Chapter 157 Akatsuki Is In Action


After hearing Asahi's words, Tobirama couldn't help but blurted out. This is out of instinct, not that he really wants to scold him, and Asahi also doesn't care. After all, in Naruto World, he is indeed very abnormal now.

"That's great, brother-in-law, can you let Sage of Six Paths teach me Ninjutsu? The kind that is so powerful that I can beat Grandpa…!"

Nawaki has already come out of the impact from being resurrected. At this moment, he is very emotional, 'As expected of big sis, she found myself such a powerful brother-in-law.'

"Don't even think about it. If you want to defeat your grandfather, it is useless to use conventional means. After all, he is the Ashura's reincarnation. Do you think Ashura's reincarnation can be defeated so simply?"

Asahi said speechlessly. In the Naruto World, without his intervention, only Otsutsuki Clan can rule the world, and the others have no chance to do anything and can only be cannon fodder.

"What is this Ashura? How can I be the Ashura's reincarnation?"

Hashirama is confused again. He didn't know what's going on, and he didn't understand why is there something he doesn't understand again.

"Sage of Six Paths has two sons, one is called Ashura and the other is called Indra, the ancestors of Senju and Uchiha."

"After Indra died, his Chakra continued to reincarnate, and so did Ashura. The previous generation reincarnated on you and Uchiha Madara. Otherwise, why do you think the strength of the two of you exploded so much?"

Asahi rolled his eyes at Hashirama. The strength of these two was obviously not normal at all, and in the Senju Clan, besides Hashirama, who else can use Wood Release and has amazing recovery ability.

Hashirama's Wood Release can change the world, but Yamato's Wood Release can only be used to create house, it is because of the qualitative change of Ashura's Chakra, so even if it is not impossible for Nawaki to surpass this guy, it is still too troublesome.

"So that's why, no wonder…!"

Tobirama suddenly realized. No wonder that both his big brother and Madara were so abnormal at the beginning, and their strength surpassed the others by too much. In front of them, the other people are not even cannon fodder. He finally knew that this is the reason for such thing.

He also wondered why he couldn't catch up with his big brother. His talent is obviously already good, but compared with his big brother, he is still suppressed so easily. It turns out that the problem lies here. It's not because of lack of talent, but because there's a cheat code inside Hashirama.

"Okay, let's end this matter here for now. Now, let me ask you one more question, do you want to join our Iwagakure?"

Asahi asked.

"It seems that we have no choice now. Iwagakure's current situation is indeed the village I am longing for. Of course, joining the Shinobi army is not possible, as it's time for us to retire!" After Hashirama said that, he laughed again.

Asahi also felt good about this. As for joining the Shinobi Army, don't be ridiculous, Asahi doesn't have to worry about this guy going to the army to cause trouble with the others.

Once this guy gets involved, he may damage Iwagakure's background, so it's a good thing for him not joining the army.

As for his combat power, if Iwagakure really has something to ask Hashirama, there's no way he would be so shameless to just watch from the sideline.

"Since big brother has made a decision, let me join in too!"

Tobirama shook his head. Konoha is gone, and his clan is also in Iwagakure and their lives are good, so where else can he go if he doesn't go to Iwagakure?

"I recommend a place for you. You know about the moon we summoned you before, right? Orochimaru has created a research institution on it, so you should join in later. After all, with your personality, you probably won't be able to relax!"

Asahi knows that this guy is an expert of making things, and also an expert of forbidden techniques, so how could he live in retirement so simply? Instead of letting him researching secretly, Asahi felt it is better to let this guy work for him. Moreover, he has already made the insurance for these two.

"That junior's research place? It's indeed okay!"

Tobirama also acquiesced. As he indeed couldn't be idle, so he chose to go to Orochimaru's place. In fact, he still had a lot of ideas that he hadn't started researching. He died too fast back then, so many things weren't done yet.

Although even Impure World Reincarnation has been perfected by younger generations now, he still needs to research other things.

In this way, everyone returned to Iwagakure, and Konoha directly became history.

After the Land of Fire's Daimyo broke out of Danzo's control, he reorganized his country. He is now scared by Shinobi, so he directly ordered that Shinobi are not allowed to continue to be trained in the Land of Fire, and only Samurai are allowed.

After this order was issued, many people were surprised. After all, Shinobi are the mainstream now. For the Land of Fire to stop training Shinobi, and chose to train Samurai or something, it is indeed kind of crazy. After all, not everyone among Samurai is like Mifune, and there is only one Mifune.

So the Land of Fire giving up the mainstream Shinobi stunned everyone, but Asahi felt that it was normal.

After all, the Daimyo of the Five Great Countries are all useless people. During the Fourth Shinobi World War, everyone was fighting fiercely, but these guys were actually just staying up late to play mahjong, which almost blinded Asahi's eyes at that time.

He couldn't understand the thoughts of these people. Although it was true that they couldn't help at all, they were too optimistic and didn't care about anything.

However, it is estimated that this has been raised in the past, and no one will do anything to the Daimyo.

Regardless of the fierce wars in the Shinobi World, the Daimyo was not affected. It's as if it has nothing to do with them, so they probably regarded the Fourth Shinobi World War as the same war as in the past.

But this time, it is different for the Land of Fire's Daimyo. He was controlled by Danzo, and after that, he was actually ordered to do a series of things, so he was really scared.

He even didn't dare to have Shinobi by his side anymore, that's why he gave such an order.

For this kind of person, it is not strange to give such an order.

However, if such an order is issued, it means that the Land of Fire will become a piece of fat meat in the eyes of the other countries. They don't even have a Shinobi anymore, so won't it be easy and convenient for the others to bully them? They just need to find a reason, and they would be able to gnaw a piece of meat from them.

It can only be said that the Land of Fire is sending itself into the abyss step by step.

And Takigakure is also rising rapidly, and they began to swallow Konoha's territory. Of course, this is a later story.

Right now, in Amegakure, Akatsuki is ready to take action, but they need to think more about how to gnaw Iwagakure's hard bone now.