Chapter 141 Kumogakure The Chicken Thief

"Raikage-sama, Rasa is looking for us to cooperate, what shall we do now?"

After Dodai saw the information A gave him, he was also a little confused, as he felt that Rasa was kind of restless. It was okay before, as he would sell out a few people who are not very powerful at most, but this time, he actually sells out his own village's Kage-level expert. It feels a bit similar to Konoha's Danzo. Of course, Rasa is not crazy enough to sell his own village.

"Hmph, this Rasa is not stupid. This Pakura is not weak, and she also has Scorch Release. In terms of strength, once she reaches Kage-level, Rasa's Magnet Release can hardly fight against hers. To put it bluntly, he is worried about his position. It's unstable, so he asked for our help, asking us to help him get rid of Pakura, what a waste!"

A looked disdainful as he said that. Regarding this kind of people who don't even spare people in their own village, and can sell the people in his own village for his own position, he despised them the most. After all, Kumogakure is famous for solidarity and mutual assistance.

"Although this guy is a trash, he is still a trash with a little brain. Iwagakure and Konoha have just had such a big incident, and this guy is afraid that Iwagakure will target his Sunagakure next, so he asked us directly in advance to get rid of Pakura, so that not only will he keep his position, but there is no need to worry about being targeted by Iwagakure!"

After saying that, A threw the intelligence directly onto the table, and his brain started to spin quickly. Last time, he wanted to do something to Jiraiya and planned to dig Jiraiya into his own village, but he did not expect Iwagakure to do it faster. Moreover, their action was bigger, and Konoha was directly crippled in one breath. A was shocked for a while by such a method.

After the shock was over, what was left was that his eyes were hot. He was feeling greedy to the extreme. Before, he wanted to imitate Iwagakure to poach Jiraiya, but he was a step slower, causing Iwagakure to succeed, and they could only return without success. But this time, the information was secretly obtained by him from Rasa, so does he need to think too much about this kind of thing? He is always eager for talents from other villages, and this time, Rasa actually send one to himself, moreover, it's a powerful figure with Kekkei Genkai.

So he has the confidence to dig Pakura over, and Rasa doesn't know A's careful thinking, so he asked A to help. It can be said that he is inviting a wolf to his home.

"Dodai, this time, you and B will act together. Take the information Rasa gave us, and find a way to dig Pakura to our village. Although I dare not say that she can be dug with 100% probability, the probability is not small. Even if it is unsuccessful, it is not without profit."

A told a lot to Dodai afterwards. In fact, digging Pakura is quite difficult. Pakura's reputation in Sunagakure is very strong now. Once she knows the situation, she will not directly transfer to other villages, and will definitely go back and fight Rasa to death.

So if A wanted to dig out Pakura, it was almost impossible. After the news was passed to Asahi by White Zetsu, Asahi also looked disdainful. Although A's methods were similar to his, he did not consider other things, so the probability of A failing is too high.

By explaining this matter to Pakura, the probability of Pakura being dug away by them is less than 10%. If they want to really dig Pakura away, they still need Rasa's help.

After all, Pakura can now fight against Rasa on equal ground in the village, so it's not that simple to dig her.

However, Asahi intends to cut A's chance directly. He does not expect to dig Pakura over directly, but he can gain a little favorability first, and then he can help Rasa a little by using some other means. If he wants to dig someone away, then it must be when the other party is most vulnerable. Kumogakure's idea is good, but that is not practical.

"White Zetsu, this time, the action will be entrusted to you. Remember, before Kumogakure, you must not reveal that you represent Iwagakure!"

Asahi himself knows that as soon as Iwagakure's name is mentioned, the first thing that pops up in everyone's mind is being strong, and the second is… too good at digging the wall, so if Iwagakure's identity was exposed at the beginning, the possibility of poaching Pakura will be infinitely reduced.

She also knows that Iwagakure contacted her to poach her, so what else can be said? Right now, she still has no intention of giving up her own village, so she will definitely start to guard against Iwagakure. With such defensiveness, it is basically impossible to poach her.

Therefore, if they hide their identity temporarily, wait until the other party can't hold on, and then reveal their identity, then it's not a problem.

White Zetsu, who got the order, dived directly into the ground and disappeared.

As for Black Zetsu, he is not busy looking for a suitable body at all. His mother was rescued, and it was the most important thing to him, as this is enough. So he plans to have fun with Obito and Madara.

Now that Black Zetsu doesn't need to worry about planning, he can come however he wants.

On Sunagakure's side, after receiving the news from Kumogakure, Rasa quietly made a mission and handed it over to Pakura, and Pakura didn't doubt that there was any conspiracy. To put it bluntly, Rasa has never done anything to her, so she didn't put any guard against him.

After receiving the mission, Pakura set off with a small team. At night, Pakura's team camped and rested, but at this time, White Zetsu appeared and quietly released a trace of aura. As a quasi-Kage-level figure, Pakura had very keen senses, and she quickly notice this aura.

After waking up the others, Pakura chased in the direction of the aura she sensed. Soon, Pakura saw a strange white guy. Half of his body was under the ground, and the other half was above the ground, which made him looks weird.

"Who are you?"

Several fireballs appeared around Pakura, and she looked at White Zetsu vigilantly.

"Don't be nervous, I'm not here to trouble you. I think you will be very interested in some things, so I left it for you, goodbye!"

Following Asahi's order, White Zetsu did not expose Iwagakure, and came out as his own. After putting down the information, White Zetsu directly sank into the ground and disappeared, while Pakura tried to sense him, but couldn't find the other party's trace at all.

At this moment, her heart sank, 'That white guy is too weird and can't be found at all. Once hidden, his aura will not be exposed.'

But after Pakura found that there are no traps around, she still couldn't resist her curiosity. She put on her gloves and picked up the information on the ground.