Chapter 155 Tobirama's Water Release

Currently, Danzo's face became very gloomy. After all, Konoha, his village, is kicked off the position of the Five Great Shinobi Villages, he is hunted down by a powerhouse, and he even lost a few of his life-saving Sharingan. Fortunately, he still has a lot of Sharingan in his stash, and he just re-transplanted them after returning. If he had only one life, he would have been killed by Kakuzu, but Kakuzu's weirdness also made him try his best to search for information.

But now, his intelligence network is completely paralyzed, so where can he find other people's secrets? This is annoying him. Apart from hiding, he can't think of any way, so he can only target those of the Hyuga Clan.

He wanted to use these people to create a large number of children with Byakugan Kekkei Genkai, and then cultivate them. After ten or twenty years, he will rise again, and at that time, he will take revenge. It will not be too late after ten years, but he doesn't know if he can hold on for that long.

Just as Danzo was making his plans for the future, several figures appeared in front of him.

"Who… eh… Sensei!"

When he saw a few people appeared in front of him, Danzo was taken aback, and immediately stood up in vigilance, but after he saw clearly who was coming, he couldn't help but be stunned, 'Why did sensei show up? Shouldn't he already dead? And the one next to him… that person is Shodaime Hokage, Senju Hashirama, right? Didn't he die after the fight with Uchiha Madara? And that kid over there also got his internal organs emptied by my own hands, so why did he follow suit?' There are also Tsunade and Asahi there, so Danzo's brain stopped working at this moment.

"Why did you look very dissatisfied when you see me? I ask you, what exactly did I teach you back then that make you do so many maddening things?!"

After Tobirama saw Danzo, he immediately scolded angrily, and Danzo shuddered in fright.

"No, you are all dead. Why did you appear here? Could it be that the Impure World Reincarnation has been perfected?"

Danzo quickly reacted. Now that these people appeared in front of him, if it wasn't for someone pretending, then only Impure World Reincarnation would be possible. And he was also very greedy for this technique.

But without Orochimaru's help, and Danzo has been made into such a state now, there is no time to study this technique.

Of course, Danzo's heart is already cold at this moment. Not to mention the existence of the Senju Clan's three people, just the new God of Shinobi, Asahi is already very terrifying. No matter how he fights, he can only rely on his Izanaki now, after all, as long as this thing is still there, he still has chance of surviving.

"Forget it, I don't want to talk nonsense with you anymore, today, I will clean up the house!"

Tobirama looked at Danzo and shook his head. At first, he wanted to question Danzo, but after meeting him face-to-face, it suddenly didn't matter anymore. It was the same thing whether he questioned him or not, so he didn't care anymore, and wanted to take care of him directly.

"Wind Release: Vacuum Sphere!"

Then, before he did anything, Danzo already made his move. Danzo is good at Wind Release, but compared to Tobirama, he is still too trashy. In addition to Flying Thunder God Technique, Tobirama still has other techniques. And because he had just been resurrected, he only had a shuriken in his hand, and didn't have time to make a mark, so he just opened his mouth, and spurted out a lot of water, forming a water wall that blocked in front of him.

Moreover, Tobirama didn't form many hand seals. After all, at his level, almost all of hand seals are omitted. He only needs a few simple hand seals to release terrifying technique.

"Water Release: Water Severing Wave!"

A super-long water jet like a high-pressure water gun cut directly. This type of water cutting is not something Danzo's attack can withstand. In an instant, Danzo's body was directly cut in half, and then he died after struggling a few times.

"So simple?"

Tobirama is a little confused, 'Why did this bastard die just like this?'

"This guy has a lot of Sharingan, and Sharingan can release the forbidden technique of the Uchiha Clan, Izanagi. You don't need to know the specific effect, you just need to know that you need to kill him several times, and each Sharingan on him represents a life!"

Asahi said at this time. And Danzo, who was planning to pretend to die to the end, felt cold again when he heard this. The corpse on the ground disappeared, and he himself appeared next to Tobirama again. And then he opened his mouth and shot out a wind blade towards Tobirama.

It's just that at this moment, Tobirama directly turned into a puff of smoke and disappeared.

"When did he use the Shadow Clone?"

Danzo is puzzled, he didn't understand how Tobirama suddenly become a shadow clone.

"It seems that you have forgotten what I am best at. Shadow clone is a technique I created. In addition, the moment you were so easily defeated by me, I replaced my real body with a shadow clone. Although you look older, your methods are still immature, and you have forgotten what I am good at!"

A few arms appeared in the water and directly held Danzo, and at the next moment, Tobirama attacked Danzo with Hard Whirlpool Water Blade.

"Tsk tsk, hitting Danzo with a Hard Whirlpool Water Blade is really like using a cannon to kill a mosquito!"

Asahi recognized Tobirama's technique. The Hard Whirlpool Water Blade is extremely powerful. After hitting the opponent, it would turn into a huge waterspout. At that time, the location here was not very good.

"Let's go out first!"

Asahi took the others and left first, and this cave was directly destroyed by a huge waterspout and collapsed.

And Tobirama has long left a mark on Hashirama, so he also ran out with Flying Thunder God Technique. The people below suffered, and for except for Danzo who used Izanagi again to run outside, everyone else died.

The Hyuga Clan's main house who had been regarded as breeding stocks also disappeared, as did Danzo's only few confidants.

"What a disgusting trick!"

Looking at Danzo's arm, Tobirama looked disgusted. He has killed two of Danzo's lives.

It can only be said that Sea Release is Sea Release, Tobirama is no longer using Water Release anymore. Tobirama's Water Release attainment is already comparable to Kekkei Genkai, and even many Kekkei Genkai can't be compared to Tobirama's Water Release.

The battle after that was one-sided, and without any suspense, Danzo's extra lives were also removed one by one.

In the original book, Danzo wasted a lot of his extra lives in order to test Sasuke's technique. But now, facing an expert like Tobirama, there is no resistance at all, and he lost his lives every minute.