Chapter 145 Poaching Pakura

In fact, Asahi has another method, which is to directly create a huge eye in the sky at a super long distance. This eye can see all the information he wants to know, but the movement is too big. It is estimated that that eye is enough to cover the entire Sunagakure.

So it is better to use the more convenient and concealed White Zetsu. Through the Lacrima, Asahi saw all the scenes, and he also felt a little emotional, 'As expected of Rasa who is so ruthless that he will attack his own son. Everyone said tiger won't eat their offspring even when they are starving, but this bastard can't be compared to a tiger at all. Human nature is indeed the most difficult thing to speculate.'

Rasa is an extremely deranged existence. Naruto was treated badly by Konoha because of the death of Minato and Kushina, but he is Gaara's father, so what did he do anyway? Regarding Rasa, Asahi's evaluation of him is not only the strength is not good, but his character is also rotten and scummy. Among other things, he never felt guilty for what he has done to Gaara. If he is still a father, he should consider how to judge the value of his own son. But instead, he only things about himself.

Moreover, Gaara was only a few years old at that time, and Sunagakure's Sealing Technique was already extremely bad, as it can't even seal Shukaku correctly.

After Pakura was in prison, Asahi also set off directly. With one teleportation, he directly went from Iwagakure to Pakura's cell.

Suddenly, there was another person in the cell, and even Pakura, who was already heartbroken, was a little stunned.

"Asahi, you are Iwagakure's Asahi."

After seeing Asahi, Pakura was stunned. Asahi's appearance can be said to be announced every year in the Great Shinobi Villages, and Asahi did not hide his appearance, so as long as someone is a Shinobi, they should be able to directly recognize him at a glance.

After all, he is the current God of Shinobi, an invincible existence, so Pakura recognized him at a glance.

"Yeah, that's me. Seeing your appearance, it seems that it's not very good. Even if I help you return to the village, it turns out to be like this!"

Asahi said with a faint smile. After hearing this, Pakura was stunned for a moment, and then she suddenly realized.

"That… that white guy is in your control? So you have been paying attention to this matter all the time!"

Pakura finally understood that besides Kumogakure and Sunagakure, this mysterious third party turned out to be Iwagakure.

"That's right, White Zetsu is controlled by me. I have been paying attention at the information of Kumogakure and Sunagakure. And naturally, I know everything about you. According to the current Shinobi World, our Iwagakure like to dig into the corners of other people's homes."

"Of course, this kind of digging is limited to the talents who have been abandoned and persecuted by the Great Shinobi Villages, so I have been paying attention to you from the beginning. And my thought is very simple, which is showing enough sincerity."

"Now you have already been betrayed by your own people, so do you want to join our Iwagakure?"

Asahi asked. This time, he really didn't do any pushing from behind. Just like Danzo, Rasa didn't need him to push him as he made things happen by himself. He just found a loophole, took advantage of it, and this time, the sincerity he showed was enough.

"Why didn't you show up from the beginning? And why are you so sure that I will join Iwagakure now?"

Pakura felt it is a little strange. She didn't know where did Asahi's confidence come from. If Rasa is not trying to do anything to her, then how could Asahi dig her? Can Asahi still be able to predict such a thing?

"Does this kind of question still need to be asked? I have already said, I just insert the needle. Everything is done by yourselves, and I just find the most suitable time to intervene. If Rasa does not target you this time, I will not appear in front of you, as Sunagakure has nothing to do with me."

"The reason why I am here is because you have nowhere to go, so it is useless for you to ask this kind of question. It depends on you, not me. Even if nothing happens this time, I just won't show up, but Rasa won't let you go. Sooner or later, I will come, but the time when I come depends on you all!"

Asahi shook his head. He naturally wouldn't appear here if he couldn't dig her, and he would appear here if he could, so he felt a little helpless about Pakura's question.

"Is it so? It seems that I am really stupid, otherwise, I wouldn't have been plotted like this by Rasa."

Pakura couldn't help but sighed, as there was nothing she could do.

"Okay, give me the answer now!"

Asahi didn't continue to talk nonsense. The guards outside had been drained by White Zetsu, and became half-dead. Otherwise, it is estimated that a group of people would gather around Asahi as soon as he appeared.

"I don't seem to have any other choice now, right? But I still have a question. Do you also use this method to dig the people from Konoha?"

Pakura asked with some doubts. If Asahi also used this method, then Pakura would really underestimate the darkness of Konoha.

"Almost, it's just that Rasa is not as vicious as Danzo, and the means are not cruel enough. If you are not facing Rasa but Danzo instead, I guess you would already be dead!"

Asahi said with a smile. Danzo destroyed Konoha because he was ruthless, as he doesn't want anyone talented to not be his people, so they were all forced to death. As for Jiraiya's situation, it was also because he has no strong people left. If there are other strong people under him, he definitely got rid of Jiraiya immediately, instead of subduing him.

"Is that so? It seems that I really underestimated this Shinobi World!"

Pakura didn't say anything more, as she has made a decision now. Asahi directly removed the things that restrained Chakra on Pakura's body, but these guys are indeed cruel enough, as not just Pakura's Chakra was sealed, but her body was also locked with a chain.

It is a pity that Rasa has not counted that there will be outsiders directly entering the prison.

"Can you wait a moment? I still have some close people in Sunagakure, can I take them away together?"

Pakura thought of other people at this time, as she was not a loner.

"Of course you can. After all, I'm here to poach people. From now on, everyone will be friends, so this kind of small matter is not a problem at all, let's go!"

After Asahi said that, he took Pakura and moved outside.

At this moment, Pakura's relatives and friends are actually not doing well. Some of them have directly turned side, but some do not believe that Pakura will do such a thing. As a result, these people are naturally scolded to death by the people in the village, which is kind of tragic.

When Pakura appeared in front of them, all of them were happy, and knowing that Pakura was leaving, they also immediately chose to follow her, it is not suitable for them to continue to stay in this place.