraiya said a few words, they turned their eyes to Asahi. Now that Konoha has been hollowed out, the Shinobi left in the village are mostly civilian Shinobi. It is estimated that it's already very difficult to gather three thousand people army.

Konoha was dug by Asahi and almost turned into a ghost village. In its heyday, there were hundreds of thousands of permanent residents, but now, it is estimated that there are only tens of thousands, and it is estimated that there will be more people leaving afterwards. If such a village is not a ghost village, then what is it?

"He's just an old dog, even if he can't give up, what can he do? How can his every move escape our eyes?"

Asahi said with a look of disdain. White Zetsu is all over the Shinobi World, even if Danzo eats a few dishes tonight, he can figure out what are the dishes he eats, so how can there be any secret hidden from him?

"Yeah, that's true. For the current Iwagakure, whether it is power or intelligence, etc…, there is no need to worry at all!"

Tsunade also nodded, as she also felt that there is no need to worry about Danzo. White Zetsu's intelligence network is simply invincible. Whoever dares to mess with Iwagakure, when they enter the door, they will find that the net is already waiting for them.

"Uncle Jiraiya, you can take them to settle down first. We will talk about the rest after you settle down!"

Asahi didn't bother to care about Danzo. And after hearing this, Jiraiya didn't say much, and went straight to settle down with others.

"Now that Konoha has been hollowed out by you, do you have any thoughts?"

Tsunade asked humorously. Konoha, which was once so beautiful, is now completely integrated into Iwagakure. It can be said that Asahi has really made a Konoha in Iwagakure.

"If you are talking about my thought, I can just live my life well. As for other things, I don't bother to care about it. By the way, Tsunade, after you go back, put these things in each bathhouse, and then crush them!"

As he said that, Asahi took out purple-blue balls one by one and handed them to Tsunade.

"What is this?"

Tsunade asked curiously.

"To prevent some people from peeping into the bathhouse, I create this thing. As long as it is crushed near the bathhouse, men can only enter the men's side, and women can only enter the women's side, no one can run to the other side. Not even if they used Transformation Technique!"

Asahi explained. Now that Jiraiya is here, he can't rest assured. This guy may not be going to do things now, but when he slowly gets used to his new life and gets out of depression, he may go to collect materials again.

Therefore, Asahi felt that Iwagakure's bathhouse must have a barrier to guard against Jiraiya. The others are fine, but Jiraiya is a Kage-level powerhouse and it is difficult to catch him, so Asahi chose to directly put a barrier to guard against him.

"Cough… you really know Jiraiya well!"

Tsunade is a little bit dumbfounded. She didn't expect Asahi really understands Jiraiya. Konoha's Sannin corresponds to sins, and although no one dared to say that Tsunade's gambling has been completely removed, it is still restricted by Asahi.