Chapter 149 The Effect Of Creating The Natural Energy Source

"Okay, let's stop talking nonsense, I will help you create the Natural Energy Source first. This thing is not only about lifespan, but you can also learn some of my abilities at that time, such as my spatial movement, shrinking and expanding, etc.!"

Asahi said with a smile, and after hearing what he said, Kushina's ears immediately perked up, and her eyes lit up. She was quite envious of Asahi's abilities, as all of his abilities were extremely convenient.

Especially after she found out that Asahi had shrunk 100,000 people to the size of a palm in an instant, her envy was even more out of control. Right now, Kushina can't hold it anymore.

"Then hurry up!"

Kushina said with an anxious look, after all, who would refuse such a good thing. Seeing Kushina's anxious look, Asahi didn't say much, and just told Kushina to sit down and stay still, and then he started using his own power to guide and create the Natural Energy Source.

Right now, there is no Kyubi in Kushina's body, and not only Kushina, but also the other two Jinchuriki. Since Asahi took Kushina, in order to prevent Kyubi from being captured, he used his own power to release Kyubi. Although Kushina is strong enough to stop the enemy, but Kyubi is always a big light bulb.

However, he still left a link in Jinchuriki's body. This link allows the Jinchuriki to borrow the power of the Biju, which makes them no different from normal Jinchuriki, and they can still use the power of the Biju.

After all, almost all of their techniques are derived from the power of the Biju, so if their Biju was taken away, even if they don't start from the beginning, but at least half of their strength would disappear.

After the Biju came out, they did not live together, but instead occupies one direction each.

They are located at the four direction of Iwagakure, and it can be said that they almost the same as the Four Sacred Beasts.

At this moment, Asahi has used his own power to continuously extract the surrounding Natural Energy and let it enter Kushina's body to create a Natural Energy Cycle, thereby forming an energy source.

During this process, Asahi is extremely careful and focused. After all, Natural Energy is not so easy to control, and there will be many problems when absorbing too much. It is not to say that Kushina will become a stone frog, but petrification is still possible.

The absorption methods of the Holy Lands are different, so some have become stone frogs, showing the characteristics of frogs, some have the characteristics of snakes, and the most abnormal place of Natural Energy is… direct petrification. Absorbing is fine, but if it cannot be controlled, she will be petrified, so Asahi is now creating a perfect cycle.

By letting this cycle run automatically, even if Kushina is acting recklessly, she will not be petrified. The whole process took half an hour. Finally, the cycle is constructed as an energy source. With this energy source, the Natural Energy Kushina absorbs will be automatically stored inside the source, which can also be regarded as turning on a permanent Sage Mode.

However, this is not a wireless energy source, so even if it is equivalent to entering the permanent Sage Mode, but once the Natural Energy is consumed, it will take time to recover with Chakra. It's just that this energy source is very complete now and much better than chakra, so it can recover quickly and easily.

"Okay, the energy source has been created, but you still need time to adapt to the power. The current you are not comparable to the previous you!"

Asahi said happily. As long as Kushina does not use Sage Art, the effect of Sage Mode will be continuously maintained, which means that her strength, defense, speed, perception, etc. will be all raised to the limit.

Kushina herself also feels that she is full of energy now, and at this moment, she is a little impatient to test her new strength. She didn't hear Asahi at all, and just kicked the ground directly. If it is normal, nothing will happen, but this time, it was completely different.


Needless to say, the ground shattered, the house collapsed, and Asahi's home became a ruin at this instant.

"Didn't I tell you to use your power carefully? And why are you testing it at home?"

Asahi looked at the ruined house with some helplessness, and then used time magic to directly restore it. It can be said that magic is like a panacea, it is so convenient to restore these things, and it is even more convenient to clean the battlefield.

"That… I didn't hear it!"

Kushina knew that she was wrong, so she started to act cute.

"Forget it, just go to Kyubi and get used to your strength first!"

Asahi simply sent Kushina to Kyubi directly. As for learning magic, Kushina still needs to adapt to this energy source first.

"Brother Asahi, what happened just now?"

Just after Asahi sent Kushina away, another girl appeared, a girl named Uchiha Izumi. Actually, it is reasonable to say that Asahi has no reason to be in contact with Izumi, but Fugaku can't let such a thing not happening.

Fugaku watched Hiashi's two daughters are getting closer to Asahi. Although they are still young, judging by the momentum, it is estimated that they will be married when they reach adulthood, and then he looked at his own son.

Well, there is nothing to say, who told him that he has no daughter, so when Fugaku happened to see Izumi, the genius girl in his own clan, he then began to secretly match them up, and gradually, the relationship between Asahi and Izumi was also established.

This also made Asahi a little speechless. Even if he didn't do anything, someone would send him a girl, but after that, Fugaku was directly blocked by Tsunade and the others.

They were already a little worried when Asahi went out to dig someone back, and it turned out to be a big beauty, Pakura. Moreover, Pakura has very good feelings towards Asahi, so their relationship is getting better and better, and Tsunade and the others are helpless about this.

And now, Fugaku is actually sending another girl over. Isn't this going to make things difficult for them? So their spearhead is directed at Fugaku immediately. When he heard these people coming, he directly pushed out his own wife as a shield.

Because Mikoto and Kushina have a good relationship. Fugaku managed to protect himself, and after a long time, except for showing ferocious expression when they meet, Tsunade and the others have not bothered to find Fugaku.

This also made Fugaku breathe a sigh of relief, but the relationship between Izumi and Asahi was confirmed, so Asahi suddenly discovered that there are a lot of girls in his house, and there are also a few reservations.

It became like this without him knowing it. Of course, unlike Asahi's situation, Jiraiya is still an old bachelor now.