Chapter 160 Kitsuchi Is Full of Regret

"There are so many people!"

Looking at the crowded streets at this moment, everyone is also a little emotional. It seems that the Akimichi Clan has done a good job integrating into the village these years, and it has driven so many people in one breath.

"This reminds me of some tourist attractions, forget it, let's go there directly first!"

Asahi shook his head and couldn't help but think of those tourist attractions in the past, as the people gathered here are almost the same, but the crowds are not too much, so he directly brought everyone to the backstage with space ability.

The location of the main restaurant of the Akimichi Clan is very well selected. This is the largest commercial plaza after Iwagakure's reconstruction in the later period, and the Akimichi Clan managed to obtain the prime location. This time, for the event, a stage was set up in the central location.

"I heard that the Akimichi Clan also invited a lot of people to perform, and it almost turned into a festival."

Kushina pointed to the huge stage and said. It's not just about eating this time, as there are other shows after the competition.

"The Akimichi Clan is really going all out. No wonder Tsunade chose to participate, they are indeed amazing!"

Asahi is a little bit emotional. This time, the Akimichi Clan's action is indeed very big, and there will also be performances later, so isn't this equivalent to an alternative festival? This kind of thing is conducive to driving economic development, so Tsunade's support is not excessive, and the Akimichi Clan is also a Shinobi Clan, so she is even more supportive. It is no wonder that opening a restaurant chain can cause such a big commotion.

"Everyone, please be quiet, the Akimichi Clan's restaurant chain is about to open soon, so now, let me invite all the guests!"

Asahi couldn't help but stared at the host who was speaking on the stage.

"How could Kurenai become a host? It's not in line with her character!"

Asahi was a little dazed after seeing Kurenai, who is on stage.

"She didn't seem to be popular, so how come you know her so well?!"

The people next to him all looked at Asahi suspiciously. For him to say about Kurenai's character, doesn't that mean he has a relationship with her?

"What are you guys thinking? I used to pay attention to Konoha, so basically, as long as it is an important person, I would pay attention to them!"

Asahi rolled his eyes at them. He wouldn't say that he saw her from the anime, but Kurenai's role as the host is indeed not in line with her personality setting.

"Really? Then, forget it, I am too lazy to care about it. Anyway, there are more and more people in the family, and there are also a few at the back. Kurenai became the host because of Anko. At that time, Anko took a mission from the Akimichi Clan, but she herself wants to participate in the competition, so after receiving the mission, she can only ask Kurenai to stand in for her, and finally, Kurenai has no choice but to agree!"

To be honest, Kushina has given up. Asahi's ability to get girls is really out of this world, and with Asahi's character, he loves his family, so after a long time, they are all used to it, after all, Asahi always be nice to them.

They are very helpless about this, but the situation is already like this, so what can they do? The most important thing is that this is the Shinobi World, so there is no such inherent concept, that's why this situation happened. Otherwise, it will be hard to say, and it is estimated that Asahi's harem will be set on fire every once in a while.

"So it's Anko's fault!"

Asahi looked at Kurenai, who has unnatural expression, on the stage and didn't know what to say. He knew that Kurenai's personality belongs to the quieter type, and Anko belongs to the outgoing type, so it is understandable that such things happen.

By the way, the relationship between Orochimaru and Anko has also eased, mainly because of Anko's own choice.

Back then, when Orochimaru asked her if she wanted to leave, she said that she did not want to leave. After all, Konoha was her home at the time. But since Danzo started all kinds of things, Anko had also had enough of Konoha, and she also knew the reason why his teacher defected, so a bunch of blames were thrown onto Danzo. It can be said as expected of Danzo, the king of blame in the Shinobi World, he can carry all kinds of blame, and because of this, Orochimaru has become Anko's teacher again.

And Asahi has also earned some favorability, of course, he can only be regarded as a friend and it has not yet developed to the later stage. The number of girls in Asahi's family is indeed a bit too much now, and this is all happened without him knowing.

"Hey, aren't you going up yet? It's your turn!"

Kushina suddenly interrupted Asahi's thoughts. Now that Tsunade, Mei, and even Onoki are here, only Asahi is left. Asahi stopped thinking about the problems for now, and came to the stage in a blink of an eye.

"Old man, it looks like you are in good health!"

Asahi hasn't seen Onoki for a while, and the main reason is because this guy often travels now. According to what he said, he has carried the banner of Iwagakure all his life, and now that he finally has the time to rest, he naturally wants to go around the world and play.

So this guy has become the kind of dad who went to buy milk, and Asahi hasn't seen him for almost half a year.

"Well, my body is indeed very tough, but you are indeed very powerful, kid. Now, even that fellow Kitsuchi wants to burn you to death!"

Onoki was also a little speechless. His apprentice and his granddaughter actually got into relationship, but Asahi had nothing to say about it. After all, Kurotsuchi's personality is somewhat similar to Anko, so this is not his fault.

Strictly speaking, this is Kitsuchi and Onoki's fault. Because Onoki is Asahi's teacher, he often bragged about Asahi, and the same is true for Kitsuchi. After all, Asahi can be said to be the pride of Iwagakure.

They have completely forgotten that they have children in their own family, so under the two crazy bragging mode, a concept has been established in Kurotsuchi's mind, which is, Asahi is the most powerful person in the Shinobi World, and also is the greatest person in Iwagakure. And now, after Kurotsuchi grows up, Kitsuchi and Onoki finally realized what's wrong, but there's nothing they can do.

Kitsuchi fell into despair for a while. After all, the little girl he raised was actually given to someone else. After that, he might really have to marry her to this person. He regrets it very much. And if God gives him a chance, he would never brag about Asahi in front of his daughter, but there's no such chance.

"That's not my business. By the way, after this time, I will call Uncle Kitsuchi to my house and give you two something good!"

Asahi intends to help Kitsuchi and Onoki to create the Natural Energy Source. Now that the others gradually given those, there's no way these two would be left behind. After all, to be honest, Asahi is very grateful towards Onoki.

This guy is not Danzo. In the beginning, when Asahi's ability still had drawbacks, Onoki was the one who helped him hide. Therefore, although Onoki has not taught him anything, he is still very grateful towards Onoki, and he naturally will not let him die of old age.