Chapter 146 Take Precautions Against Everything, Still Can't Prevent It

As the saying goes, see the truth in adversity, now that the situation has reached this level, there are only very few people who still support Pakura something happened to her, and this small group of people is either Pakura's best friend or her relatives. So they are not doing well this time.

Originally, Pakura had a lot of friends, but there were too many scumbags who jumped to the other side. So there are only a dozen or so of these people left. With such situation, Pakura can only be said to be really unlucky.

However, it is easy to bring a small number of people. Soon, everyone disappeared to Iwagakure. No one knew that Pakura and the others had disappeared. They only discovered this when they saw a lot of half-dead people on the ground when the guard's shift changed.

But at that moment, Pakura had already disappeared, and this incident immediately reached Rasa's ears. Someone attacked the prison and took Pakura away silently. He felt his head was going to explode when he learned of this.

This kind of weird method made Rasa think of Iwagakure in an instant. Before, a group of almost 100,000 Konoha's people disappeared, logically speaking, it would take at least two or three months for them to get to Iwagakure.

However, according to the time reported by their spies in Iwagakure, the time that nearly 100,000 people appeared on Iwagakure happened to be the day when the turmoil in Konoha occurred, so Iwagakure actually transferred almost 100,000 people from Konoha to their own village in less than a day. After reaching this conclusion, everyone finds it unbelievable.

But the facts are already in front of them, and no matter how they can't believe it, they must believe it. And now, Pakura's situation is also the same. These people suddenly disappeared, and even all kinds of barriers around the village have no trace of being triggered.

The Sensor Shinobi also didn't perceive anything, and didn't know how this happened. It was simply… extremely weird.

With such condition, it is difficult for Rasa not to think of Iwagakure, and he immediately contacted his spies at Iwagakure. However, the spy still needs to investigate this matter, so another period of time has passed.

However, Asahi didn't try to hide Pakura, and he didn't feel the need at all. Konoha was already dug out by him, so what else can the other villages say? Eventually, the information was put on the table of several other villages' Kage. This time, Kirigakure was even more amused. He couldn't laugh about Konoha's affairs, after all, their village is almost at the same situation as them, and the most they can laugh at was Danzo, but they couldn't see much jokes.

Except for Konoha, Iwagakure had only caused problem with Kirigakure, but this time, it was completely different. Kirigakure has always been expecting other villages to be patronized by Iwagakure. After all, they can't be the only ones to suffer, right? So, when the news of Pakura, who is a quasi Kage-level and also has the ability to become a Kage-level figure, was dug away, they will naturally gloat at Sunagakure.

Kirigakure was laughing at the situation, but Rasa couldn't laugh at all at this moment. He had to guard against everything, but in the end, he still couldn't prevent it. The current Rasa is very depressed, and he can't understand how Iwagakure knew about the specific situation. It's simply inexplicable.

In a blink of an eye, they are targeting Pakura, and the time was just right. After thinking about it carefully, Rasa couldn't help but shed cold sweat. He found that his own intelligence seemed to be not secretive against the other party, otherwise, how could they take Pakura just after she had been imprisoned by him? Isn't it too accurate?

"How could such a thing happen? Where did they get the information from?"

Rasa's head is almost turning white. Now that Pakura was leaving, sooner or later, she will deal with him, but this is not the point now, the point is, their intelligence system has become transparent, and everyone knows about his own movements, so how can he not be frightened.

"What's the use of talking about this now Rasa? You better not go down your old way, otherwise, Sunagakure will be ruined in your hands. If there's another time, you know the consequences without me telling you, right?"

Chiyo knows about Rasa's action, and also knows that it was Rasa's fault this time, however, she has nothing to say. Although she knows those things, she can't do anything about it.

But Chiyo still felt the need to remind Rasa, after all, Konoha's Danzo is the best example.

Danzo's situation is not very good now. Although he has taken control of the Daimyo and re-migrate a lot of people to Konoha using the power of the Daimyo, these people are just ordinary people, there is no blood Kekkei Genkai, and even no military resources.

Now, Danzo can still deter those around him, so that at least others dare not do it directly, but Danzo is now at the limit, and once someone takes action against him again, it will be easy to take down Konoha, but in the face of a Kage-level powerhouse, not every village is like Iwagakure, so some surrounding villages could only look greedily but dare not take action casually.

And Danzo wants to re-develop Konoha, which is unrealistic. Let alone whether he can hold on, it is completely impossible to get the resources for creating an army of Shinobi.

It takes at least a few years to nurture a Genin. Kakashi, Itachi, etc. are all exceptions. Their clans belong to the strong, so their education is naturally a lof more advanced.

… And for an ordinary civilian, no matter how genius they are, it takes a long time from receiving education to become a Genin.

Therefore, it is estimated that before Konoha can be completely re-flourish, Danzo will die. After all, even nurturing Genin needs a few years, not to mention Chunin and Jonin. Chūnin is fine as they are not too far apart from Genin, but Jonin is completely different.

Even for a genius like Kakashi, it took so many years to become a Jonin.

And the most embarrassing thing is…, there is no village that wanted to solicit with Danzo, because this guy is too vicious. Although he is a strong Kage-level powerhouse, his method is extremely cruel, as he even dared to plot against his own village. Even Akatsuki doesn't dare to solicit with Danzo, so Danzo can be said to be extremely tragic.

And now, Rasa is moving on the path that is similar to Danzo, that's why Chiyo reminded him. This time, it is estimated that it is already her limit, and if Rasa still dares to cause trouble, then Chiyo will probably kill Rasa immediately.

After Chiyo left, Rasa also had a pale face. Even as a Kazekage, there are elders coming out to threaten him, which is very shameful, but this time, it is indeed his fault, and he can't blame anyone else.

So he has no other choice but to get sulky, but he was still extremely worried about Iwagakure.