Chapter 156 Hashirama: Are My Cells So Popular?

After he lost a lot of his extra lives, the balance of Danzo's body is broken. There are huge restrictions on the use of things like Sharingan for outsiders, and there are so many on his body, so Danzo uses Hashirama's cells to counteract it, otherwise, his body would have been destroyed long ago.

However, after a large number of his extra lives were destroyed by Tobirama, the balance in Danzo's body was broken, and the face formed by Hashirama's cells began to release a lot of woodcrazily, and Danzo directly turned into a big monster.

"Why is there such a very familiar feeling?"

Hashirama asked in a daze.

"It's obviously because he transplanted your cells. By the way, your cells are very popular. As you can see now, ordinary people cannot resist the side effects of Sharingan, but your cells can directly eliminate this side effect."

"Overuse of Mangekyo Sharingan will result in blindness, but your cells can also eliminate this side effect, it might not be 100%, but it is still about 99%."

"Your cells are very popular in the Shinobi World, and one more thing, your grave was also dug up by this guy, and your flesh and blood are distributed everywhere, so it is impossible to find your whole corpse!"

Asahi said. He felt that Hashirama was indeed very miserable. He was tricked by Madara. His cells were used by Madara to awaken Rinnegan, and he just died without being able to do anything. After that, his corpse's situation was also not better, as his cells were injected into a lot of bodies.

Just for Wood Release, and because of he is Ashura's reincarnation, Hashirama's body has become the same as Tang Monk's meat.

"Are my cells so popular?"

Hashirama's expression became a bit grim. No matter how open-minded and magnanimous he is, his body is actually divided by others as a treasure, should he be happy or angry, he really has nothing to say.

"Then what's going on with him?"

At this moment, Tobirama also saw Danzo's strangeness, so he chose to stay away temporarily and came to Hashirama's side.

"Obviously, Sharingan and Hashirama's cells form a balance, and now that he has used so many Sharingan, the balance that was originally perfect has been tilted, so your cells have gone berserk. After all, although your big brother's cell is known as universal cells, they are not so easy to control!"

Asahi waved his hand, and at this moment, Danzo suddenly spewed out jet-black things from his body.

"This is… Sealing Technique… This guy is really cruel, even if he dies, he wanted to drag others with him!"

Seeing Danzo's sudden change, Tobirama is speechless. He didn't know what to say for what kind of mess has Danzo's body been made into.

"Unfortunately, this kind of trick is useless for people like you. Against someone who knows Space Ninjutsu, the target will just disappear the moment he activated the seal. Let's go, this guy is already finished!"

Asahi also planned to leave. Of course, he won't leave some hidden dangers. He has to see Danzo's end, so he simply sent this guy a little sun. After the explosion, Danzo was completely dead.

From then on, there would be no Danzo in this world anymore, as he has been turned into ashes. This time, Konoha is truly finished, as the rest of the people there can't make even the slightest wind. Before, there's still Danzo, and even if he is a little useless, he is still a strong Kage-level figure at any rate, but now, Konoha is not even a third-rate force.

"What a mighty power!"

Seeing that Asahi's casual blow is more powerful than Bijudama, Tobirama feels a little scared. It is not that he's weak, as he is very strong when he takes action, but now, Asahi didn't make any preparation and just released his technique casually.

"Well, Asahi is still the new generation of God of Shinobi after all!"

Tsunade started bragging about Asahi again.

"Brother-in-law is the God of Shinobi now? Grandpa is the God of Shinobi in the past, then, who is stronger now!"

At this time, Nawaki had accepted this reality and asked curiously.

"Uh, this…"

Although Tsunade has always been bragging about Asahi from the beginning, she really didn't dare to open her mouth anymore. She wants to say that Asahi is stronger, but her grandpa is still there, and there's no way she won't give him some face, so the situation is a bit awkward now.

"Why don't we give it a try?"

Hashirama is a little moved. He really seems to know how strong Asahi is, and with his personality, he can indeed do such a thing.

"Forget it, if you want to fight, I will find you an opponent!"

As Asahi said that, he snapped his fingers, and a man in red armor and a big fan appeared.


Hashirama was shocked, and Tobirama immediately teleported and took Nawaki away from Madara. He was also confused at how Madara could appear in front of him.

"Don't get too excited, Granduncle, this is Asahi's technique. He can manifest the opponent's enemy, and the manifested existence has the strength, consciousness and memory of the past, which is equivalent to creating a real Madara, but he can be manipulated by him!"

Tsunade knew the effect of the Historia of the Dead. At that time, Asahi directly showed Hashirama to her, and if Tsunade hadn't known from the beginning that Hashirama was a fake, she would have completely treated that Hashirama as his own grandpa.

"A fake, but has all the strength of the past?!"

Hashirama was shocked, and so was Tobirama. They wanted to refute it, but the Chakra they felt from this Madara is too strong and does not look like a fake at all.

Before this Madara could speak, Asahi snapped his fingers again, and another Madara appeared.

Whether it is Hashirama or Tobirama, they both have Madara in their memory, so he can make another one now.

"Is there a limit to this technique?"

Tobirama is completely shocked now, even one is already scary enough, but now, another one is summoned. Hashirama is also persuaded. Although he is a little better than Madara of this period, he can't fight against two of them at once.

"No, if Kaguya is here, I can even create a Sage of Six Paths. Moreover, it is the true Sage of Six Paths in his heyday!"

Asahi said with a smile. The Historia of the Dead did have weaknesses, but why would he told them that? Telling them his weakness is ridiculous, and even if he told them, what can they do? One is that they needed to defeat the caster, and the other is to make Madara fear, how to do that is another question.

With Madara's personality, if they wanted to make him fear, it is almost impossible, unless Black Zetsu betrayed him.