Chapter 147 Good News From Orochimaru

Let alone Rasa is worried due to the transparency of information, in fact, Kumogakure also noticed some problems, but they knew that worrying about it is useless. Instead of continuing to worry about this, they felt it is better to find a way to strengthen the unity of the village. This is the difference between Kumogakure and Sunagakure, one is still having internal fight, and the other is strengthening their unity.

On the other side, after Asahi left the matter to the others to deal with, he continued to study problems with magic. Time flies, and in a flash, it is a year later. During this period, Asahi did not pay attention to other things, and he has made some progress. Although Ryuchi Cave was offended by him, but the Shikkotsu Forest and Mount Myoboku is different, as they are now in the same camp.

Therefore, studying the combination of Sage Mode and Natural Energy with magic is a lot more convenient. Asahi has made some progress, as he is trying to open up the energy source of the people in this world.

In Fairy Tail World, people who practice magic have a source of magic power in their bodies, and in the later period, Ultear also found extra sources of magic power. (T/N: Actually, Ultear only found a way to easily open the Second Origin, and she's not the one who finds it.)

So, Asahi is now also trying to turn on the Natural Energy source now, but this is not easy. After all, this is equivalent to creating an energy source in someone else's body. It must be nonsense to directly do it on someone else's body, and he needs to use his own power to do it.

His research has reached the final stage of experimentation. As for the experimenter, there is actually no need for more people. One death row prisoner is already enough. He can use time magic, so when he fails, he can just restore this person back. As for the death row prisoner, they are the types of people who people won't miss, so Asahi didn't have any psychological burden at all.

However, just as Asahi was researching the last step, there are news coming from the moon. The Lacrima handed to Orochimaru before finally lit up, but after seeing Orochimaru in the Lacrima, Asahi couldn't help but stunned for a moment.

"Have you successfully transplanted the eyes to yourself?"

At this moment, Orochimaru's eyes have completely changed. Of course, it's not the Byakugan, but instead a pair of blue eyes, which is the legendary Tenseigan.

"Yes, I succeeded, but I didn't just change a pair of eyes, but changed my body. Without the blood of the Otsutsuki Clan, it is almost impossible to resist Tenseigan's backlash."

"My original body was directly scrapped for this reason, but now, I feel very good. Among the three fetal movements you mentioned, the first one has passed, and there are only two more. So this pair of Tenseigan can be considered complete!"

"However, the specific situation is not very clear, and it still needs to be tested. There may even be sequelae, but it has been successful so far!"

After Orochimaru had succeeded in his research, he couldn't wait to change his eyes, but after he changed his eyes, his eyes were on the same level as Rinnegan.

Even Nagato, who has Uzumaki Clan's physique, is directly drained when he uses Rinnegan which is not his own. Let alone Orochimaru, so even if he didn't do much, his body was directly scrapped just after condensing one Truth-Seeking Ball. In desperation, Orochimaru can only put the eyes back in the previous body, and then changed his body.

"You are really crazy… Didn't I tell you to be careful a long time ago? Once the soul is damaged, it is not easy to restore it!"

Asahi shook his head. No matter how perfect it is, Orochimaru's Living Corpse Reincarnation will still damage his soul.

"For the sake of science, there must always be some sacrifices, and this body is cloned using my own cells and added with Kaguya's blood. It can be said that this body is Kaguya's descendant, and it fits me very well, so there's not too much of a problem!"

Orochimaru said indifferently, but Asahi didn't expect that with his full help and Kaguya's blood, Orochimaru would actually obtain Tenseigan.

Of course, whether this Tenseigan is complete or not is still a question, just like Toneri. His Tenseigan seems to be complete, and his Tenseigan's ability is also very strong, but after he was defeated, his Tenseigan disappeared and returned to Byakugan.

Asahi didn't know what was going on, whether it was over-consumed or being defeated. In short, except for Kaguya's perfect Tenseigan, Orochimaru's pair of Tenseigan remains to be examined.

Kaguya has fully awakened Tenseigan a long time ago, and coupled with Jubi's power, Kaguya's strength has completely surpassed her peak, and there are also a series of combat experience teachings, so the current Kaguya is not the same Kaguya that needs Black Zetsu's help to fight, and her strength is extremely terrifying. Kaguya is also purifying Hinata, Hanabi and Neji's Byakugan for a while. According to Kaguya, among the entire Hyuga Clan, only these three Byakugan barely qualified.

With her ability, she will help these three by purifying their Byakugan once every month. After all, her blood has been passed down for so many generations, so it is not bad to find three who are barely qualified. It can only be said that as expected of the protagonist party, they are indeed loved by the world.

When the three are a little older and Orochimaru's technology is fully mature, then they can directly awaken their Tenseigan.

"Remember to keep the technology a secret and don't leak it out. Leave a copy of the information and I will get it later, and then destroy the other information. My research here is at the end. When it is successful, you can study my Archive, and I will also back up all the data directly to my Archive, so that nothing will go wrong!"

The reason Asahi said that these materials must be destroyed, is because he doesn't want to make the whole Naruto World has a lot of Tenseigan, and the people would start cut the ground just like cutting a cake. Tenseigan is too powerful, although most people can't bear it, and it can't be popularized.

"I see, I'm looking forward to your research. I have been coveting your Archive for a long time!"

Orochimaru said while licking his lips. Archive is a type of recording magic, and it can also be used to control some magic equipment, and regarding Archive, as long as the person holding the magic does not want it, the other people can't see it at all.

It installed a super huge hard disk on the user's body, so when these data are stored in Archive, it completely prevented other possible occurrences. By doing this, Asahi didn't have to worry about problems.

But Orochimaru did give him a surprise. As even Tenseigan can be awakened, so the next thing to do is... Mangekyo and Rinnegan, but with Kaguya's blood, the condition to awaken Rinnegan is actually nothing.