Chapter 139 Danzo, Who Vomits Blood

Asahi can't completely annihilate Tsunade's addiction to gambling, but he can control Tsunade's financial resources, and because of Asahi, the moneylender is afraid to lend Tsunade money. With all of this, over time, Tsunade's gambling addiction slowly weaken, but it was unrealistic to make it completely disappear.

In the past few years, Asahi has actually begun to think about the lifespan of the other people. In the magic ability, there is the magic of resurrection, there is also a special magic to maintain someone's appearance, and there's even a special magic to extend life, however, these magics are only a temporary means.

He can't teach magic to other people, because the magic power is a huge problem. There is no such thing as magic power in this world. Because of the system, Asahi has a constant source of energy, and he won't be exhausted by it.

But other people can't do it, so he hasn't been idle in the past few years. With the help of some of Zeref's magic, he is thinking of ways to improve these magics to adapt to the Natural Energy of this world.

With the help of Sage Art, the magic is fused to generate a new energy source, so that other people can train magic, but this project is not small, so even after a few years, he still didn't completely complete it.

When it is fully completed, coupled with his ability, he might not be able to make other people live forever, but living for hundreds of years is very simple. He does not believe that after hundreds of years, he still can't find a solution, and besides, Orochimaru is also working on the matter of eternal life simultaneously, so maybe this guy can really research something incredible from Kaguya's blood.

The last time Orochimaru passed a message to him was half a year ago, and at that time, Orochimaru said that he had a new method to develop Tenseigan, so after a period of time, the continuous research will not be transmitted to him.

As a result, half a year passed in the blink of an eye, and there is still no accurate news yet, but Asahi is not in a hurry. He knew that this kind of thing can't be researched so easily, and he himself is already a little overwhelmed.

Many things that Zeref has made cannot be made, because this world has no magic powers, and there are no materials containing magic power. With many special materials not available, a large number of things made by Zeref can't be made here.

Because of that, Asahi could only convert it and constantly replace the missing materials with other materials.

On the other side, knowing that there is a problem with the Curse Mark, Danzo speeds up, and even ignores the consumption of Chakra along the way, and rushed back to the village while eating military ration pills.

But after he arrived at the village, he found that, it's not that village has become completely unrecognizable, but there were still some ruins, which were left from the previous battle between Root's members and some Shinobi, and Konoha at this moment is more like a ghost village.

There are hardly many people anymore, and there are almost no people in the street. The others were not stupid, after Asahi took away that group of people, they knew that Konoha was basically finished, so they all packed their things and left slowly. Due to time constraints, some of the people who have not passed the screening have traveled to Iwagakure.

As for some arrogant people, they felt that since Iwagakure doesn't need them, they will go to other places. There will always be places where they are needed, and some people even formed a gang and directly became bandits in the Land of Fire, and some people found a small village and settled down.

In short, after Asahi left Konoha, most of the people fled in all directions again. In the whole Konoha, it is even impossible to find more than 20,000 people now. It has been a tragedy. Let alone an army of 3,000, it's already a question whether Danzo can find a thousand Shinobi. It's estimated that hundreds of them are already the limit. There is still some people that knew Danzo's strength, so they remained here to seek protection. After all, Danzo is still a Kage-level powerhouse.

And most of the Root's members were killed because they were trying to block Jiraiya and others, and the rest were just a group of young people. There are only a few dozen Root's members left in Konoha.

After Danzo found them and listened to their report, he suddenly felt that his vision went dark, and a mouthful of blood was sprayed directly from his mouth. At this moment, Danzo felt the deep malice from Iwagakure and the deep malice from the world.

He pursued the position of Hokage all his life, and when he became, all of the people was actually taken by Iwagakure. It is true that he is still Hokage right now, but who has seen a Hokage with only a few hundred people under him and only a little more than two dozen people or so cronies?

At this moment, Danzo feels a constant anger filling his chest, but his anger turns into confusion. Right now, he is completely lost. He wondered what should he do now to get revenge on Iwagakure. He can't do anything to Iwagakure, after all, if Iwagakure just randomly dispatch two Kage-level expert, they can still kill him directly, unless he used Izanagi all the time. Moreover, there's still Asahi, who can kill him easily. There's also the economy. Iwagakure is now the largest economic link in the Shinobi World, and the rich are all there. It is possible to mobilize the power of Land of Fire's Daimyo to directly impose economic sanctions, but this method is just like shooting himself in the foot.

So he was completely lost. Even if he wanted to retaliate against the other party, he couldn't find any way.

"Iwagakure, I'm not reconciled with you!"

After being extremely depressed, and vomiting another mouthful of blood, Danzo directly fainted with anger. He can't be blamed, after all, the situation is very bad, so what else can he do.


After seeing Danzo fainting, the Root's members were also panicked, but there were a few of them that have their eyes flashing with fierce light, but after just a moment, they suppressed it.

As the Root's members, they are all covered with the kind of Curse Mark so that they can't do anything to Danzo, so even if they want to kill this guy who controls their life and death, they can't do it.

And right now, the opportunity is right in front of them, but they can't do anything, so they can only sigh helplessly in their hearts.