Chapter 150 The Benefits Of Barrier In The Bathhouse

Speaking of Jiraiya, Asahi also had to sigh. It was indeed a good choice for him to put barrier on the bathhouse in his village. It was okay when Jiraiya just arrived from Konoha, as nothing happened, but after Jiraiya mixed with them, and get better acquainted, the situation became completely different. This happened one year after Jiraiya came to Iwagakure.

When Konoha's people first came, they basically couldn't integrate into Iwagakure. Although the two sides are in the same village now, they seem to be separated by a line, and the two sides belong to two completely different concepts.

In this regard, Asahi at that time directly waved his hand and asked the people in the village to go to other people's places more. Before Asahi crossed over, neighbors would often visit each other, and they would give some delicious food and return gifts.

So taking advantage of this, the people in the village and Konoha's people soon became acquainted, and the relationship between the two parties was getting better and better. Time is a catalyst, and over time, they also know that Iwagakure is really good to them. Because of that, they slowly integrated themselves into Iwagakure, and the leaders like Jiraiya were also relieved.

After all, he is the one who brought these people here, so if there is really a big problem, they would be the one responsible. Because of that, the current situation is exactly what they want to see.

Asahi originally expected it would take several years for them to be fully integrated into Iwagakure, but because they were the promoters behind, this plan was completed in one year.

After it was completed, Jiraiya started his own actions again. Don't forget what the old profession of this guy is. Shinobi like him are also the easiest to get out of the depression, so he soon started to return to his old business, but when this guy ran into the bathhouse to collect materials, he directly ran into the barrier, and the commotion was not small.

It's also because this guy runs fast, otherwise, he would be caught directly. Since Asahi created the barrier, there are quite a few people like this caught in the bathhouse, but Asahi is not worried about his girls being taken advantage of. After all, her girls are not vegetarian, and Kushina is also proficient in perception, so whoever goes there would be destroyed.

After touching the barrier, even an existence like Jiraiya would be useless, and he directly hits the barrier. Although he was not caught, Jiraiya was unwilling to give up like this, so he went to investigate again. As the saying goes, how can a person walk by the river without getting his shoes wet. Although Jiraiya is a great Shinobi and has never been caught, it is inevitable to be seen.

After that, Jiraiya was in a tragedy. Everyone looked at him like a pervert, and only a group of male compatriots gave him an expression of 'I understand you, and we all know it.' After all, many people have read Jiraiya's works.

The most obvious among them is Kakashi, as this guy treated Jiraiya's works as a treasure. In the end, Jiraiya can only harm people in the other places. Asahi didn't want to have any trouble in his territory, as for the outsiders, he doesn't care! Jiraiya has been famous for this thing for a while, and Iwagakure's technology is also climbing faster, so the speed of information transmission is also very fast, basically, this little thing can be easily known by the others.

Because of such a reason, until now, Jiraiya is still an old bachelor.

As for Kakashi's hidden danger, Asahi also got rid of it. It's all thanks to Orochimaru, as this guy has developed a medicine to specifically deal with Mangekyo's excessive use.

This time, it wasn't using Kaguya's blood. After all, using Kaguya's blood on this matter is like using a cannon to kill a mosquitoe, so he used Hashirama's cells and made it into a potion.

Asahi had to sigh, as in this world, Hashirama's cells is like Tang Monk's meat. As long as something goes wrong, transplanting his cells will cause the problem to disappear. In the original work, even Naruto's hand is remade with Hashirama's cells.

Obito also relies on Hashirama's cells, resulting in his Mangekyo can be used almost infinitely, but after Orochimaru's improvement, there are no hidden dangers, and at least, there is no need to worry about having a human face or his body turning white, so Kakashi can now use Mangekyo unscrupulously.

Without the drag of Mangekyo, Kakashi picked up his father's weapon again, and his strength is also rising slowly. After a lot of accumulation, he reached Kage-level. And with Mangekyo, he is at the top even among Kage-level figures.

"It's nothing big, it's just that Kushina made a little noise, but it has been resolved. You came just in time, I don't have to look for you later!"

Although their relationship is almost certain, Izumi has not yet moved into his home, and also Pakura, but since she is here, it is natural Asahi would give her the Natural Energy Source.

After half an hour, Asahi finished creating the Natural Energy Source for Izumi, and then sent her to Kushina for adaptive training. After that, the others were all taken care of by Asahi one after another.

"That's right, there's also Orochimaru!"

Asahi directly teleported to the moon in an instant. For the current him, crossing such a small distance is just like playing, and he can arrive in an instant.

He spent some time explaining it to Orochimaru, and then created Orochimaru's Natural Energy Source, and also taught Orochimaru about Archive, but Orochimaru would still need some time to master it.

Therefore, Asahi has not transmitted the data for the time being, at least, he would need to wait until Orochimaru has mastered Archive.

"It's a good feeling. By the way, didn't you tell me before that you want to resurrect Nidaime Hokage? He is a super genius!"

Orochimaru said. After all, Nidaime Hokage, Senju Tobirama is simply a god-level Forbidden Technique master.

Minato's signature technique Flying Thunder God Technique, and Naruto's signature technique Shadow Clone Technique. Moreover, Naruto, who has reached the Six Paths-level, can even use Shadow Clone Technique to perform better than Madara's Rinnegan's ability, Limbo.

It has to be said that this is indeed very abnormal, and there is also Impure World Reincarnation. In the original Fourth Shinobi World War, those resurrected powerhouses are all extremely powerful, and they also can use their strongest technique without trouble.

Tobirama is indeed a talent. Asahi and Orochimaru discussed whether this guy should be resurrected. Asahi also said that he can try it, but he also needs to put a little more protection on Tobirama. After all, Tobirama is too ruthless. And now, the person who was taught by him is cruel and poisonous than the other.

Asahi wondered if what he did for the Senju Clan could make this guy grateful, but after that, he was busy studying the Natural Energy Source, so he temporarily forgot about this matter, and he only remembered it now after Orochimaru reminded him.