Chapter 140 Sunagakure and Kumogakure's New Actions

"How could Iwagakure emptied Konoha directly?"

In Sunagakure, Rasa was dumbfounded.

It has been a while since Konoha was hollowed out. The spies in Konoha have also returned helplessly. With Konoha's current situation, it's useless for them to continue acting as a spy.

After returning to their village, they sorted out the information and handed in everything they knew. Originally, they planned to take advantage of the chaos to do something in Konoha, such as getting some Ninjutsu scrolls, etc.

But it turned out to be counterproductive. Jiraiya is not an idiot. He just packs everything and took all the valuables away. All of Konoha's valuable techniques, the clan's secret technique, Kekkei Genkai, and other things, none of them were left, so they also had nothing to gain, and could only return with information in a dingy manner.

After returning, the information appeared directly on the desks of the various Kage. Kirigakure has only one old General, as it is really hard to find a suitable Kage on Kirigakure, and after Rasa read the information, he suspects that he has been fooled.

He couldn't understand how such a thing could be done. Before this, when Iwagakure are digging people, they were just digging a single person or a clan. But this time, they were really ruthless, as they directly take away most of the village's population.

And the rest of the people also left, which caused Konoha to exist in name only. Konoha was already annihilated, and it was not destroyed by someone, but was hollowed out instead. Rasa's mind couldn't keep up with this for a while.

In the midst of extremely skeptical life, he called over Chiyo, Ebizo and the group of elders. And when they saw this piece of information, all of them felt unreal feeling. Iwagakure is really strange, as they really emptied Konoha. It's hard to imagine what kind of behavior this is and how it is done, after all, their intelligence network is not that good.

They can't know many things, and can only barely guess that it may be related to Danzo, and they don't know anything else.

In the end, Sunagakure has also directly imposed martial law. As long as they heard that someone is coming from Iwagakure, they must undergo strict investigation before they could enter the village. There was no other way, as they were also afraid.

In the past, Iwagakure's main target was Konoha, but since Kirigakure's vitality was severely injured by Iwagakure's digging, they have also begun to be prepared frantically. And when they finally calmed down, they did not expect that Iwagakure to throw another atomic bomb.

It's not as simple as taking the fish in the fish pond like before. This time, Iwagakure directly blows up the fish pond. If Konoha's big fish pond is gone, then the other party's gaze will definitely be placed elsewhere.

And Kumogakure is definitely the most difficult to penetrate, so Rasa's face turned green immediately. After all, won't their village be the next target? It's not that Rasa is afraid, as he doesn't think there is anything in his village is worth digging.

He is a bit depressed by this, but now, he has another thing to do, and that is the plan for Pakura. In the original work, Pakura should have died as political sacrifice, but now, she is not dead.

Because of that, Pakura's strength continued to grow, and she almost reached Kage-level. If she grew further, Pakura would threaten Rasa's position.

Because he had done too many things, Rasa's position was not very stable. But because Pakura's strength in the past was not enough, Rasa didn't target her.

However, it is different now. Pakura's strength has almost break through to the Kage-level, and her reputation is also not low in the village, and her Scorch Release is also very powerful.

There are even some elders who have already started to build momentum for her. And once Pakura breaks through again, there is a high probability that Rasa will be pulled from the Kazekage's position and be replaced.

He has an ambition that does not match his strength, so he plans to take action against Pakura. Once this person's jealousy is ignited, there is no way to extinguish it. Just look at Danzo.

And Rasa had actually planned it long ago. He didn't think about whether Pakura would also be targeted by Iwagakure or not. Originally, he was still hesitating whether to do it or not, but this time Iwagakure's action of blowing up the fish pond made him became vigilant immediately.

If this continues and he moves too slowly, maybe Pakura will really be dug away, so he plans to act immediately.

Since this plan has been prepared for a while, he plans to take advantage of Iwagakure just finishing things, and directly take care of Pakura.

And the partner he chose is… Kumogakure. He has secretly had some small deals with Kumogakure in recent years without telling others. He has betrayed the people from other factions in exchange for Kumogakure's help, so he can do well. And because Pakura has already threatened him, he can't be blamed for being cruel.

It can only be said that Pakura is also very unlucky. In the original book, she was sent to Kirigakure as a sacrifice, and right now, Rasa continued to put an eye on her, and he directly replaced Kirigakure with Kumogakure this time.

Rasa doesn't think that if Iwagakure could still intervene if he cooperated with Kumogakure, and it's almost impossible for them to poach Pakura away, but how could he know that his every move has been seen by White Zetsu under his feet?

Over the years, White Zetsu has not stopped paying attention to the actions of Kumogakure and Sunagakure.

Rasa directly sent the information to Kumogakure, and this piece of information was sent to Asahi and the others at a faster speed.

"Tsk tsk tsk, these guys are quite good at playing. I didn't expect Rasa is so anxious to attack Pakura, it seems that he is very defensive against us, but now that the information is in our hands, it's the end!"

Asahi chuckled after he listened to White Zetsu's report.

"So, you are planning to do Sunagakure again?"

Tsunade looked at Asahi strangely. She didn't know what Asahi was thinking, why was he so enthusiastic about poaching people, but she also felt a bit of a sense of crisis, because the person who he was going to poach this time seemed is a beautiful woman.

But she is also a little helpless about this. She found that Asahi didn't even need to take the initiative to approach these women, as during the digging process, their favorability will be filled to the brim, just like her.

After she was rescued by Asahi, coupled with the attitude of Asahi and the others towards the Senju Clan, she was almost taken over by Asahi without him taking the initiative to attack, so she was also very helpless. In fact, Tsunade had already given up about this, and several sisters in the family had actually reached an alliance. They knew that they couldn't monopolize Asahi, so they just formed an alliance.

Even Asahi didn't know that there was about to be an ancient palace harem drama in his own house.