Chapter 151 Resurrecting

"I indeed need his intelligence, but this guy will be difficult to control. Let's talk about using Impure World Reincarnation on him first, and then look at the situation. If it doesn't work, we'll give him some insurance."

Asahi nodded. To be honest, he could just use the Historia of the Dead to realized Tobirama, but there is a problem, that is, the one who has the memory can't go too far from him, and it's also not easy to find that someone, as there are not many people who have seen Tobirama.

But he can't just nestled together with Tobirama everyday, and a scientific research talent can't just be realized for a short time, so this is very troublesome. So he chose to just use Impure World Reincarnation to resurrect him, and then look at the situation again.

"It's okay, but you still need to find Tsunade and the people from the Senju Clan!"

Orochimaru said. Before using Impure World Reincarnation, there is something to do.

After all, putting the evidence in front of him is much better than empty words.

"I think so too. I will go to Tsunade and Senju Hikari first, and since I want to resurrect, I will resurrect a bit more!"

Asahi said. He felt that this is also a good opportunity to solicit and buy people's hearts. Kakashi's father can be resurrected. As for the matter of Rin and Obito, he also needs to talk to Kakashi about it.

And there's also Tsunade's younger brother, Senju Nawaki. In short, the situation is just like this. As for how to resurrect them, he can just use Impure World Reincarnation to get them out, and then find Kaguya. Kaguya's vitality is unlimited. Others may use resurrection technique by exchanging their lives, but Kaguya is different, as she doesn't need to worry about it at all.

So it is enough for Kaguya to use such technique, and there is no need to think about other things.

If he wanted to resurrect someone, he can just go ahead and do it in one step. Of course, he won't do such things like resurrection everywhere. Otherwise, who doesn't have a few relatives who want to be resurrected, and won't it be messy if everyone was resurrected? So this is limited to the people close to him and talented people. There is also one more thing, he at least has to find the corpses. If there is no corpses, it would be useless.

After returning, Asahi quickly visited these places. Except for the Tsunade and Senju Clan, everyone else either had no corpses to be found, or no one needed to be resurrected, and even the corpses of Tsunade's parents couldn't be found. In that era, it was not easy to collect corpses.

Of course, in fact, resurrecting Hashirama and Tobirama is a bit risky. Minato is not necessary, and resurrecting Hashirama is also because he can suppress Tobirama. Knowing that Tobirama's two apprentices have ruined his village, it is unknown whether Hashirama will hang Tobirama and beat him to death. Moreover, if they still think about Konoha, they may cause a split withing Iwagakure. Of course, Asahi will not have such worries now. After resurrecting the two, he will place insurance on the other party, and it will trigger when some conditions happen. For example, if there is a situation in their minds that endangers Iwagakure, then Asahi will naturally sense it.

However, Asahi felt that such possibility was not great. After they figure out everything from the beginning to the end, they would have nothing to say. Even if they still have such an idea, Asahi estimated that it will slowly dissipate over time.

But insurance is still necessary. If it really gets to that point, Asahi can only ask Orochimaru to use Kotoamatsukami to them, but this possibility is too small, so Asahi probably won't use it.

What he values ​​is Tobirama's intelligence. He is not worried that Tobirama will get out of control. After all, in terms of strength, he will not allow Tobirama to do so.

After bringing the others into the moon, Orochimaru has already prepared the preparations, the White Zetsu as a sacrifice, and those part of the corpses. As for the soul, almost all of them in this world and there is no such thing like the disappearance of the soul.

Even if it runs into the Shinigami's belly, it can still be released. Asahi seriously doubts what Shinigami is. It is probably just a container or something, otherwise, the soul would be eaten before it can be released.

"Can it really be resurrected?"

At this moment, both Tsunade and Kakashi looked at the things in front of them in a daze.

"Of course it is possible, but it depends on Kaguya!"

Asahi set his sights on Orochimaru and Kaguya. Kaguya's existence is actually unknown to Kakashi and the others, and the people who know are Tsunade and Hyuga Clan. After all, Kaguya does not want to be too high-profile.

"Impure World Reincarnation Technique!"

Orochimaru slammed his palms onto the ground, and black patterned circle directly wrapped the White Zetsu, and then these White Zetsu became Hashirama, Tobirama, Nawaki and Sakumo.

"This is… Impure World Reincarnation Technique"

After Tobirama opened his eyes, he looked at his hand with some confusion, except for Impure World Reincarnation, he really couldn't think of other possibilities.

"You are, Tsuna-chan"

As for Hashirama, he didn't care about the others, and focused on Tsunade instead.

"Kakashi, why am I here"

Sakumo was also confused. As for Nawaki, he was even more sluggish, and he looked at his sister in a daze.

"Tsunade, Kakashi, please explain to them!"

After that, Asahi and Orochimaru turned around and left. It was not suitable for them to be here, so they left it to Tsunade and Kakashi to explain it, and there's no need to worry, as Tsunade and Kakashi's explanations are more realistic than Asahi's explanation.

Asahi will wait until the explanation is clear, and then resurrect them.

When everything was being explained, Kaguya was too lazy to stay inside, but walked out. Now, she is just reading a book, after all, there is nothing for her to do.

After almost half a day, Tsunade and the others finally came out, but during this period, the Chakra inside also rioted several times. It is probably because of anger. Hashirama is not very good, but Tobirama is different.

The two disciples he taught had controlled Konoha, but as a result, after controlling Konoha, they immediately started attacking the Senju Clan and destroyed the Senju Clan. Even Danzo quietly killed his other grandnephew, and after that, he sent people to hunt down Tsunade.

Coupled with the various things that these two people did in the village, Tobirama at that time was awkward, and Hashirama had some thoughts of hanging up and beating his younger brother.

For Konoha, he even had to kill Madara. Although Madara still ran away afterwards, Hashirama really thought he had killed him at that time, but in the end, his brother did so many things.

Moreover, the two disciples he trained, one is more capable of doing things than the other, as they destroyed Konoha abruptly.

(A/N: As for the others, such as Kushina and the others' relatives like Uzumaki Mito, Minato, etc., I will find a new plot to insert them. Konoha has been scrapped, so this is also can be said as an alternative to digging the wall.)