Chapter 144 The Betrayed Pakura

"It can't be distinguished, they're all exactly the same. This time, your plan has failed, and you can't catch her at all!"

Hachibi said indifferently. If it wasn't for Killer B is from Kumogakure, he wouldn't be involved in this kind of thing. After all, he is a Biju, not a human, and he is not a part of Kumogakure, and the only thing that matters is his Jinchuriki.

Knowing that there is no way to tell them apart, Killer B is too lazy to continue chasing, as it was just a waste of time, so he just sat down, and rested and wanted to study the body of White Zetsu, but there are other White Zetsu here, so even the corpse is not left. When Killer B recovered, the corpse had directly merged with the other White Zetsu. Soon, Dodai and the others chased over. After asking about the specific situation, they were also puzzled. What is this guy who came out and blocked them halfway, and completely messed up their plan?

"Forget it, if we fail, we fail. After Pakura goes back, let her and Rasa go into trouble slowly!"

In desperation, Dodai shook his head, and then everyone went back. On the other side, Pakura, who finally escaped, didn't dare to stay for too long, but instead changed places in various ways to avoid being found by Kumogakure. This delay prevented her from returning to the village immediately. After all, everyone knows to run in a straight line, so she used other methods.

However, after a few days of detours, Pakura was finally sure that no one is pursuing her, and she was relieved, but she still couldn't forget the extremely weird White Zetsu. That thing is definitely not a human, this is something she can be sure of, and she only knew that he is a humanoid.

Moreover, there are a lot of them. Their abilities are extremely strange, and they have been helping her all the time, which made Pakura very confused, but doubts are doubts, as White Zetsu no longer appeared, she had no choice but to return to the village.

After several days of traveling, Pakura finally returned to the village, but before she could get close, Pakura was surrounded by a group of people, these people are Sunagakure's Anbu.

"What are you doing?! I am Pakura!"

Pakura's heart sank, and she didn't understand what was going on.

"We know that you are Pakura, but now, you are just a wanted criminal. This is a wanted warrant jointly issued by Kazekage-sama and the Elder Council, you will be arrested!"

The Anbu didn't care about these at all, but directly took out a wanted warrant, and this wanted warrant directly confused Pakura, 'How could I become a wanted criminal? I don't understand it at all!'

"What the hell is going on? This is totally slander!"

Although she didn't know what the charge was, Pakura could swear that she had never done anything wrong to the village, but now, the wanted warrant appeared in front of her. She finally escaped and returned home, but it turned out to be like this.

"Get out of the way. I'm going to see Rasa and ask him what the hell is going on!"

Pakura was very angry, and the fireball circled around her body again. The Anbu, who saw this scene, did not dare to step forward, because Pakura's Scorch Release was famously powerful, and they would be finished if they dare to get closer.

In desperation, the Anbus didn't get out of the way, and the situation turned into a stalemate, but soon, Rasa brought a group of people here. The first time Pakura was discovered, these Anbu has already informed Rasa.

"Pakura, stop now, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude!"

Rasa looked at Pakura indifferently, as if what happened had nothing to do with him.

"Rasa, what the hell is going on? Even if it is you, you must at least give me a reason!"

Pakura said angrily, while Rasa raised his eyebrows and clapped his hands, and two people walked out of the crowd behind him.

Pakura immediately recognized these two people after seeing them. They were in her team just now, but she didn't see the others.

"Kazekage-sama, Pakura is eyeing your position. For Kazekage's position, she teamed up with Kumogakure and planned to seize the Kazekage's position. Since the people in our team learned of this news, everyone else was killed, and only the two of us escaped with great difficulty!"

Before Pakura could speak, these two spoke first, and they destroyed her in one strike. They are saying that Pakura is eyeing Kazekage's position, so she did something like this.

These words came to Pakura's ears like a thunderbolt on a sunny day. She didn't expect that the teammates she desperately saved would sell her out. In fact, all of this was planned by Rasa.

If Pakura want to blame someone, she can only blame herself, as she has been out there for a few days. In the past few days, the people in her team who ran away have returned to the village one after another, but they were intercepted in advance by Rasa, who had been paying attention to this matter.

Later, through severe torture and various coercion and temptation, these two were successfully instigated. As for the remaining people, they are all hardheaded, so they were dealt with by Rasa. And these two people are the only ones left from Pakura's team.

They acted as witnesses, and even though many people with discerning eyes knew that it is Rasa, who is playing a tricks, but Rasa has already seized the opportunity, and Pakura has no way to set off any storms, as even the people around her have been directly instigated.

These elders who plan to support Pakura could do nothing about this. It can only be said that they are also responsible for this matter. If they hadn't been bragging Pakura with great fanfare, such a thing would not have happened.

Now, Pakura has no chance to come back, because Pakura only has one mouth, and Rasa even has people around Pakura as a witness. What is more to say? Although Pakura also wanted to resist and escape, but she was only a quasi Kage-level. With so many people surrounding her, and there was also Rasa staring at her like a prey, how could she run away? And under the extreme disappointment, she no longer had that kind of fighting mentality.

In the end, Pakura was taken away directly, and then sent to the prison cell. Rasa did not directly kill Pakura. After all, killing Pakura is not up to him alone. If he killed Pakura now, it will inevitably make people feel dissatisfied.

Rasa is not stupid at all, so he just sealed Pakura's Chakra, and imprisoned her in a cell. She should have been a shining new star, but now she has become a prisoner. Afterwards, Rasa convened a high-level meeting, intending to kill Pakura as soon as possible, so as to have a sweet dream at night.

But this time, White Zetsu didn't take action. In this situation, White Zetsu no longer needs to make a move, as Asahi needs to do it himself. As for Pakura, she is already in the cell with heart full of despair.

Asahi, who has been paying attention to this matter, has learned the whole situation through White Zetsu, and even he has created Lacrima for ultra-long-distance communication. His research these days is not in vain, as although he hasn't gotten much out of key things, there are still some general ones.

These Lacrima are distributed to White Zetsu in various places in the Shinobi World. White Zetsu can also activate it directly, as a special magic circle is set on it, so that even ordinary people can use it. Because of that, he can see scenes of various places through these Lacrima.