Chapter 143 White Zetsu’s Insidious Tricks

Now that they have been exposed, then there is no need for Killer B to hide anymore, as his speed is much faster than Pakura and the others. It can be said that Pakura was dragged by her teammates, and she couldn't run fast at all. Because of that, Pakura was directly blocked by Killer B soon after.

"Pakura-sama, what should we do now?"

Looking at Killer B that appeared in front of them, not only Pakura was afraid, but everyone else was also afraid. As a perfect Jinchuriki, Killer B is a long-established Kage-level powerhouse. Ordinary Kage-level powerhouses will be suppressed easily by him, not to mention that Pakura is just a quasi Kage-level.

"Prepare to fight! I will hold him later, just spread out and flee, at least try to get away!"

Pakura also had no other choice. She was angry, but she did not lose her mind, nor did she question Killer B. Now that he is blocking their path, Pakura has nothing to say. After all, how could she still ask the other's purpose stupidly? The fireball formed by Scorch Release directly surrounds Pakura.

However, before Pakura and Killer B could make a move, some white things suddenly oozes out from Killer B's body, spreading continuously like cotton candy. This is one of White Zetsu's best moves, the Spore Technique, White Zetsu attached spore-sized parasite clones to these people's bodies from the beginning.

Because it is almost impossible to be detected, no one would know that they are already infected. Once activated, it can directly absorb the opponent's Chakra. White Zetsu's appearance directly gave Pakura a big smile, watching Killer B was suddenly entangled by White Zetsu, Pakura couldn't control it anymore. Although she is full of doubts, she has no time to think about it now.


After saying that, Pakura quickly left with the others, but after leaving, Pakura ordered everyone to disperse and flee. She was not sure how long White Zetsu could entangle Killer B, so it is better to run away as soon as possible.

After dispersing, at least some of them could escape. Pakura also knows that the target of those people is herself. If they are together, they are just going to give them their heads. And after dispersing, several people flee in different directions.

"B, these things can absorb Chakra, just enter the second state directly!"

At this moment, on Killer B's side, the appearance of White Zetsu has only been seen by the Biju in Jubi's period. But other Biju have incomplete memories when they were in the Jubi's period. Therefore, Hachibi didn't know much about White Zetsu, and only had a little impression at most.

But now, Hachibi can clearly feel that this thing is absorbing Killer B and his Chakra. Of course, this is not the point. The point is that Hachibi is extremely afraid at this moment, as this thing only existed a thousand years ago.

But it has also appeared now. However, Hachibi is also very helpless, his memory is incomplete, and he does not know what is going on, but he can be sure that it is definitely not a good thing.

After hearing Hachibi's words, Killer B directly entered the second state. The White Zetsu, which was still attached to Killer B's body, was directly blown up. The Chakra of the Biju was not so easy to absorb, and the second state had a terrifying destructive power, so White Zetsu could do nothing against it.

When the spores were destroyed, White Zetsu below also felt it. He also knew that it would be useless to continue using such a trick, so he simply caught up with Pakura, and at this moment, Pakura is still running for her life!

"Damn it, did they catch up so soon?"

In order to help remove the firepower from the other, Pakura even took the initiative to leave traces of Scorch Release, attracting the enemies to her side. It can only be said that her empathy and righteousness really make people speechless. In order to give her teammates a chance to escape, she doesn't hesitate to sacrifice herself.

And the result of this is that Killer B, which has entered the second state, quickly caught up with her. With this kind of tyrannical Chakra, even if she is not a Sensor Shinobi, she can clearly perceive it.

"You are really great. In order to let your companions escape, you took the initiative to expose your whereabouts!"

While Pakura was running, White Zetsu stuck out his head, and at the same time, kept moving at a high speed. Pakura was very envious when she saw this. If she could do the same, wouldn't she be invincible? But this is obviously impossible.

"I can help you, or rather, we can help you attract the other party's attention!"

While he is talking, dozens of White Zetsu came out from under the ground, and Pakura, who saw this scene, almost staggered and fell directly. She never expected that there would be so many White Zetsu.

"Who the hell are you and what is your purpose?"

Although she knows that it is not the time to ask this, Pakura can't bear it anymore. White Zetsu is too weird, and he has been helping her from beginning to the end. She doesn't understand why White Zetsu did this and why he wants to help her.

What is there for the other party to help her? Pakura is also a human, so she can't ignore this problem.

"You will know later. For now, we will help you escape and create opportunities for you!"

White Zetsu still didn't say the purpose, but dozens of White Zetsu immediately turned into Pakura's appearance, and came out of the ground one by one. This scene made Pakura's eyes widened again, because she was stunned to find out that these White Zetsu actually imitated her appearance. And it is not as simple as the Transformation Technique, as even she herself can't see the difference between her and these White Zetsu.

Knowing that White Zetsu wouldn't say much even if she asked, Pakura could only leave a word of thanks and ran away quickly with full of doubts. This time, she didn't leave any traces behind.

After Killer B chased to here, he discovered that there was a group of Pakura, and he was a little dazed. And in his perception, these Pakura are unexpectedly all exactly the same, and it is impossible to tell which one is real and which one is fake.

With his perception ability, it is still possible for Killer B to perceive some clones, but every Pakura here is actually an entity, which is something very shocking! After that, the group of White Zetsu, who turned into Pakura, scattered and fled under Killer B's stunned gaze. After they ran, Killer B didn't know who was who, so he directly caught up with one of them, and then waved his claw, but this Pakura was directly divided into two under his eyes, but she did not disappear, and instead slowly changed to the appearance of White Zetsu, and gave him a smile before he died.

"What the hell is this? How can Pakura's method be so weird? Isn't she a Scorch Release user? Why is there such a method? Gyuki, do you know what happened? And can you tell which one is the real Pakura?"

Killer B had no choice but to ask Hachibi for help.